Rapid Response Team Collapses – Turns Their Charter Over To John Cook

They lasted about four days, and never answered any of my questions. Below is their “old message.”

We will contact you shortly.

No you didn’t. Just more BS from the usual group of suspects.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Rapid Response Team Collapses – Turns Their Charter Over To John Cook

  1. Tony Duncan says:

    well, get some media Outfit like RedState or HumanEvents, or hell if you need a respectable one try Commentary or National Review, to ask your questions for you!
    Don’t just let them weasel out on you!

  2. Mike Davis says:

    WHO is CCCSE?
    We all know the reliability of the Cook site!
    Your 4 questions overwhelmed their abilities.

  3. Mike Davis says:

    Rumor had it that 700 from AGU or NAS or APS or some such group were going to respond to questions from political and press persons. As far as I can tell it was a PR stunt done by the leaders of this site. 3 people that were pushing to get AGW scientists to answer questions. These guys are good at cold writing questions to real scientists and corrupting the answers they get as replies.
    What better place to pawn off a pile of c@@p PR stunt than MR PR himself. DKS Cook.
    DKS is a new title that can be awarded to those that provide so much entertainment with misleading claims such as DKS Cook! (Don’t know S$$$) We could award them a PHD for Piled Higher and Deeper.

  4. True colors came out. More of the hackneyed piffle.

  5. GregO says:


    It is a genuine disappointment your questions were not answered by the Climate Rapid Response Team. One has to wonder if they even exist anymore? Did they ever exist? Did they ever do anything at all? Hmmm…

    Weren’t they going to fan out and confront the ignorance on climate change? Wow. What a dud they turned out to be.

  6. trucker bob says:

    It just seemed a good idea at the time. Back to the bunker, let the Twitter chatbot handle it.

  7. Paul H says:

    Apparently CCSE is run by a retired astrophysicist called Ray Weynman.

    Sounds a bit of a nonentity.

  8. MikeTheDenier says:

    And I got a lot of grief from the troll (aka ChrisD) when I asked if Steve really expected a response.. who gets the last laugh on this one ChrisD?????


  9. C Monster says:

    That is F@*king hilarious.

  10. Jean Rochefort says:

    No response after 4 days, and they call themselves “Rapid response team” ?
    I’d call them “Rapidly ridiculous team”.

  11. James Mayeau says:

    They were endorsed by The NEW YORK freakin TIMES, so don’t let the emeffers weasel out pretending like this was part of the plan all along.

    This is a wonderful opportunity for us folks.
    From now on when you post your counterpoint to the local paper’s AGW propaganda, as an addendum you can add these facts gleaned from the Climate Science Rapid Response team website.

    Doesn’t matter that the CSRRT never answered question 1. The point is to show the climate science propaganda mill in all it’s true glory.

    Steve I need that link.

    Where is it?

  12. Pingback: Mother Nature Sends Her Rapid Response Team To Scientific American | Real Science

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