My Fourth Query To The Climate Science Rapid Response Team

Climate scientists have been quoted in the press saying that sea level rise rates have doubled, and that sea level rise rates are occurring near the high end of IPCC forecasts.

Yet NOAA tide gauge data shows little or no statistically significant change in the rate of sea level rise. It is nearly identical to what it was one hundred years ago.

Is there any reason to believe that tide gauges (like tree rings) are no longer producing accurate information?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to My Fourth Query To The Climate Science Rapid Response Team

  1. Green Sand says:

    Guardian still on The Hottest Ever Year Theme, even on 25th Nov when lower trops are dropping rapidly.

    “2010 on course to be joint hottest year since 1850”

    “This year likely to match 1998 temperatures as UN scientists predict more floods, heatwaves and rising sea levels”

    Not sure there are many in the UK who agree:-

    “Snow arrives as prolonged spell of cold weather starts”

    “The earliest widespread snowfall for 17 years has begun to grip many parts of the UK.”

    Might be a few questions in there

  2. Mike Davis says:

    You are looking at the raw data before it has been adjusted for known problems like TOD, UHI, Siting issues, City Lights, And homogenization with known good monitoring sites inland.
    You are in que for the next available operator and the estimated waiting time, based on current staffing and number of calls waiting, is 4 weeks. As we are recently new to this the estimate may be off by up to 6 years, but we will get back to you! 😉

  3. glacierman says:

    “like tree rings” – good one.

  4. Erik says:

    “like tree rings”
    Sarcasm detected! – not fair!

  5. Green Sand says:

    Mybe they will let Grace answer for them:

    Amazing Grace! This will be interesting to watch as it develops

    “Satellites reveal differences in sea level rises”

    “According to the new results, the annual world average sea level rise is about 1 millimeter, or about 0.04 of an inch. In some areas, such as the Pacific Ocean near the equator and the waters offshore from India and north of the Amazon River, the rise is larger. In some areas, such as the east coast of the United States, the sea level has actually dropped a bit over the past decade.”

    • Mike Davis says:

      Regional sea level varies over long periods of time in relation to the ocean atmosphere weather patterns that are displayed in ALL types of historical records. NO magic bullet has been found to have changed natural variability.
      Gravity is not a constant and care needs to be taken when interpreting the results of the GRACE experiment and most other satellite experiments as well.

  6. Paul H says:

    ” We do not understand what you mean by tide gauge data. All our data comes from computer models and so must be right.

    Are you sure you do not mean tyre gauge ?”

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