Tracking Climate Fraud

NASA Rewriting US History | Real Science


30% Of GISS Warming Is Due To Data Tampering Since 2005

Visualizing How USHCN Hides The Decline In US Temperatures | Real Science

ScreenHunter_04 Dec. 02 09.36

How NCDC Hides The Decline | Real Science

ScreenHunter_320 Dec. 01 11.30

Visualizing How Wildly Corrupt NOAA And GISS Are | Real Science

Hansen Caught In Another Big Lie | Real Science

Another GISS Smoking Gun | Real Science

USHCN 2.5 Cheating Goes Full Hockey Stick | Real Science

ScreenHunter_393 Jan. 12 07.35

NOAA Temperature Fraud Expands (Part 3)

USHCN 2.5 New Temperature Cheat | Real Science


Raising Arizona


Hiding The Decline In Louisiana

ScreenHunter_330 Dec. 07 06.22

Record NOAA Fraud In North Carolina : Sixth Coldest Autumn On Record

ScreenHunter_330 Dec. 07 08.40

USHCN Sets New Record For Adjusting “Raw” Data


ScreenHunter_345 Dec. 14 03.42

The Real Hockey Stick

ScreenHunter_64 Feb. 15 05.45

The Big Picture Of USHCN Adjustment Fraud

ScreenHunter_54 Feb. 14 16.33

More Detail On The USHCN TOBS Cheat

ScreenHunter_47 Feb. 17 18.15

Sea Level Data Tampering

NSIDC : Pretending That The Satellite Era Began in 1979

ScreenHunter_54 Feb. 18 06.11

Mann Made Climate Change – Disappearing The MWP

ScreenHunter_75 Feb. 18 14.26

Sea Level Tampering Smoking Gun

Satellite Sea Level Fraud


Hansen Busted Again, Turning A Cooling Trend Into A Warming Trend

ScreenHunter_186 Feb. 27 03.52

NOAA’s Climate Summaries Are A Farce

ScreenHunter_162 Feb. 25 21.39

CIA 1974 National Security Threat : Global Cooling/Excess Arctic Ice Causing Extreme Weather | Real Science

ScreenHunter_86 Feb. 24 04.50

NCAR 1974 : Global Cooling And Extreme Weather Is The New Normal | Real Science

ScreenHunter_398 Mar. 08 00.16

New Data Tampering Record : Disappearing The Ice Age!

ScreenHunter_04 Mar. 09 04.29

Smoking Gun That TheNew Hockey Stick Is Junk Science

ScreenHunter_44 Mar. 09 16.28 

Another Hockey Stick Smoking Gun

ScreenHunter_176 Mar. 13 06.53

PIOMAS Smoking Gun


ScreenHunter_159 Mar. 12 22.22

Phil Jones Provides Another NOAA Smoking Gun

ScreenHunter_68 Mar. 24 07.22

Hansen Continues To Tamper With The Global Temperature Record


Hansen’s Christmas Present To Himself

ScreenHunter_23 Mar. 30 23.16

Hansen : Equal Opportunity Data Tampering

ScreenHunter_56 Mar. 31 07.44

Hansen Kills Two Birds With One Stone

ScreenHunter_99 Apr. 07 10.29

Raising Arizona


NOAA : Hiding The Decline In US Temperatures


2012 : A Record Data Tampering Year

ScreenHunter_104 May. 10 19.57

Hansen Smoking Gun : “it is clear that 1998 did not match the record warmth of 1934?

ScreenHunter_102 May. 10 14.57

Einstein : “If the data doesn’t match the theory, change the data”


GISS : 0.15 C Cheating In Just The Last Two Years

ScreenHunter_106 Jun. 07 22.04

Climate Cheating Central


Hansen : Hiding That Ugly US Cooling Trend Since 1920

ScreenHunter_131 Aug. 12 07.37

Arctic Sets New Record For The Largest Increase In Summer Sea Ice

ScreenHunter_128 Aug. 12 07.24

UN Announces That 0.00C Warming Since The Year 2000 Is Unprecedented

ScreenHunter_09 Aug. 07 07.44

Smoking Gun That The NOAA US Climate Extremes Index Is 100% Fraudulent


NASA : That Warm Period In Norway During The 1930s Wrecks Our Story – Let’s Get Rid Of It


NOAA Extreme Data Tampering Update | Real Science

Thre Generations Of NorthernHemipshereDataTampering

Three Generations Of Data Tampering And Hiding The Decline


Hansen Was A Naughty Y2K Boy

ScreenHunter_962 Sep. 26 09.36

Understanding Northern Hemisphere Warming

ScreenHunter_1389 Oct. 11 11.45

More On The Satellite Sea Level Fraud

ScreenHunter_1049 Sep. 28 20.04

Perfecting Climate Data Fraud

ScreenHunter_1391 Oct. 11 14.03

Sloppy With Their Tampering Crayon

ScreenHunter_1433 Oct. 13 06.17

Sometimes They Have To Tamper Data Downwards


The Sea Level Error Fraud


Smoking Gun That The Temperature Record Is Fraudulent


Latest NASA Data Tampering


NOAA Data Tampering Reaches A Tipping Point

ScreenHunter_169 Nov. 09 18.54

GISS Data Tampering – Worse Than You Thought

ScreenHunter_35 Nov. 15 10.19

Yet Another Indicator That The NOAA/NASA US Temperature Story Is Fradulent


NASA Demonstrates Unequivocally That Global Warming Theory Has Failed


Smoking Gun That NCDC Data Adjustments Are Incorrect


Mind Boggling Incompetence Or Fraud At NOAA


If You Like Your Government Data Tampering, You Can Keep Your Government Data Tampering


NASA’s Quest To Erase The Warm 1930?s

ScreenHunter_235 Dec. 15 20.36

In Case You Forgot For A Minute That NASA Climate Science Is A Complete Fraud | Real Science

ScreenHunter_285 Dec. 17 05.47

NOAA Cheating Just As Bad As GISS Cheating

ScreenHunter_281 Dec. 17 05.09

CRU Cheating Just As Bad As GISS Cheating

ScreenHunter_348 Dec. 18 06.01

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @NOAA @afreedma By tampering …


1999 version :
2001 version :
2012 version :
2013 version :

Thirteen Years Of NASA Data Tampering – In Six Seconds


NASA’s Fairness Program : Tampering With The Whole World

ScreenHunter_639 Dec. 23 06.35

Phil Shows That He Is Just As Good At Rewriting History As Jimmy And Tom

ScreenHunter_885 Dec. 26 08.18

GISS Busted Again

ScreenHunter_974 Dec. 27 21.54

GISS Busted Again In Antarctica


NOAA Messing With Texas

ScreenHunter_1077 Dec. 30 12.20

Ice-Free Days In Spitspergen Tripled During Non-Existent 1915-1940 warming

All of these links worked four days ago, all now lead to blank pages.

History Is A Thing Of The Past In The US

ScreenHunter_10 Jan. 05 07.17

1999 Version Of GISS Global Station Temperatures Showed No Warming From 1860?s To 1970?s

ScreenHunter_393 Jan. 12 09.07

NASA Destroying Evidence In 2011?

ScreenHunter_1220 Jan. 05 22.52

Settled Science Update

ScreenHunter_1353 Jan. 08 11.39

Global Warming Is Caused By Mann-Made Data Tampering

ScreenHunter_1635 Jan. 13 00.48

NOAA Hiding The Decline In Indiana

ScreenHunter_1616 Jan. 12 22.51

Hockey Stick/Team – Busted

ScreenHunter_1648 Jan. 13 01.27

1967 : Scientific American Reported 4 Degrees UHI In DC

ScreenHunter_1651 Jan. 13 07.00

NOAA Hiding The Decline In Ohio

ScreenHunter_1775 Jan. 14 19.42

NASA : If The Present Refuses To Get Warmer, Then The Past Must Get Cooler

ScreenHunter_1914 Jan. 17 06.26

A Good Visualization Of The Increase In Corruption At NASA Since 1999

ScreenHunter_20 Jan. 18 12.03

Another Smoking Gun From NOAA

ScreenHunter_32 Jan. 18 13.52

USHCN V2 TOBS Adjustment Is Double What It Is Supposed To Be


NASA : Hiding The 1970?s Ice-Age Scare | Real Science


Just Hit The NOAA Motherlode | Real Science

ScreenHunter_202 Feb. 05 17.26

Hit The Motherlode – Part II

ScreenHunter_229 Feb. 06 05.29

Hockey Team Overachievers : Hiding The 1940-1970 Decline

ScreenHunter_253 Feb. 06 11.29

Three Generations Of Cooling The Past

ScreenHunter_297 Feb. 07 08.47

Motherlode Part III

ScreenHunter_05 Feb. 13 18.42

NCDC Wiping Out America’s Hot Past | Real Science

ScreenHunter_545 Feb. 13 14.02

NOAA Falls Into Their Trap

ScreenHunter_543 Feb. 13 13.21

A Closer Look At USHCN TOBS Adjustments

ScreenHunter_37 Feb. 14 23.52

A Good Visualization Of US Temperature Fraud

ScreenHunter_202 Feb. 20 06.32

A Consistent Pattern Of Data Tampering Across The Planet

ScreenHunter_327 Feb. 22 19.30

The Plot Thickens

ScreenHunter_306 Feb. 22 10.26

Understanding The 1979 Arctic Ice Cherry Pick

ScreenHunter_292 Feb. 22 07.20

Motherlode Part IV

ScreenHunter_350 Feb. 23 06.55

Overwhelming Evidence Of Data Tampering At NASA

ScreenHunter_355 Feb. 23 07.12

Trading Places

ScreenHunter_447 Feb. 25 07.16

Preparing For The Hockey Stick

ScreenHunter_557 Feb. 27 08.26

Rewriting Their Own Past At The National Academy Of Sciences | Real Science

ScreenHunter_14 Feb. 28 02.36

1980 Vinnikov Showed The 1940 Temperature Spike Much Larger Than Current GISS

ScreenHunter_28 Feb. 28 08.32

Hansen : Many Decades of Cooling The Past

ScreenHunter_69 Mar. 01 04.37

Spectacular Data Tampering From GISS In Iceland

ScreenHunter_47 Feb. 28 18.11

One Fraud Leads To Another


Y2K Was A Period Of New Beginnings For Global Warming Fraud


NCDC Took The Lead On US Temperature Data Tampering

ScreenHunter_168 Mar. 02 23.38

An Entire Science Wrecked By Data Tampering

ScreenHunter_444 Mar. 12 06.30

Phil Jones Hiding The Decline

ScreenHunter_470 Mar. 12 10.10

NASA Has Reversed The Southern Hemisphere Trend

ScreenHunter_626 Mar. 15 10.10

NCDC Data Tampering Is One Of The Biggest Frauds In Science History

ScreenHunter_763 Mar. 20 12.22

Another NCDC Data Tampering Smoking Gun

ScreenHunter_825 Mar. 22 06.51

Stalker Update

screenhunter_626-mar-15-10-10 (1)

