David Appell Gets The Homer Award For The Day


David Appell thought he was being clever, and stepped in it pretty deep.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to David Appell Gets The Homer Award For The Day

  1. Rick K says:

    Idiot. (not you, Steve).

  2. truthsword says:

    Well the one he showed, down town Denver still has -4(F) so I am not sure what the heck he was thinking…

  3. suyts says:

    Maybe he thinks -8 F isn’t cold???

    “Ladies and gentleman, rarely are you privileged to see such levels of stupidity.”


  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    David who?

  5. Perry says:

    I have checked the forecast for which David Appell provided the link.


    5-Day Forecast for ZIP Code 80002

    Local Time: 4:06 AM MST (GMT -07)

    Partly Cloudy
    Saturday 7° C | -6° C

    Sunday -3° C | -11° C

    Monday -9° C | -19° C

    Partly Cloudy
    Tuesday -11° C | -18° C

    Partly Cloudy
    Wednesday -4° C | -8° C

    DA wrote “Besides, it’s absurd to think the the high temp in Denver would be -8 F.”

    I agree! The Tuesday high is forecast at -11° C.

    I do not think that Steve Goddard made a big error. I think it is DA who is wrong.

    In case DA does not approve this comment, it shall be posted on Steve’s site, so that the author’s mendacious calumnies are not conveniently ignored.

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      I saw the Weather Channel is forecasting “bitter cold” in the middle of the US from Canada all the way down to New Mexico. Denver is included. But not in the world of David Appell, whoever he is.

  6. Paul H says:

    I posted on his website pointing out his error.

    It is still in moderation over an hour later. So much for transparency.

  7. Perry says:

    Paul H,

    Appell is in Oregon, about 8 hours behind the UK. At 6 a.m. there, he’s probably just stirring.

  8. Anthony Watts says:

    Appell’s MO is hit pieces on other people to make himself feel better about himself, but he doesn’t even rise to the level of ankle biter, I generally ignore him.

  9. Anthony Watts says:

    Oh should have added: watch now, he’ll take umbrage and launch some new attack on his website.

  10. Anthony Watts says:

    Mr. Appell might have avoided putting his foot in his mouth had he set his Weather Underground preferences to display both °F and °C simultaneously. I do that to prevent any scale confusions.

    See this screencap of that output, which clears up this issue nicely:


    Steve feel free to post this image in the main body.

    For those that want to set their preferences at WU, see the “Edit my Page Preferences” at the very top of the page. Be mindful that this is a cookie setting, so may not take permanently if you routinely delete cookies or have them purged on exit.

  11. Nobama says:

    This post has likely quintupled his monthly traffic. I’m sure Google will be calling with an offer.

  12. Sundance says:

    An Appell a day keeps intelligence at bay.

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