“Sea ice could be gone by 2012, scientists warn”


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One Response to CopyQ.jRFCjx

  1. Dave Burton says:

    It sounds like in 2007 Seth Borenstein didn’t know the difference between sea ice trends and Greenland ice sheet surface melting events. I hope that he understands it now.

    That reminds me of the PBS Newshour “STEM Superstar”† science reporter who reported that “Greenland’s ice sheet melted at a faster rate than scientists had ever observed, with 90 percent of the mass thawing in July.”

    Now that really would be climate change worth worrying about, if 90% of Greenland’s ice mass were to melt in a single month.?

    († No, I didn’t make that up. PBS really did call their reporter, who reported that 90% of Greenland’s ice mass had thawed, a “STEM Superstar.” You might be wondering wat it takes to be a “STEM Superstar” at PBS NewsHour? The answer is a Bachelor’s degree in feminist film criticism, with a senior honors thesis entitled, “Unzipping Gender.” )

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