Is My Data Correct?

ScreenHunter_1054 Mar. 27 00.10


ScreenHunter_57 Apr. 09 06.35

ScreenHunter_63 Apr. 09 07.15

ScreenHunter_203 Apr. 14 09.52

ScreenHunter_314 Apr. 20 07.44ScreenHunter_316 Apr. 20 07.45

5.8 Degrees Of Data Tampering In Oregon

Mass Gains of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Exceed Losses

Zwally, H. Jay (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, United States)

During 2003 to 2008, the mass gain of the Antarctic ice sheet from snow accumulation exceeded the mass loss from ice discharge by 49 Gt/yr (2.5% of input), as derived from ICESat laser measurements of elevation change. The net gain (86 Gt/yr) over the West Antarctic (WA) and East Antarctic ice sheets (WA and EA) is essentially unchanged from revised results for 1992 to 2001 from ERS radar altimetry

Government Reverses Yet Another Inconvenient Climate Story


Tracing The Antarctic Scam | Real Science

ScreenHunter_36-Feb.-07-00.051 (1)

If NASA Says It, It Must Be True | Real Science

ScreenHunter_146 May. 26 04.21

NASA Eliminates The 100% Consensus For Global Cooling | Real Science

ScreenHunter_236 Jun. 01 15.54

What Is The Time Of Observation Of A Non-Existent Temperature Reading?

ScreenHunter_324 Jun. 07 08.30

Smoking Gun That USHCN Data Fabrication Is Junk Science | Real Science

ScreenHunter_307 Jun. 06 16.32

USHCN Temperature Adjustments Are Not Credible | Real Science

ScreenHunter_325 Jun. 07 10.14

NOAA Is Losing Colder Station Data | Real Science

ScreenHunter_462 Jun. 14 04.59

EPA Says That Winter 2014 Wasn’t Cold In The US | Real Science

ScreenHunter_966 Jul. 12 18.36

EPA Document Exposes Extreme Climate Fraud At NOAA

ScreenHunter_952 Jul. 12 06.55

US Summer Afternoon Temperatures Plummeting For 95 Years

ScreenHunter_945 Jul. 11 22.09

A Corrupted Temperature Record – And Clueless Scientists

ScreenHunter_941 Jul. 11 09.02

Ninety Degree Days In Michigan Down 50% Over The Last 80 Years

ScreenHunter_930 Jul. 10 20.48

USHCN Adjusting Illinois Temperatures Upwards At Three Degrees Per Century

ScreenHunter_928 Jul. 10 08.48

100% Of US Warming Over The Last 20 Years Is Due To Adjustments

ScreenHunter_920 Jul. 09 09.36

Response To Pat Michaels


NASA/NOAA Corruption Of The Northern Hemisphere Temperature Record


GISS Data Tampering – Worse Than It Seems


Another Proxy Showing That NCDC US Temperature Adjustments Are Bogus

ScreenHunter_743 Jul. 03 04.53

Onwards And Upwards At The US Government

ScreenHunter_235 Jun. 01 15.26

Government Scientists “Expected” The Huge Problems We Found

ScreenHunter_735 Jul. 01 08.54

GISS Diverging From Reality At A Phenomenal Rate

ScreenHunter_717 Jun. 30 07.51

Infilling Is Massively Corrupting The US Temperature Record

ScreenHunter_693 Jun. 28 20.18

Just How Bad Is The USHCN Data Tampering?

ScreenHunter_297 Jun. 05 06.17

Night Of The Living Infillers

ScreenHunter_688 Jun. 28 15.25

Another Nail In The TOBS Coffin

ScreenHunter_687 Jun. 28 14.49

One More Time …..

ScreenHunter_683 Jun. 28 08.56

Dispelling The TOBS Myth


NASA Is Constantly Cooling The Past And Warming The Present

ScreenHunter_674 Jun. 26 20.19

First Nail In The TOBS Coffints.ushcn_anom25_diffs_pg (1)

Another Smoking Gun


NASA Has Nearly Doubled Post-1940 Global Warming – Through Post-2001 Data Tampering

ScreenHunter_1851 Aug. 10 08.02

Shock News : England July Temperatures Are Almost As Warm As During The American Revolution

ScreenHunter_1845 Aug. 10 07.19

Understanding How To Think Like A Professional Data Tamperer And Propagandist

ScreenHunter_1822 Aug. 09 17.29

Government Scientists Explain Sea Ice

ScreenHunter_1806 Aug. 09 11.34

NASA: Hiding The 1960’s Decline

ScreenHunter_1794 Aug. 09 05.57

Shock News : Climate Models Are Extremely Wrong

ScreenHunter_1445 Jul. 30 09.15

Littlefoot Speaks Of The Great Circle Of Life

ScreenHunter_1777 Aug. 08 09.34

NOAA Fraud Of The Day

ScreenHunter_1760 Aug. 08 05.46

Experts Call A Massive Increase In Ice A “Meltdown”

ScreenHunter_1752 Aug. 07 21.34

NCDC Data Tampering Elevates US Temperatures From 7th Coldest To 41st Coldest


No Change Since 1977 Means Change

ScreenHunter_1655 Aug. 04 06.59

White House Ramps Up The Lies To Spectacular New Levels

ScreenHunter_1715 Aug. 06 07.12

Mark’s Greenland Scam

ScreenHunter_1701 Aug. 05 22.41

Sea Level Quiz For Dummies

My ICCC Slides

ScreenHunter_1693 Aug. 05 08.54

Mark’s Nature Trick (Part 2)

ScreenHunter_1675 Aug. 04 23.46

Mark’s Nature Trick

ScreenHunter_1667 Aug. 04 20.50

A Trivial Proof That Mann-Made Global Warming Has Had No Impact On Sea Level

ScreenHunter_1628 Aug. 03 11.33

USHCN V1 Vs V2 Adjustments

 ScreenHunter_1610 Aug. 03 07.26

Death Spiral Update : No Change In Arctic Sea Ice Area For Almost Nine Years

ScreenHunter_1618 Aug. 03 09.45

Proof That US Warming Is Mann-Made (Part 2)

