Radical Communist Donald Harris

Kamala Harris’ father was a radical Marxist professor at Stanford University

January 25, 1974 – Stanford Daily Archives

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“Permanent Shift” In Antarctic Sea Ice

Antarctic sea ice is close to the 1981-2010 median edge and growing, and extent is considerably larger than peak extent in 1966. But the press says it is an “extreme low” and “signals a permanent shift.

Sea Ice Index Daily and Monthly Image Viewer | National Snow and Ice Data Center


“in August 1966 the maximum sea ice extent fell to 15.9×10 km ± 0.3×10 km .”


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Rapidly Accelerating Sea Level Rise

NASA shows that sea level rose at a rate of 0.9 mm/year from 1950 to 1995, and then accelerated to 3.3 mm/year from 1995 to 2018, but I can’t find any tide gauges which reflect that change.

Sea Level | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

Projections of accelerating sea level rise from NOAA were failing badly, so NOAA quietly changed their projections to push the divergence date from 2000 out to 2030.

Sea Level Trends – NOAA Tides & Currents

8518750.png (951×537)

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Technology Advances

Technology is starting to catch up with Stanley Kubrick’s vision in 1968.

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“The Hour Of Decision”

Shortly before the fall of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev, Al Gore and Carl Sagan were working together to push the global warming scam.

h/t Thomas Heller  @Thos_Heller

Soviet Life May 1990 global warming conference

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“fair & equitable”

The UN describes their plan to destroy the environment as “fair & equitable

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Michael Mann Continues His War

After defeating the Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age and the scientific method,
Michael Mann now believes he is fighting against Adolf Hitler.

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Time Travelling Satellites

When academics rewrite history and make predictions based on their own misinformation, they invariably end up with egg on their faces.

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Time Traveling Satellites

In 1970, Arctic sea ice was becoming “ominously thicker.”

“The United States and the Soviet Union are mounting large scale investigations to determine why the Arctic climate is becoming more frigid, why parts of the Arctic sea ice have recently become ominously thicker and whether the extent of that ice cover contributes to the onset of ice ages.”

U.S. and Soviet Press Studies of a Colder Arctic – The New York Times

“The Earth Is Cooling, Return of Ice Age Is Feared

Snow banks cover areas of Baffin Island today which were seasonally snow-free 30 or 40 years before the present cooling, J. T. Andrews and his colleagues at the University of Colorado at Boulder report. Similarly, pack ice around Iceland is once again becoming the serious hindrance to navigation it was during the “‘little ice age”

14 Apr 1973, Page 8 – Iowa City Press-Citizen

“Another Ice Age?
Monday, June 24, 1974

Telltale signs are everywhere — from the unexpected persistence and thickness of pack ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a warmth-loving creature like the armadillo from the Midwest.Since the 1940s the mean global temperature has dropped about 2.7° F.”

Page 105 – June 24, 1974, Vol. 103, No. 25 – The Vault – TIME

Wayback Machine

International Team of Specialists Finds No End in Sight to 30 Year Cooling Trend in Northern Hemisphere – The New York Times

The 1990 IPCC Report showed a large increase in Arctic sea ice during the 1970s.


Never mind all that history, though.  NSIDC has “newly available data sets” which show that Arctic sea ice has been declining since 1953.

“April 30, 2007

newly available data sets, blending early aircraft and ship reports with more recent satellite measurements that are considered more reliable than the earlier records, show that the September ice actually declined at a rate of about 7.8 percent per decade during the 1953-2006 period.”

Arctic ice retreating more quickly than computer models project

Since that report was written in 2007, there has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent.


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Adult Content On X

All of my images on X are now being blocked as “adult content.”

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The Climate Of 1923

According to NOAA and the IPCC, 1923 was one of the coldest years of the last millennium.

Climate at a Glance | Global Time Series | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis

Glaciers were rapidly melting in the official record cold.

“Medford Mail Tribune (Medford, Oregon) – 29 Dec 1923, Sat

Glacier Park Melting at a Rapid Rate in Scientist’s Opinion

CINCINNATI, Dee. 29.—(By the Associated Press)—The hot  seasons of the past few years have caused rapid disintegration of glaciers in Glacier National park, Montana, professor W. G: Waterman of North- western university declared in an ad- dress today before the Geological section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,

Sperry Glacier, studied by Professor Waterman, has lost one-quarter,  or perhaps one-third of its ice in the past 18 years, he said. If this rapid retreat should continue, the professor added, the glacier would almost disappear in another 25 years, but he expressed the opinion that the long dry seasons of the past few years is over with probabilities of a lessening in the retreat.”

29 Dec 1923, Page 5 – at Newspapers.com

“Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW : 1894 – 1939), Saturday 7 April 1923, page 2



Is the North Pole going to melt en-tirely ? Are the Arctic regions warm-ing up, with prospect of a great cli-matic chaange in that part of the world ? Science is asking these questions (says “Popular Science Siftings”).

Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers who sail, the seas around Spitzbergen and the eastern Arctic all point to a radical change in climatic conditions, with hitherto unheard-of high temperatures on that part of the earth’s surface. Observations to that effect have covered the last five years during which the warmth has been steadily increasing. In August the Norweg-ian Department of Commerce sent an expedition to Spitzbergen and Bear Island under the leadership of Dr. Adolf Hoel, professor of geology in the University of Christiania, the ob-ject in view being to survey and chart areas productive of coal and other minerals. The expedition sailed as far north as 81 deg. 20min. N. lati-tude in ice free water. Such a thing, hitherto, would have been deemed impossible. The United States Consul at Ber-jen, Norway, Mr. Ifft, also reports the recent extraordinary warmth in the Arctic. He quotes incidentally the statements of Captain Martin In-gehrigststen, a mariner who has sailed those seas for fifty-four years. The captain says that he first

noted an unusual warmth in 1918, and since then temperatures have risen steadily higher. To-day the eastern Arctic is “hardly recognis-able as the same region of 1865 to 1917.” Many of the old landmarks are greatly altered, or no longer exist. Where formerly there were great masses of ice, these have melted away leaving behind them accumulations of earth and stones such as geolo-gists call “moraines.” At many points where glaciers extended far into the sea half a dozen years ago they have now entirely disappeared. The change in temperature has brought great changes in the plant and animal life of the Arctic. For merly vast shoals of whitefish were found in the waters round Spitzber-gen, but last summer the fishermen sought them in vain. SEALS DISAPPEAR.

Seals, which used to be plentiful in those seas, have almost entirely disappeared. It would seem as if the ocean must have become uncomfort-ably warm for some of its denizens which formerly frequented those latitudes, causing them to float northward towards the Pole. On the other hand other kinds of fishes, hitherto unknown so far north have made their appearance. Shoals of smelt have arrived, and immense schools of herring are reported by fishermen along the west coast of Spitzbergen. Formerly the waters about Spitz-bergen have held an even summer temperature in the neighbourhood of 5 degrees above freezing. This year it rose as high as 28 degrees. Last winter the ocean did not freeze over even on the north coast of Spitzber-gen. This is on the authority of Dr. Hoel. This state of affairs is a cause of much surprise and even astonishment to scientists, who wonder whether the change is merely temporary or the beginning of a great alteration of climatic conditions in the Arctic, with consequent melting of the polar ice sheet. ”

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