The Saudi Arabia Of Wind

Five years ago, Boris Johnson said the UK can be the Saudi Arabia of wind power.

UK can be ‘Saudi Arabia of wind power’ – PM

The wind isn’t blowing in the UK, and wind power is producing only 5% of their electricity.

GB Fuel type power generation production

His wife’s father founded the Independent newspaper, which announced the end of snow 25 years ago.

Carrie Johnson: Who is Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s wife?

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past – Environment – The Independent

Sixteen years ago, Boris Johnson claimed he rescued climate propagandist Franny Armstrong from mean girls.

Boris Johnson saves filmmaker Franny Armstrong from attack | Boris Johnson | The Guardian

Franny made a movie depicting a schoolteacher executing skeptical schoolchildren.

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Defending The Faith

Grok and ChatGPT defending the climate religion.

“overwhelming scientific consensus and empirical data”

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90% Certainty – Four Meters Of Sea Level Rise By 2030

“GOVERNMENTS must yield national sovereignty to multilateral authorities able to enforce laws “across environmentally invisible frontiers” if the greenhouse effect, which threatens the future of whole nations, is to be overcome, the Commonwealth Secretary-General, Sir Shridath Ramphal, said on Tuesday.

A Commonwealth Expert Group set up to look at climate change estimated there was a 90 per cent certainty that the planet would become warmer by at least 1-2 degrees, perhaps much more, and that sea levels would rise by between one and four metres, by the year 2030. Global warming and sea level rises would continue for decades, perhaps centuries.”

Source: The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 – 1995) / Thu 26 Jan 1989 / Page 7 / Call for anti-greenhouse action

26 Jan 1989 – Call for anti-greenhouse action – Trove

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NOAA Climate Fraud Index

NOAA’s Climate Extreme Index shows that contiguous US summer afternoons have been getting hotter and are record hot now.

“Percentage of the United States with maximum temperatures much above normal”

U.S. Climate Extremes Index (CEI) | Graph | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

NOAA’s state climate summaries shows that hot afternoons have become much less frequent.

Wyoming – State Climate Summaries 2022

USHCN daily temperature data shows that the percentage of the US reaching 95F has dropped sharply since the 1930s.

The National Climate Assessment also shows a sharp decline in heatwaves.


Temperature Changes in the United States – Climate Science Special Report

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98 Degrees Too Hot For Phoenix Residents

Time Magazine says 98F is dangerously hot for people who live in Phoenix to play sports.

How Climate Change Is Affecting the NFL | TIME

On October 4, 1933 the temperature in the San Francisco Bay Area was 98F, and it was “ideal for harvesting” but “a little too warm for personal comfort.”

Oct 05, 1933, page 1 – Hollister Advance at

Oct 04, 1933, page 1 – The Sacramento Union at

I played on the soccer team at ASU in 1974 and we practiced at 3PM every day, typically in temperatures around 104F.  Phoenix had 18 straight days over 110F.  At that time, Time Magazine was fear-mongering about a new ice age.

30 Jun 1974, Page 31 – Arizona Republic at


TIME Magazine Archive Article — Another Ice Age? — Jun. 24, 1974


29 Jan 1974, 5 – The Guardian at

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Global Warming Threatens The Children

In 1997, Bill Clinton said global warming threatened the lives of our children.

Oct 04, 1997, page 7 – El Paso Times at

In 2010,  a couple in Argentina proved him right – by shooting their children to save them from global warming.

Baby survives parents’ global warming suicide pact

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Defective Memories

People’s belief that the climate is changing is usually due to “defective memory.” This video shows how to quickly get past that superstition using

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The Last Refuge

“Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”

– Samuel Johnson

(2) Liz Cheney on X: “Damn right, @Elon. I’m proud of what America did to win the Cold War, defeat Soviet communism, and defend democracy. Our nation stood for freedom. You may be unfamiliar with that part of our history since you weren’t yet an American citizen.” / X

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Consensus Science From 1974

In 1974, the consensus was near certain death, starvation and anarchy due to global cooling, while others argued that sea level would soon rise dangerously.

Lakeland Ledger – Dec 29, 1974

“Bryson and a group of fellow climatologists met last summer in Bonn under the auspices of a group called the International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study and issued a statement that startled many of their colleagues. It read, in part: “The facts of present climate change are such that the most optimistic experts would assign near certainty to major crop failures within a decade. If national and international policies do not take these near-certain failures into account, they will result in mass deaths by starvation and probably in anarchy and violence that could exact a still more terrible toll … We are aware of differences among experts as to the cause-and-effect relationships of observed climatic facts and, consequently, as to the most likely prognosis. Professionally, the differences are important, but they do not—and should not be allowed to—obscure the larger consensus that the observed changes are neither trivial nor ephemeral.”

The Bonn statement caused an uproar, and its strong wording was subsequently softened; a number of climatologists and meteorologists also took issue with the “consensus” it described. Prof. Mikhail Budyko of the Soviet Hydrometeorological Service, for one, discounts the significance of the recent cooling trend and warns that over a longer term the climate has actually been getting warmer because of human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, and that the sea level will soon rise dangerously as the Antarctic and other ice caps melt.”

Lakeland Ledger – Google News Archive Search

Fifty years later, academics are just starting to get past the Antarctic melting scam.

“during most of the LIG, the Ronne Ice Shelf was still in place, and close to its current extent. Water isotope data are consistent with a retreat of WAIS9, but seem inconsistent with more dramatic model realizations10 in which both WAIS and the large Antarctic ice shelves were lost. This new constraint calls for a reappraisal of other elements of the LIG sea-level budget. It also weakens the observational basis that motivated model simulations projecting the highest end of projections for future rates of sea-level rise to 2300 and beyond.”

The Ronne Ice Shelf survived the last interglacial | Nature

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Kennedy’s Big Oil Infatuation

In 2008, RFK Jr. wrote an article in the LA Times blaming a lack of snow in Virginia on Sarah Palin and Exxon.  Virginia is about to get buried in snow again.

Accumulated Snowfall (GFS 10-dayforecast)

Palin’s Big Oil infatuation – LA Times

The following year. Washington DC had their biggest snow on record.

Remembering 2010’s Snowmageddon in 10 images and scenes – The Washington Post

In 2012 the Washington Post predicted cherry blossoms would bloom in February due to the burning of fossil fuels.

Could cherry blossoms one day be blooming in winter? – The Washington Post

During 1946, Cherry trees bloomed twice in DC. Once on March 15, and again in November.

Ludington Daily News – Google News Archive Search

1 Nov 1946, Page 3 – at

During 1946, Purcellville, VA averaged 3F above the long term mean.  It was 79F on March 4 and 86F on October 31,

Their biggest snowfalls all occurred during the last 15 years.

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