Proof That US Warming Is Mann-Made

ScreenHunter_1553 Aug. 02 10.36

NCDC Setting New Records For US Temperature Fraud In 2014

ScreenHunter_1539 Aug. 02 09.30

1922 Shock News : North Pole Melting, Unheard Of Heat, Radical Climate Change

ScreenHunter_1527 Aug. 02 07.20

NOAA/NCDC About To Get Ensnared In Their Tangled Web

ScreenHunter_1518 Aug. 02 06.21

Smoking Guns Of Climate Fraud At The US Government


1910 – The Year The Climate Went Crazy

ScreenHunter_168 Mar. 02 23.38

Understanding The Divergence Problem

ScreenHunter_1475 Jul. 31 08.04

Smoking Gun That The NCDC TOBS Adjustment Is Fraudulent

ScreenHunter_1373 Jul. 28 08.21

Berkeley Mirth

Climate Scientists Vs. Actual Scientists

ScreenHunter_1301 Jul. 25 08.24

Data Tampering With Sea Level

ScreenHunter_59 Jul. 23 15.45

Climate Math : Almost All Locations Are Below The Mean

ScreenHunter_1262 Jul. 23 09.02

Hot Weather In The US Peaked At 310 PPM CO2

ScreenHunter_1211 Jul. 22 00.04

There Was Never Any Question That The MWP And LIA Were Real

ScreenHunter_1181 Jul. 21 13.37

NOAA Breaks Their Dishonesty Record Two Months In A Row

ScreenHunter_1159 Jul. 20 09.30

TOBS Update: Something Seriously Wrong At USHCN

ScreenHunter_1063 Jul. 17 21.50

Another Nail In The TOBS Coffin

ScreenHunter_1062 Jul. 17 21.19

NASA Hacking Australia

ScreenHunter_1047 Jul. 17 07.06

US Summer Afternoons Cooling For 120 Years – TOBS Has No Effect

TOBS – Even Worse Than It Seems

ScreenHunter_1033 Jul. 16 08.24

Putting The TOBS Scam To Bed

ScreenHunter_1025 Jul. 15 21.35

The Mid-Troposphere Cold Spot

ScreenHunter_45 Jul. 15 11.15

The Muller/Mosher Hockey Stick

ScreenHunter_995 Jul. 13 10.25

NASA’s Impressive Rate Of Data Tampering

ScreenHunter_966 Jul. 12 18.36

EPA Document Exposes Extreme Climate Fraud At NOAA

ScreenHunter_959 Jul. 12 09.42

EPA Says That Winter 2014 Wasn’t Cold In The US

ScreenHunter_952 Jul. 12 06.55

US Summer Afternoon Temperatures Plummeting For 95 Years

ScreenHunter_948 Jul. 11 22.38

A Corrupted Temperature Record – And Clueless Scientists

ScreenHunter_941 Jul. 11 09.02

Ninety Degree Days In Michigan Down 50% Over The Last 80 Years

ScreenHunter_930 Jul. 10 20.48

USHCN Adjusting Illinois Temperatures Upwards At Three Degrees Per Century

ScreenHunter_927 Jul. 10 08.41

100% Of US Warming Over The Last 20 Years Is Due To Adjustments


NASA/NOAA Corruption Of The Northern Hemisphere Temperature Record


GISS Data Tampering – Worse Than It Seems

ScreenHunter_752 Jul. 03 06.28

Another Proxy Showing That NCDC US Temperature Adjustments Are Bogus

ScreenHunter_741 Jul. 02 20.29

Onwards And Upwards At The US Government

ScreenHunter_735 Jul. 01 08.54

GISS Diverging From Reality At A Phenomenal Rate

ScreenHunter_734 Jul. 01 07.55

Illinois USHCN Infilled Temperatures Warming 14 Degrees Per Century Faster Than Measured Ones

ScreenHunter_717 Jun. 30 07.51unnamed

Infilling Is Massively Corrupting The US Temperature Record

ScreenHunter_693 Jun. 28 20.18

Just How Bad Is The USHCN Data Tampering?

ScreenHunter_297 Jun. 05 06.17

Night Of The Living Infillers


Smoking Gun Of Massive USHCN Adjustment Confirmation Bias

ScreenHunter_259 Jun. 02 21.12

Precision Vs. Accuracy

ScreenHunter_619 Jun. 22 11.34

Ever Wondered Why NCDC Doesn’t Publish Actual Measured Temperatures?

 ScreenHunter_1618 Aug. 03 09.45

Proof That US Warming Is Mann-Made (Part 2) | Real Science


Thermometers Show That The US Has Been Cooling For Nearly A Century


ScreenHunter_2165 Aug. 21 09.59

Hiding The Decline In Greenland

ScreenHunter_2131 Aug. 20 06.46

Understanding The Hockey Stick

ScreenHunter_2095 Aug. 19 07.35

Removing The 1940s Blip

ScreenHunter_2219 Aug. 23 07.25

Four Months After Predicting The Demise Of Antarctic Sea Ice, NSIDC Experts Said They Predicted Record Ice All Along

ScreenHunter_2072 Aug. 18 08.06ScreenHunter_2073 Aug. 18 08.06

Learning To Think Like A Progressive

ScreenHunter_2063 Aug. 18 07.08

Arctic Sea Ice Coverage Highest Since 2004 – Close To 1974 Levels

ScreenHunter_2050 Aug. 17 15.15

NOAA Climate Extremes Fraud – Worse Than It Seems

 Smoking Gun Of Extreme Climate Fraud At NOAA

ScreenHunter_2038 Aug. 17 11.40

US Having The Coolest Summer On Record

ScreenHunter_1982 Aug. 16 09.32

NASA Has More Than Doubled Hockey Stick Warming Since 1999

ScreenHunter_1980 Aug. 16 08.11

Onwards And Upwards With GISS Data Tampering

ScreenHunter_1965 Aug. 16 05.25

ScreenHunter_1969 Aug. 16 06.03

2001 Hansen Paper Highlighted The Spectacular Corruption Of The US Temperature Record

 ScreenHunter_1946 Aug. 15 05.51

Global Cooling Since 1997 – Worse Than It Seems

ScreenHunter_1939 Aug. 14 10.58

NOAA Cheating The People Of Wisconsin Out Of Their History

ScreenHunter_1926 Aug. 14 07.56

US Temperatures Being Adjusted Upwards At 3.6 Degrees Per Century

ScreenHunter_1904 Aug. 13 08.07

Three Degrees Of NCDC Data Tampering in Maryland

ScreenHunter_1893 Aug. 12 21.40

Another Proxy For NOAA Temperature Fraud


What Part Of This Isn’t Clear?

ScreenHunter_1871 Aug. 11 08.19

Getting Rid Of The 1940’s Blip

ScreenHunter_1866 Aug. 10 16.55

NASA Has Nearly Doubled Post-1940 Global Warming – Through Post-2001 Data Tampering


NSIDC’s 2012 Nature Trick

ScreenHunter_1806 Aug. 09 11.34

NASA: Hiding The 1960’s Decline

ScreenHunter_1795 Aug. 09 06.01

Shock News : Climate Models Are Extremely Wrong

ScreenHunter_1752 Aug. 07 21.34

NCDC Data Tampering Elevates US Temperatures From 7th Coldest To 41st Coldest

ScreenHunter_1704 Aug. 06 05.24

Mark’s Greenland Scam

ScreenHunter_1693 Aug. 05 08.54

Mark’s Nature Trick (Part 2)

ScreenHunter_1674 Aug. 04 23.45

Mark’s Nature Trick

ScreenHunter_1628 Aug. 03 11.33

USHCN V1 Vs V2 Adjustments

ScreenHunter_1618 Aug. 03 09.45

Proof That US Warming Is Mann-Made (Part 2)

ScreenHunter_1553 Aug. 02 10.36

NCDC Setting New Records For US Temperature Fraud In 2014


Calling NASA’s Ruedy On His BS

ScreenHunter_2309 Aug. 26 05.23

How NOAA Data Tampering Destroys Science

ScreenHunter_3233 Oct. 01 22.59

The Definitive Data On The Global Warming/Climate Change Scam

ScreenHunter_3232 Oct. 01 22.58

CO2 Drives NCDC Data Tampering


NASA Created The Hockey Stick By Hiding And Altering Data

ScreenHunter_3201 Sep. 30 07.31

Massive Alteration Of NASA Temperature Data Since 1999

ScreenHunter_07 Nov. 04 15.52

NASA Antarctic Temperature Fraud

ScreenHunter_3196 Sep. 30 06.17

No Correlation Of South Carolina Sea Level Vs. CO2

ScreenHunter_3192 Sep. 29 23.37

Fraudsters, Not Scientists

ScreenHunter_3179 Sep. 29 08.55

Why Is This Scam Continuing?

 ScreenHunter_3177 Sep. 29 08.32

Death Spiral Update


Another Smoking Gun That NCDC Temperature Adjustments Are Garbage

 ScreenHunter_3972 Oct. 24 07.02

Visualizing Temperature Data Tampering At NASA And NCDC

ScreenHunter_4124 Oct. 27 06.57

Why Katherine Hayhoe Thinks Time Began In 1970


A Good Visualization Of The Magnitude Of Data Tampering At NCDC

ScreenHunter_5147 Dec. 12 21.27

100% Of US Warming Since 1990, Is Due To Fake Temperatures

ScreenHunter_5107 Dec. 10 21.45

This Is What UHI Looks Like

ScreenHunter_5102 Dec. 10 13.30

Heidi Cullen Demonstrates How To Defraud Journalists

ScreenHunter_5070 Dec. 10 07.28

How Gavin Doubled Northern Hemisphere Surface Warming

155 Responses to Tracking Climate Fraud

    • Kyle says:

      Nice that they printed an accurate appraisal of the situation along with the disinformation:

      ” Aaron Huertas, a spokesman for the Union of Concerned Scientists, argued that the debate over the adjustments misses the bigger picture.”Since we broke the [temperature] record by a full degree Fahrenheit this year, the adjustments are relatively minor in comparison,””I think climate contrarians are doing what Johnny Cochran did for O.J. Simpson — finding anything to object to, even if it obscures the big picture. It’s like they keep finding new ways to say the ‘glove doesn’t fit’ while ignoring the DNA evidence.””

      • Well that is brilliant. Using tampered data to prove that the data hasn’t been tampered with. Only a progressive could come up with something that stupid.

        2012 was in a dead heat with three other years before tampering. The amount of tampering is huge.

        • Kyle says:

          Your argument is circular in that it’s based on your other claims of a ridiculous global science conspiracy. It’s funny that you do exactly as described in the quote above. The “gloves don’t fit” arguments that you make are generally limited to attacking a handful of sources. Many others all over the globe come to similar conclusions so the conspiracy is global, right? Every national science academy on the planet, for instance. The peer review of every paper that you accuse of being fraudulent, for another. And, the handful of FF funded and ideologically motivated excepted, the rest of the scientific community that reads them.

        • Either you are dishonest or a complete idiot. That is a temperature graph made by averaging the USHCN thermometer data. Trying to divert the mathematics to conspiracy talk, tells me that you are a mental midget.

    • Yup says:

      Why do you have so many US temp graphs? Is that an attempt to throw people off? Last i checked North America only covers 4.8% of the surface of the earth.When that is your first part of a list that mean you are NOT being honest and cherry picking data. You use the 1998 anomaly which is absolute proof of your cherry picking. You sir are a fraud!

  1. Kyle says:

    Would you expect Fox to reference a real science site? Get real.

    • Would one expect a moron like you to recognize science?

      • Kyle Towers says:

        Would you know that every lie and distortion on this site has been refuted, most very long ago? Would you know that those refutations are unacknowledged while the lies and distortions remain?

        Would you know that you’re nothing but conspiracy theorists, no different than moon landing hoaxers, 9/11 truthers, or creationists, who think that an hilariously improbable global conspiracy of essentially all relevant scientists (there’re always a few cranks in every field; more when there’s wealthy interests willing to pay for anti-science), every relevant scientific body, and every national science academy on the planet, but unquestioninglly believe proven lies from fossil-fuel funded propaganda organizations that DO NO SCIENCE?

        • You should probably read the content before copying and pasting stupid crap on other people’s blogs.

        • Roger Abel says:

          Suggest you start with the “Radiative heat transfer” by Michael F Modest… DO THE READING and learn what properties is possible for CO2 under the temperatures and pressures you find in the Earth’s athmosphere… Hard to read? then go back to “University Physics” and DO YOUR HOMEWORK !!!

        • If you have an issue – then state it. Your copy/paste rant is a complete waste of time.

        • Brian G Valentine says:

          Why do these people get to post any shit they want to here and I am barred from Real Climate, Think Progress, etc

        • DonNeedNoStinkinUserName says:

          I notice after reading a half dozen pages on this site that you (yes you kyle) are on here commenting constantly. Instead of trying to distract & disrupt Steve’s work, why don’t you go and start up your own blog ?? Ah , but thats not what you’re about is it ?? You are here with your ” . . every lie and distortion on this site has been refuted, most very long ago?” Tell ya what – put all the “distortions (fuck thats rich – a warmist talking about distortions !!) in a nice column then put down all your “proof” beside each one.

          I took the time to read 20 randomly selected emails from the UEA email dump. I thought if there’s anything “sus” in here it would show up in at least one surely. Two of them aroused my interest and further reading of replies etc soon proved to me that these guys had been manipulating data . . DELETING data and woe betide any scientist that didn’t agree wholeheartedly they went out of their way to sabotagethem, to get funding denied, started whispering campaignes against them. It made for disgusting reading so my advise to you is go play somewhere else Your craps not needed here !

  2. goodtallviking says:

    Gosh. Looks as if the AGW folks are still hoping for another year of government funds before we finally run them all out of town on a rail. Maybe they could party with the Y2K crown and the Population Bomb boys in la la land ?

    • phil highcastle says:

      They’ve rescheduled the party on their Mayan calenders.

    • Kyle Towers says:

      The science is not on your side. This denier’s lies are exposed elsewhere, but confirmation bias and ideology prevents you from consuming real science – or accepting it if you do. You either willingly believe the lie that there is controversy within science, or if you don’t, you simply dismiss all of science with a ridiculously improbable global conspiracy theory. Yet you ignore the open secret that essentially all climate denial flows from fossil fuel funded “think tanks” (disinformation units) that do no science.

      I dare you nitwits to go to the real science and find out why you’re duped; assuming that you have the background necessary to understand any of it.

        • You’re a denier Steve… Gaia will punish you for your sins. Accept the One Truth. Only your ideology, bias and all round evilness prevents you from accepting the One True Religion. You will burn as a heretic I tell you! Burn burn! You are angry with Gaia, and Gaia is more of an Old Testament sort of God, so he will punish you.

          I make a good eco-worrier don’t I? 😉

        • Kyle says:

          Listen up, Goddard. I didn’t copy anything. And I did read it. That’s why I know it’s crap.

          I note that neither you or anyone else who responded did so with anything more substantive than your content-free jabs. Most telling, no one even acknowledged my challenge.

          Not that I would expect science deniers to debate in good faith even if they swore to do so.

      • Jack Hammer says:

        Consensus is not science. Anyone with half a brain knows that.
        Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas, not CO2. How do you prevent water vapor from happening? CO2 is good, it is needed for life. Plants and trees inhale CO2. Climate change has been going on since the beginning of time. Man has not been on this planet but for an extremely small amount of time. The global temperature for the last century and a half has only increased .5 degrees. The average global temperature has been going up and down for the last hundreds of thousands of years. But you probably don’t have the background necessary to understand any of it.

        • Kyle Towers says:

          “Consensus is not science. Anyone with half a brain knows that.”

          Bogus “skeptic” argument! The consensus exists because the science exists that warrants it. I’ve investigated the science. I know why the people who know the subject best are in agreement. Hint: It’s not a ridiculous global conspiracy.

          “Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas, not CO2.”

          Bogus “skeptic” argument! What are the ignorant supposed to glean from that? That climate scientists are all too stupid to know that? That there’s a ridiculous global conspiracy? Here’s some science for you – The atmosphere overall maintains an equilibrium water vapor content. Warmer air has a higher absolute humidity at the same relative humidity as cooler air. 70% of the Earth is covered to an average depth of 2 miles with H2O, so there is no lack of water. Therefore, water vapor is a dependent variable; dependent on temperature in the direction of positive feedback for any other warming cause.

          “How do you prevent water vapor from happening?”

          You don’t, which makes my point very well, thank you.

          “CO2 is good, it is needed for life. Plants and trees inhale CO2.”

          Bogus “skeptic” argument! Has absolutely no bearing in the issue at hand. You might as well claim that floods are harmless because water is necessary for life.

          “Climate change has been going on since the beginning of time.”

          Fallacious “skeptic” argument numero uno – “Climate changed before . . .” As stupid now as the first million times it was uttered. Past climate changes in no way argue against the science of the present climate change. In fact, past changes provide much good data supporting the science. And again, what are the ignorant supposed to glean from this fallacious rhetorical device? That climate scientists are all too stupid to know that? That there’s a ridiculous global conspiracy?

          “Man has not been on this planet but for an extremely small amount of time.”

          A non-argument. If anything, the uniqueness of the current climate change is bolstered by the fact that we are new to the scene and causing a unique forcing – emitting 100+ times more CO2 than geological processes and increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration 100+ times faster than in the 740,000 yr historical record (at least).

          “The global temperature for the last century and a half has only increased .5 degrees.”

          Actually, I believe it’s more like .85, but either way, the “argument” is nonsensical. You make no argument for why that is inconsequential. You ignore polar amplification. You ignore the fact that that is past warming which was caused by lower CO2 emissions. You ignore the fact that there are time lags in the system. You ignore the fact that there was offsetting cooling causes as well.

          “The average global temperature has been going up and down for the last hundreds of thousands of years.”

          Billions, actually. Just another invocation of fallacious “skeptic” argument #1.

          “But you probably don’t have the background necessary to understand any of it.”

          I have the background, did the study, and you have revealed beyond doubt that you know less than nothing about the science by repeating such long-refuted nonsense.

  3. For the Love of Mother Earth, start thinking about “Ancient Geo Engineering”……Like hello is everyone on this planet stupid enough to believe that the Pyramids are TOMBS?
    Like Hello one more time for possible penetration into the dense minds of Earthlings The pyramids on the Giza plateau control the Hawaiian hot spot. Now why would a bunch of Highly advanced intelligent beings want to control a Volcano.? anyone.? yes you in the back.! what’s that you say? Thats correct….! did you hear that people.? Your not as stupid as you look down here after all. The semi bright human in the back said to control temperatures by controlling ASH discharge into the atmosphere. Very Good..Grass hopper! And how do we do this with Giza Plateau Pyramids on the approximate same latitude of the Hawaiian Hot Spot on the other side of the planet…? yes, yes, spit it out son! By gravity control..! very good, my son, very good, by gravity control, Now how do you disable a pyramid that was set up to control the temperatures on Earth? right again you open them up and turn them into amusement parks, And how do we place the pyramids back on line? yes, yes, Right again! We repair the damage CRAZY humans did to the Earths thermostats i.e. the Great Pyramids of Giza the book “Pyramid Gravity Force” the only answer to CLIMATE CHANGE…………..Shaughnessy’s law of Gravity AMC2=S explains the Hexagontum physics mechanics of gravity on a planet such as Earth, wake up and smell the coffee……People…..

    • Kyle Towers says:

      Holy crap! Is that ever a load of shite, and transparently so. Does this stuff really impress you guys? Are you that ignorant of basic logic? You don’t even have to know any science to recognize utterly fallacious arguments. I don’t know what the max. comment length is, but even a concise listing of the whoppers in that article would likely exceed it.

      The real question is, “Should I bother?” Are deniers even capable of processing any refutation, even ones that show that arguments are prima facie invalid because they are logically incoherent? I’ve tried many times and I’ve yet to find a denier that will engage honestly. They usually will claim that black is white before admitting that ANY denier argument was wrong even when it has been proven with metaphysical certitude. Sometimes they simply withdraw but I’ve never – I repeat – NEVER experienced a denier that would say, “Yes, that anti-climate science argument was clearly based on an error/lie/fallacy; I suggest that we retract it and dissuade others from using it in the future.”

      So, will anyone here step up and swear that you will engage with intellectual honesty?

      • Did you suffer a head injury recently?

      • Frank Jay says:

        I know I’m going to hate myself for trying to argue with you. But all the referenced article did was show that the observed temperatures fall outside of the rise in temperatures predicted by the computer models. It also showed that the observed temperatures continue to fall further away from the predicted ones because there has been little if any observed warming over the last few years. I don’t understand how this simple observation can be “totally transparent sh##” As more time goes on it will prove whether the observed versus predicted temperatures continue to vary more widely.

        • Kyle says:

          Frank, I must do something right; “Goddard” dishonestly removed the posts wherein I destroyed his claims and revealed him to be a liar and then blocked me. We’ll see if he’s developed a conscience since last summer. Very briefly, here’s some reasons why it’s transparent shite:

          The best metric that deniers use when lying about recent warming is global surface temps. At least it’s global and a metric that climate science has used. The fact that surface temperatures represent only 2.3% of climatic thermal mass is avoided at all costs. So is the fact that the oceans represent 93.4%. The fact that we’ve been in an extended period dominated by la Nina and similar events may be mentioned, but the clear conclusions one should derive from the above facts are ignored or even inverted. If cornered into discussing these obvious conclusions, deniers are willing to feign brain damage to avoid grasping them.

          Another way that the claims of no warming are a lie is that even using the poor metric representing only 2.3% if the whole that is known to be in a cool portion of a cycle, all of the 10 warmest years since at least 1880 have been during the time that deniers claim it hasn’t warmed. If forced to support this denial, their only argument is a ridiculous global scientific conspiracy theory. If you’re a raving conspiracy theorist, you might consider that there are plenty of signs of warming outside the temp data sets. IOW, if it really hasn’t been warming, the death spiral of Arctic sea ice needs explained. Deniers usually will Big Lie that one and then Gish Gallop to evade the obvious.

          Speaking of the Arctic – Another way that denier claims are wrong is that the surface temp metric has been skewed by insufficient polar data points when polar warming is known to be faster than the average. Studies correcting for this show surface warming significantly higher. The latent heat of the phase change of the melted ice also counts as heating, though it isn’t reflected in temperature.

          “Goddard” posted directly to me – just before blocking me from responding – one of the mist egregious “no waking” lies in the form of a notorious John Christy graph. That graph shows to plots of actual temps along with many plots from earlier model runs. Those two data sets are implied to be appropriate metrics related to global warming. They are not. I challenge you to find out what they really are. Some versions of this graph are based on only mid-altitude tropical troposphere temps. IOW, they’re from an altitude approaching that at which GHE warming transitions to GHE cooling and between -20 and +20 degrees latitude where GHE warming is, by both theory and observation, slowest. In some versions, the Christy graph also uses data uncorrected for satellite orbital decay even though that error was discovered and correct years ago. This is actually a very telling example of denier dishonesty. Both Christy and Spencer, denier favorites (and creationists), failed to find their error for years, refused to acknowledge it for years after others discovered it, and maintained their denial even after finally being forced to acknowledge it.

          Speaking of satellites – Those that make precision measurements if incoming and outgoing radiation continue to show the fingerprints of increasing GHE warming and increasing energy imbalance. They also measure a continuance if the contraction of the stratosphere caused by cooling. Said cooling being a direct, unequivocal result of GHE warming and only GHE warming.

          The denial industry lies about science. Usually they just tell whoppers, use dumb fallacies, and smack talk. For the minority of both deniers and the open minded that actually want to see the science, the denial industry perverts science. That’s what this thread does. Lots of graphs and sciency stuff to impress the masses and confirm the biases if the denier faithful.

        • Yet another psychotic defender of the cult.

        • Kyle says:

          “Steve”, your failure to address anything I presented speaks volumes. You’d rather not bring attention to them and for good reason.

        • Kyle says:

          “Steve”, are you going to delete my comments that defeat your arguments and reveal your dishonesty like last summer? At least you didn’t make that promise to engage honestly first. Apparently, even your dishonesty has limits.

  4. Kyle says:

    It appears that you all recognise that that link was to incoherent BS for dummies and that you can’t support any of your science denial. Not a True Believer in the bunch? Not one Dunning-Kreuger Special that thinks he’s smarter than a million PHD’s?

    What a shocker.

    • Only a complete moron would claim that a huge mass of content is false – without raising one single specific objection. Did you suffer a head injury recently?

      • Kyle says:

        Only an embicile would demand that I expend the effort without the aforementioned assurance that they would acknowledge refutations, support their claims, and use logical arguments.

      • Kyle says:

        And above all, cease using an argument when it is refuted by science or when no science could be presented to support it.

  5. Crispin in Waterloo says:

    Thanks for the collected manipulations, Steve. It is quite a compilation. I recognize many of the charts from various publications. It is interesting that number of people involved in manipulation of the US data is quite small and they seem to know each other. The trends in the adjustments are always in the same direction.

    Time is on the skeptical side of course. With the sun going quiet it is likely the IPCC will only get in one more report before the rats jump ship in numbers. Presumably by then there will be an international energy tax in place and the purpose will have been served. People can then focus on keeping warm and fed.

    • Kyle Towers says:

      The sun is most definitely not “going quiet”. The recent warming has been during a prolonged period of waning solar output, which has somewhat offset GHE warming. these are facts, deniers.

      • Smokey says:

        I see that Kyle Towers now presumes to speak for the Sun.

        Steve is right: Towers is a moron…

        …as is everyone else who relies on the emotional word “denier”, in place of rational thinking.

        What, exactly, are people “denying”? I don’t deny that the climate always changes — naturally. And I do not deny that Kyle is a complete moron, or an “embicile” [whatever that non-word means].

        See? I’m no denier. ?

        Kyle’s central problem is that the planet is not agreeing with his predictions of climate doom. Nothing either unusual or unprecedented is occurring. Everything we observe right now has happened repeatedly in the past, and to much greater extremes — and during times when CO2 was a lot lower.

        So who should we believe? Kyle Towers, moron? Or Planet Earth?

        Because they cannot both be right.

        • Kyle says:

          The sun has been cooling for 35 yrs. Go to skepticalscience for all the links to primary sources (that’s “science” for you deniers).

          As for your moronic “climate changed before, therefore the science is wrong” idiocy? That’s stupid denier fallacious argument #1. How effin’ stupid are you nutters?

        • Kyle, did you hit your head on the pavement recently?

        • Kyle says:

          Steve, I take your content-free jab as another concession. You know the sun cannot possibly be the forcing factor at work and you know I have the facts to back it up.

          As I said long ago, deniers are incapable of ever admitting that any denier argument has ever failed. Thus, you hurl infantile insults instead of engaging on the substance.

        • Aha! The Maunder Minimum and Little Ice Age never occurred! Thanks for clearing that up.

        • Kyle says:

          Smartass remarks do not defeat the facts. 35 yrs of waning solar output. I told you where to look for links to actual science. You ignore the science. Forget about refuting it!

        • Sunspot count at 2000 peak was over 150. Less than half that today.

          Remarkably, it has been cooling since 2000! Well surprise, surprise, surprise!

        • Kyle says:

          I see that you are either confusing issues or switching horses. Solar output and solar flare activity are not the same thing nor do they make for viable proxies for each other.

          Assuming that you are knowingly arguing inre sunspots, then I must assume that you are giving great weight to “theories” that sunspots indirectly cause warming via another mechanism. None of these have gathered 1/1000 the evidence for things which you dismiss. That’s confirmation bias in a nutshell.

          Nice use of the Big Lie. No warming since 2000? Yet 9 of the 10 warmist years are since 2000. Is this new math or will you simply invoke the conspiracy theory to explain away the facts?

        • Latitude says:

          I see that you are either confusing issues or switching horses.

          come on Kyle….it’s easy, it’s basic physics, the evidence is convincing to rational people, the basic physics is confirmed by actual observation…

          …and it’s all fed into some computer game

          Name one prediction the computer games got right?

  6. Kyle Towers says:

    Not one of you science denying conspiracy theorists was even willing to pretend to engage honestly. I accept your collective concessions.

    I especially liked the complete dodge with ad hom by the grammar cop. Could he have made his attempt to deflect and distract any more transparent?

    You denier scum are losers. The only question remaining is which of you are duped losers and which are paid shill losers.

    • Andy Oz says:

      Ouch. Why so angry Kial? Is it because your grant was cancelled?
      I love the “paid shills” jibe. Considering the irony of trillions in carbon credits collected from honest taxpayers by your puppet masters in London.
      Nenana was an all time record, Antarctic is at record ice extent and the Arctic is normal and you are still worried about Warming? The Australian carbon tax worked! It took only 2 years! That’s why Australia will repeal it this September. There’s no need to worry anymore. Temps have “plateaued”.

      Chill man.

      • Kyle says:

        Thanks for that, denier loser. A quick analysis:

        First, the content-free blather: “Ouch. Why so angry Kial? Is it because your grant was cancelled? I love the “paid shills” jibe. Considering the irony of trillions in carbon credits collected from honest taxpayers by your puppet masters in London.”

        Then the lies and distortions: ” Nenana was an all time record, (wtf?) Antarctic is at record ice extent (lie) and the Arctic is normal (lie) and you are still worried about Warming?

        Politics instead of science: “The Australian carbon tax worked! It took only 2 years! That’s why Australia will repeal it this September. There’s no need to worry anymore.”

        Bare Assertion that cannot be supported: ” Temps have “plateaued”.”

        The key points are that you aren’t willing to promise to debate honestly either and present no science.

        The science is against you, deniers. All you do is cherry-pick, distort, make fallacious arguments, smack talk, and outright lie. Your position is that science is a global conspiracy but the fossil fuel funding (quite possibly behind this dufus’ blog) of a hundred “think tanks” that do no science is above reproach. Got it. ;o)

        • You sound like you need a psychiatrist

        • Andy Oz says:

          Kial, you are sounding like a troll from the Rapid Response team. And to be honest, I’ve seen Steven delete entire threads and spam posters for less than the raft of comments that you have typed so far. Steven allows posters plenty of rope. However, if you are not a troll, you’d need to tone down your language before anyone would respond without just writing you off.

          You said I lied about a few things. Interesting observation. Would you care to explain why these are incorrect?

          Arctic Sea Ice extent is normal right now, at least that’s what the chart says.

          Antarctic Sea Ice is record extent. Or is NSIDC a bunch of “liars”? And that’s without showing this years chart which is more than last year but it’s here on Steve’s site.

          I said Temperatures have plateaued. The UK Met Office and the head of the IPCC have both announced in the last 6 months that Global temperatures have not increased since the late 1990’s. Are they wrong or are they not scientists?

          Over to you Kial.

        • Kyle says:

          Only the willfully ignorant can misconstrued things so as to assert no warming in 15 yrs when the 10 warmist years are in those 15.

          Their argument, should they bother to make one, will come down to conspiracy theories. They always do in the end. All science denial, such as creationism, is just another conspiracy theory.

        • If you had been paying attention in your first semester calculus class, you would know that the first derivative at a local maximum is zero.

          Magnitude tells you nothing about direction.

        • Kyle says:

          Nice dodge. Now get back to the matter at hand.

        • Latitude says:

          Nice dodge. Now get back to the matter at hand.

          come on Kyle….it’s easy, it’s basic physics, the evidence is convincing to rational people, the basic physics is confirmed by actual observation…

          …and it’s all fed into some computer game

          Name one prediction the computer games got right?

        • Kyle says:

          Latitude – say something intelligible. The onus is on you to show how predictions have been so wrong as to refute the science. And yes, the physics is damn simple. That’s why it’s been understood for 150 yrs. That’s why the first US president briefed on it was Eisenhower.

        • Latitude says:

          Kyle blathered: And yes, the physics is damn simple.
          Kyle blathered: The evidence is convincing to rational people without them. It’s pretty basic physics.
          come on Kyle….basic physics should be so easy for a computer game to model…cake walk
          every prediction came out of some computer game

          tell us what happened… one prediction, just one….that the computer games got right

        • Latitude says:

          Kyle says:
          July 27, 2013 at 4:10 pm
          Latitude – say something intelligible. The onus is on you
          thank you…you can’t do it

          I’m off to Dairy Queen

        • Kyle says:

          Latitude – Yes, the onus is on you. You have made a positive claim. You need to support it. You seem to think that NO predictions have been “correct” per some std, which is nonsense. I could post any number of predictions and have no idea on what grounds you’ll dismiss them. That’s a fools game. Basic rules of logic require you to support your claim – make your argument. I accept your concession.

        • Latitude says:

          roaring laughing…….

          I made no claims at all….I asked you a simple question
          Name one computer game prediction that was correct…

          ….you can’t do it

        • Kyle says:

          Latitude – you can repeat your idiocy ’till the cows come home but will still be inverting the basics of logic and rhetoric. No matter how you phrase it, you’re claiming that the GSM’s have yielded predictions so flawed that the entire findings of climate science should be dismissed. You’ve refused to elaborate in any way. It’s a BS claim and you know it, thus you’ll not give any specifics for me to address.

          The basic findings have been warming, more warming at high latitudes, at night, and I’m winter. All have been supported by observations. Apparently, you think there are fatal problems with them, bit are too dishonest to tell me why – or even what they are.

          I accept your concession.

        • Latitude says:

          ROTFL…..still can’t give one example

      • The science is settled that you are nuts.

        • TNSteve says:

          Since when is any science ever settled. That position alone makes me doubt the honesty of the Climate cultists. They call people names and belittle anyone who disagrees with them. Amazing that they know all there is to know. Normally, true scientists welcome reviews and research to validate their research. The facts are the facts. I notice the Russians, who are getting the SOROS and government grants publish dissenting opinions. Makes me wonder. The carbon Ponzi scheme will make Soros, Gore and a few other trillions, redistribute the wealth of the west and accomplish nothing beyond making some men very rich.

          Make up carbon credits, assign them to countries, set up carbon exchanges, convince the west they must buy credits to offset their CO2 production, complete transactions and take commissions, continue the hype, make more money, etc. Once the US Congress refused to play, Obama had the EPA declare CO2 a pollutant and regulate it with the eventual goal of supporting the exchanges and the nirvana solution of a global UN tax and complete control of CO2 with fines administered via the SOROS,GORE exchanges. Always follow the money.

  7. Kyle says:

    Well, Goddard, you sound like someone desperately avoiding an honest debate. What’s the matter? Could it be that you know you’re lying?

      • Kyle says:

        None of you deniers will agree to debate honestly. The reason is clear – because you’re being maximally deceptive. I’m too busy to disentangle the same denier lies yet again. You won’t acknowledge any of it anyway. So go ahead and declare victory. You would regardless. Congratulations on having lies with more stamina than the truth.

        I hope you all fry in hell. Oops, that’s right, we all get to upon you. So much for individual choice.

        • kyle you just arent bright enough to understand what we are talking about

        • Andy Oz says:

          I don’t believe in heaven or hell as you alarmist religious types seem to do so your insult is really just hot air. I believe in the sun and the earth. I can see both of those. I’m big on that. Helps with credibility.

        • Kyle says:

          Steven again flings poo because he has no valid arguments.

        • I’m not qualified to give you the brain surgery you require.

        • Kyle says:

          Yo, Andy, I’m an atheist. You on the other hand are on the side of all the fundamentalist science deniers. You know the type – Jebus rode a triceratops and gawd promised not to destroy the Earth, so climate science is a global conspiracy.

        • Kyle says:

          Steven, you’re clearly not qualified to debate science. You prove it every time you make science-free comments and run from the facts.

  8. Kyle says:

    Thanks for responding precisely as I predicted.

    • Andy Oz says:

      This isn’t a debate, Kyle. “The science is settled”so you alarmists keep saying. I was totally unimpressed by Obama’s speech. His answer to all imaginary problems is to increase taxes , just like Julia Gillards was even after she lied outright to all Australians before the last election. She has now been banished and so soon will the stupid Aussie Carbon Tax. People don’t like leaders who tax the crap out of them for imaginary threats. They eventually sack them. Perhaps you should watch the Great Global Warming Swindle on youtube. It’s very enlightening with lots of real science.

  9. Latitude says:

    poor Kyle….he’s been bamboozled by computer games…..that have been wrong about everything they predicted

    • Kyle says:

      Just as wrong as the first million times that denier scum wrote off the science as being only simulations. Far from it. The evidence is convincing to rational people without them. It’s pretty basic physics. That’s why we’ve

      • Latitude says:

        every prediction is from computer games…
        …name one prediction the computer games got right

        • Kyle says:

          Many predictions have been quite good, but you ignore the fact that the basic physics is confirmed by actual observation. Predictions of future climate are one thing; today’s climate is not a prediction. (Though it once was and is toward the extreme end of them.)

        • Latitude says:

          you’re doing exactly what you have accused Steven of doing….
          …name one

        • Kyle says:

          Latitude – you name a prediction that you consider to be fatally flawed. So flawed that all the science should be dismissed. Local impacts are not sufficient. Short term timing discrepancies aren’t either. Nor is a 30% error if the error bands were +/- 50%.

        • Latitude says:

          you’re doing exactly what you have accused Steven of doing….
          …name one

        • Kyle says:

          Latitude – you repeat yourself, so I shall, too.

          Name a prediction sufficiently wrong to refute the science and defend said conclusion using SCIENTIFICALLY VALID arguments.

        • Latitude says:

          thank you….you can’t do it

  10. Kyle says:

    Again, denier ftards, please address these simple facts and square them with your science denial:

    1) Human CO2 contributions are 130+ times that of the largest geological source, volcanism.

    2) Atmospheric CO2 concentration is rising 100+ times faster than at any time in the 800,000 yr historical record.

    • And no warming for 17 years! Go figure.

      • Kyle says:

        Big Lie! Go figure!

        1) All 10 warmist years are in those 17.

        2) The statistical tests show 18 yrs to he the minimum for detecting the trend at 95% CL. Congratulations for being the first denier scum to actually use it (too bad it’s a bald-faced lie). Usually they rant about 10, 12, 13, 15, or 16 yrs, oivious to the fact that they’re not just wrong, they’re statistically invalid!

        • IQ test for you Kyle.

          If a sheep is walking near the top of hill, is he climbing or descending?

        • Kyle says:

          IQ test for you, Steven – What makes you think you can detect an inflection point in a time period smaller than that required to even detect slope?!

          What a MORON!!!

        • IQ test for you Kyle. Why would you trust climate models when they are all catastrophically incorrect?

        • Kyle says:

          Another nice dodge. LOL. I accept your concession inre the inflection point, denier scum.

          Now, explain precisely what it is that you find in the model predictions that is fatal to the science and why. If you can’t even formulate a cogent argument, I feel now need to try to guess at it and then refute it.

        • You appear to be suffering some mental health issues. Are you getting professional help for them?

        • Kyle says:

          And you appear incapable of dealing with your last implosion. Your graph in no way deals with the requirements for statistical significance even if it were the appropriate graph.

          Also, you make it clear every time you fling poo instead of making and supporting a scientific argument that deniers are anti-science.

        • ROFLMAO

          Statistical significance of a slope of zero (i.e. no correlation)? Have you taken any mathematics past high school?

    • Latitude says:

      Kyle blathered: The evidence is convincing to rational people without them. It’s pretty basic physics.
      come on Kyle….basic physics should be so easy for a computer game to model…cake walk
      every prediction came out of some computer game

      tell us what happened… one prediction, just one….that the computer games got right

    • Latitude says:

      1. wrong…oceans
      2. wrong….look it up

  11. Richard T. Fowler says:

    What I’ve mainly gleaned from this little ballyhoo is that someone named Kyle believes:

    A) that there exist only ten “warmist” years in the temperature record; and
    B) that a “GSM” is some kind of climate model, instead of a telecommunication standard; and
    C) that the flinging of any “poo” in a science-related debate is definitive proof of the flinger being anti-science.

  12. If CO2 is 400 ppm and water vapor in the tropics can be up to 4% of the atmosphere, it means water vapor is 40,000 ppm in the tropics which is 100 times more than CO2. But it’s 100 times more by weight, and weight is not what matters, it’s the number of molecules that matters. And since a CO2 molecule is 2.5 times heavier than a H2O molecule, it means there are 250 times more water vapor molecules in tropical air than CO2 molecules. And since each water molecule is a BETTER absorber of infrared than a CO2 molecule, I’m figuring that water vapor is 300 times more important as a greenhouse gas than CO2 in the tropics. And since the tropics is where earth gets most of its sunlight, I am here to say that CO2 is a negligible greenhouse gas. The greenhouse effect on earth is caused by water vapor, period. All the other gases don’t amount to a hill of shizzle. The northern hemisphere is warming. The southern hemisphere is cooling. Since the CO2 in each hemisphere is the same, it’s not the CO2, stupid.

    • Kyle Towers says:

      I’m here to tell you that you’re not smarter than a million PHDs. every Dunning-Kreuger Effect moron thinks they’ve figured out where the entire global scientific community made a mistake. Yours is but one of dozens of entirely different supposed “fatal flaws” in the science. The scientists know what you just spouted (assuming you haven’t made an error, which isn’t a good assumption) and 10,000 times more that you can;t even imagine. Think that they all missed something basic like this says NOTHING about the science and EVERYTHING about you.

      Now, assumining you aren’t in error, what you missed – BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT A CLIMATE SCIENTIST – includes:

      1) Water concentration is high in the tropics at low altitudes. At higher altitudes, the air is exceptionally cold all over the globe and exceptionally dry. Also, the high, thin atmosphere extends many times further than the low, dense atmosphere. The CO2 at high altitudes dominates the CO2 GHE.

      2) The Earth is 70% covered with water to an average depth of two miles and most of the remaining 30% is relatively wet. There is many orders of magnitude more water than needed to fully saturate the air at ANY temperature up to that at which the oceans boil away. Therefore, the water content of the air is in equilibrium with this vast source of water at any prevailing conditions. IOW, water is a DEPENDENT variable; dependent on temperature, mostly. If you are positing that water is an INDEPENDENT variable, then, as with CO2, you need to demonstrate an increase in water vapor that is NOT simply equilibrium seeking; NOT caused by warming. All you’ve done here is show that water vapor is a positive feedback that amplifies the effect initiated by the CO2.

      • You are so stupid it boggles. Water vapor is indeed concentrated in the tropics, which is where the sun shines so that’s where it matters. Water vapor is indeed concentrated at lower elevations, which is where the greenhouse effect warms the surface, so that’s where it matters. You say the CO2 at high altitudes dominates the GHE up there where it doesn’t matter, well yes, that’s why it’s so cold up there…because CO2 doesn’t amount to a hill of shizzle. You are a typical libtard warmtard. The million PhD’s know a lot, but they lie. AGW is a trillion dollar industry. They lie because they want your money. They lie for the same reason your hookers say you are handsome.

      • Now to discuss your rant about water being a dependent variable and how deep the oceans are and that water vapor is in equilibrium with liquid and all that….none of that matters. All that matters is the water vapor is in the atmosphere. I don’t care how it got there. I don’t care if it came from the sea, or if it was blown in by a giant water breathing dragon. It’s there and it absorbs infrared. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a positive feedback for CO2 because CO2 doesn’t amount to a hill of shizzle. The GHE is initiated by CO2? You are a warmtard because I already showed that the GHE is initiated, mediated, and finalized by water vapor. If all the CO2 in the atmosphere went away, the temperature of the earth would be .000000000001 degrees colder because CO2 doesn’t amount to a hill of shizzle.

      • Pierre Vallieres says:

        Are you a climate scientist, what University did you study at, what was your Specialty, where are you now, who do you work for? I have known Morons in my life, but you’re the Cherry on the sundae! A real buffoon, as we say in French. I see that the closest you ever came to a brain storm was a light drizzle.

  13. Just to do a little math for you. The IPCC and other warmtards are in consensus that increasing the CO2 from pre-industrial levels of 270 to today’s 400 ppm added 0.8 ? to the earth’s surface. That means doubling it from pre-industrial levels (increasing it from 270 to 540) would add another .8 for a total of 1.6 ?. With me so far? So, every doubling of CO2 adds 1.6 degrees and if we throw in methane, nitrates, sulfates, and freon, let’s round off to 2 degrees C. Still with me? But we find in Michael McElroy’s bible of atmospheric chemistry that earth’s greenhouse effect raises surface temperatures from 255 K to 290 K so it adds 35 ?. Of that 35 degrees of C, we figured out just now that all non-H2O greenhouse gases are responsible for 2 degrees, right? The other 33 degrees can’t be accounted for because H2O isn’t even a greenhouse gas, according to you. The rest of us have it accounted for. My calculator says 33 out of 35 is around 94% but all you warmtards pretend H2O doesn’t account for 94%, you say it’s some other ridiculous number like, oh… you just said H2O is just a variable that amplifies the really important 1.6 degrees from CO2. Have I made you feel stupid yet?

  14. Let me rephrase my statement:

    prev. statement: If all the CO2 in the atmosphere went away, the temperature of the earth would be .000000000001 degrees colder because…

    rephrase: If all the CO2 in the atmosphere went away, the temperature of the earth would be
    1.6 degrees colder because…

    Unlike globetards, I believe in accuracy so I autocorrect

  15. Rephrase again so the lietards don’t shill me:

    The 1.6? is if pre-industrial CO2 went away. Tiny bit more if current CO2 (390 ppm, down from 400 this May) went away. This is what real scientists like me believe. I took every science class in the book and got straight A’s, but Kyle thinks Al Gore is a scientist God so he listens to him not me. That’s why Kyle got fired from his job cleaning bathrooms at Wal?Mart

  16. DonNeedNoStinkinUserName says:

    Oh bad Morgan – it looks as though you scared the wee kylie away…..Or was he assigned to another “denier” site by his handlers at Climate Consensus Central Command

    • Kyle Towers says:

      This is a test. All of my comments that exposed the denial industry lies were deleted weeks ago at the same instant that I was blocked from commenting further. Goddard being denier scum, left my earlier posts up and made no mention of deletions or blocking. That’s how science deniers rig the game.

      • Sophist says:

        Kyle, You do realize all the greats like Galileo and Newton were called the deniers of their time. The consensus has in fact rarely been correct in anything of importance. If you study science and the claims of the ruling class, who establish consensus, you find some anomalies. I would suggest you grab one of those threads and pull. I would also say…do not let go of your doubt or angst against the rigged game. You are correct…but on the wrong side in this case.

      • Your posts were deleted for being abusive.

  17. Jeff says:

    Daily record high for Delta Junction, Alaska beat the old record by 19 degrees.

    Delta Junction, Alaska recorded its warmest temperature ever for Oct. 28 at a steamy 62 degrees. This soars above the time the mercury topped out at 43 degrees in 1962.

  18. Kyle, I have read your posts, and must agree…you are off your Meds. I too would like you to present a working climate model with about 3-5 years of Pre and post readings with a 95% or better accuracy across the spectrum. Your flimsy catch-phrase “I accept your concessions” makes you sound like a spoiled child. I am sorry that the earth isn’t a burnt up wasteland yet, and that you are wasting your life arguing on the losing side, but hey…facts are facts and your don’t have any on your side.

    • Kyle Towers says:

      What an idiot! You reveal your utter scientific illiteracy by demanding annual predictions within 95% over a time period that is a fraction of the length required to statistically determine even a trend! Dunning, meet Kruger!


      Any of you science deniers honest enough to admit how stupid his argument was?

      My guess is that the perfect record of crank solidarity will remain unbroken.

      • Sharpshooter says:

        You remind me of the story my late uncle told me many years ago, about when he (a 24 year old lieutenant from a Volga German family)an SS Captain he interrogated at the end of WW2. Same thug attitude, same smug demeanor. And based on your picture, the same fascist goose-stepper.

        • Kyle says:

          Since you failed to even acknowledge the stark raving lunacy of the demand that he made, yet defended him against me with nothing but an ad hominem attack, I accept your de facto concession.

  19. Sleepalot says:

    GISS fraud of Holar Hornafirdi, Iceland.

    GISS fraud of Teigarhorn, Iceland

    GISS fraud of Akureyri, Iceland

    GISS fraud of Keflavik, Iceland

    GISS fraud of Stykkisholmur, Iceland

    GISS fraud of Thorshavn, Faeroe Islands.

    Time travel at Grimsey, Iceland.
    Interestingly, CRUtem3 and GISS show the same 5 year data shift for Grimsey, Iceland.

  20. TNSteve says:

    There is money and control behind the cult of global warming. CO2 exchanges will make billions for the carbon credit brokers while doing nothing for the environment, except providing expensive repentance for guilt ridden CO2 polluters. It all hinges on global warming data and man’s guilt. I just wish research was fact based and not cult driven with directed results or no money.

  21. Latitude says:

    Steve, got a problem here….
    When you post the link to this… automatically goes into moderation hell on wordpress (WUWT)
    ..because it has the word “fraud” in the link

  22. Fred Fox says:

    Climate Change is a scientific certainty, but ‘global warming’ caused by mankind is not. First: Earth is recovering from the last glacial epoch that ended about 15,000 years ago. This is fact. If this natural phenomenon results in ice melting, that’s nature speaking for itself.

    The (overwhelmingly liberal) contingent predicting gloom and doom relies on mathematical models constructed by consensus scientists loyal to their cause. These models are constructed with a dearth of real-world information, because there’s so much we don’t know. What we do know, however, is often missing from the models, often purposefully. For instance: temperature observations from the uppermost atmosphere show less than half (actually closer to 35%) of the warming shown in the dire projections. Nature’s tendency toward stability (natural compensation—an increase in plant life to use more CO2 to produce more Oxygen) is ignored, as is the moderating massive ‘heat sink’ of the oceans containing 312 MILLION CUBIC MILES of water and covering more than 70% of Earth’s surface. And consideration of water vapor—humidity, clouds, rain, snow—making up about 75% of all ‘greenhouse gases’ is distorted as well. The natural feedback between the oceans, atmosphere and the entire hydrosphere is partly a function of organic processes; organisms naturally improve their environment in order to survive. This is nature. (Global Warming is covered thoroughly in

    As Earth goes, so do we—and in spite of what we are told by the politically correct, we are neither the cause of, or responsible for, it! To the contrary, EARTH IS RESPONSIBLE FOR US! Of course we should treat it with respect as our progenitor and means of life, but Earth and its inhabitants are evolving constantly and naturally, just as the Universe has been evolving constantly and naturally for nearly 14BILLION years. Mankind is not in charge. Nature is in charge, and we’re just a miniscule part of it. We are guests—not hosts.

    I’ve got LOTS more if you can stand it…

    • The report on Fred Fox’s link, and his summary of it above, reads like religious advocacy, although it has some scientific sounding phrases in it. Compare it to the reasoned discussion in the following paper: . In it Ruddiman and his collaborators discuss both sides of the possibility of whether the carbon dioxide and methane measurements they base their discussion and conclusions on can be falsified, both inadvertently by not understanding the sound connection to their anthropogenic views of global warming, and intentionally by any of the interest groups that have specific agendas. The soundness of their conclusion rests on the reproducibility of the data sets they resort to. While they conclude that deception is unlikely, their methodology shows how scientists debate theories using the factual evidence that can be reasonably obtained, and that can be tested for human intervention and deception, including by new measurements to confirm the accuracy of the present data, and new novel measurements from other disciplines that can independently verify, or expose difficulties in, their arguments.

  23. Peter says:

    It’s junk science.

  24. Sophist says:

    I am prepping for global cooling. Anyone foolish enough to listen to the political class and their purchased “scientist” are free to do so. I think too many are hung up on irrelevant facts and do not understand the total science. This is no surprise given the inadequacy of education and the general limitation of intellect.

  25. Ed Comeau says:

    Can you address and post your comments on the statements made by the president in his State of the Union address claiming 2014 to be the warmest year in recorded history and thet 14 of the 15 warmest years have been in this century?

    • Kyle says:

      My only comment is that the denial industry had ginned up talking points and fed the Bubbas some BS reasons to dismiss the report before the POTUS mentioned it, so they will be utterly unaffected. Quite possibly, being Bubbas, the fact that the black, Muslim, atheist, gay, communist,traitorous, Kenyan, Indonesian . . . did I mention black . . . usurper said it, they will give it less credibility.

      • Kyle says:

        “Steven” got the memo. Maybe he wrote the memo. Either way, like all good disinformation campaigns, the talking points have been agreed upon and all participants are circularly referencing them and adamantly supporting them no matter how transparently deceptive they are.

        “Steven” claims that the AP “admitted” that the claim of 2014 being the hottest year was “bullshit”. Reality? They admitted the obvious – that there are confidence intervals and that when the confidence interval for 2014 is considered with the confidence levels of all other years, it is far from certain that 2014 was absolutely the warmest.

        This is trivially true. Anyone with a scientific mindset understands that there are confidence intervals in science and that the small differences and other factors make these examples fairly broad. Scientifically literate people understand that the popular media seldom delves into statistical qualifiers when reporting science.

        At least some of those present (definitely including “Steven”) know this very well. They know just as well that nothing in this AP article remotely supports the childishly obvious misinterpretation that IS the entire purpose of the denial industry response.

        The obvious – to the scientifically literate and non-ideologically motivated – was right there in the article. Deniers will simply deny it:

        “An earlier version of the story quoted Rutgers University climate scientist Jennifer Francis as noting that the margin of error makes it uncertain whether 2014 was warmest, or the second, third or sixth warmest year. She said that regardless, the trend shows a “clear, consistent and incontrovertible” warming of Earth. That reference to the margin of error was dropped in later versions.”

        Now all of you can proceed to adamantly support the unsupportable and insult me for stating the dead obvious. And you’ll stick to it no matter what; no matter how dishonest you must appear or how much stupidity you must feign.

      • Kyle says:

        “Steven”, I see that you’re sticking to your strategy of never even attempting to defend your indefensible deceptions. Just ad hominem dismissals. I know why. You know, too. I suspect many of your minions do as well. You know, the ones that are knowingly deceiving, not the duped ones.

        All but the duped with the worst critical thinking skills know that your characterization of the AP article is transparent BS.

        Yet you will never concede it (that’s a violation of the denier handbook). And you can’t defend it. So you call me names. You know that’s tantamount to a concession but have little choice. Your fellow disinformationists don’t care and your duped minions are too stupid to see it.

        • freddy says:

          Kyle, climate curch acolytes like you depend on a global temperature, to eagerly attract public attention, but on the other hand curse a global temperature and complain that it’s value is only 2.3% of heat representation. Climate ideologists behsve not only like idiots but also schizophrenic. I am sure you welcome enthusiastically all temperature measurement manipulations by Karl, Hansen, Jones et al. which increase the not officially defined “global temperature”.

  26. omanuel says:

    Thank you, Steven Goddard aka Tony Heller, for using your keen intellect and your ability to communicate for the benefit of society in a re-enactment of the classic battle
    between selfishness and selflessness, truth and falsehoods, good and evil.

    The above graphs document that data adjustments have been made in order to mislead and deceive the public that financed the original measurements.

    Since the end of WWII, government-sponsored science has been used to deceive and enslave mankind. The most powerful world leaders and institutions (The UN, G8, Nobel Prize Committee, the National Academies of Science, federal research agencies, the news media, leading research journals, Al Gore, and now even the Pope) are in a last desperate attempt to save themselves and their positions of power by defeating truth.

    They will lose this classic battle again because selfishness limits their ability to grasp the benevolent and probably infinite universe, reality or God.

    YOUR GOD IS TOO SMALL was the title to a book that succinctly explain the problem facing the Pope and world leaders.

    There is absolutely NO scientific evidence the Universe, Reality, God is limited in space or time, but the Catholic Church and world leaders don’t like the idea life may exist on planets that orbit other stars than the Sun, and may be as important in the Big Scheme (Divine Plan) as those living on Earth, even those living in the White House or the Vatican!

    Copernicus first reported Earth orbits a fountain of energy in the center of the solar system in 1543. Subsequent measurements and observations [1] showed the fountain of energy at the gravitational center of the solar system made and sustains every atom, life and planet in the solar system today [1].


    1. “Solar Energy,” Adv. Astron. (submitted 1 Sept 2104; published privately 17 Mar 2015)

  27. Drew says:

    FYI – Nobody really cares about “global warming.” They really don’t. They may say they do (the younger people anyway) but when push comes to shove most Americans are not willing to pay more taxes in connection with it simply because it does not make any difference in people’s lives. They don’t see or feel the danger and they never will because it’s not there. Moreover, past ridiculous scaremonger predictions of both global cooling and global warming have not encouraged the average voter to take any of this seriously. Most people know by now that alarmism is used by researchers simply to get government money and mostly left-wing but some right-wing fascists in the government use alarmism to gain more control over society. As leftist Rahm Emanuel infamously said: “Never let a serious crises go to waste.” So we all know what this is about. Climate Change is not going to be a campaign issue in 2016 unless Republicans decide to use the fact that Americans are tired of being manipulated by fake alarmism as a hammer against Democrats. But Republican politicians are fairly stupid so they probably won’t use the democrats lies against them. We’re all caught between the frothing at the mouth, socially and economically destructive, lying evil democrat party and the mostly well meaning but easily intimidated and unbelievably stupid republican party.

  28. Tnsteve1 says:

    So all science is settled on climate change and name calling is your best response. Recently the Ph.D. S determined the Big Bang may be wrong and proved one of Einsteins theories was correct. The founder of the weather channel and the co founder of ,green peace have doubts, other Ph.D.s do too. I know climate changes but there is money to be made, people to control and wealth to be redistributed behind the current carbon issue. Certainly we should reduce and not pollute, but I am open to discussion and true investigation. Follow the money and the 97% group was not collected properly, investigate where that number came from for yourself. Certainly gore and other politicians are not Ph.D. S either.

  29. parliamentofideas says:

    Every gatekeeper needs a guard dog. The more secretive the Cache, the more vicious the dog.
    The Manns and BHOs of the AGW world have serious panache. They have hidden the data codes. The bosses pay their guards well to snarl and spume. Lawsuits are expected soon.
    Bad dog Kyle!

    • Kyle says:

      Yawn. Unsupported repetitions of tired old denial industry propaganda talking points. Back to sleep. Wake me if you should discover this thing called “substance”.

  30. Paul Mason says:

    The scale of this deliberate fraud is unprecedented. Eventually, the truth will become obvious to voters in all voting countries. I suspect Trump will bring an end to this fraud in 2017, Thank God!

    The guilty politicians and journalists will blame the “global warming” scientists. I guess the younger global warming scientists will blame their high school teachers and college professors.

    When this fraud is finally completely unmasked, I hope it will serve as a lesson for many centuries to come, so that science fraud becomes a MAJOR CRIME, with long jail sentences.

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