“The climate models seem to be working quite well for the past, so we should expect that — at least when it comes to temperature — they will do well for the future,” Hegerl said.
Hegerl added that her team of researchers plans to look next at the causes of cold winters in the late 16th and early 19th centuries
Those climate models are awesome at predicting cold winters :
The climate models did not predict that the accelerating hockey stick would get stuck in reverse!
Can you predict if Obamacare really will be repealed?
House votes to repeal Obama’s health care law…. 245-189 vote….
First step done. But will it get through the next two?
link to story
They sent a message but will probably have to stonewall on any funding until 2012.
hope so — and defund AGW at NASA and NOAA while we are at it. If not that, why not put all the corrupt scientists in jail ? Perhaps both.
Hergle is beating her own drum from her delusional stupor!
The models can not replicate the past and they have wasted peoples money playing their Sim Planet games. She is lead author on a new paper that shows humans have contributed to climate changes since 150o and it is obvious by observing the changes in winter temperature. Hergle is probably co-matriarch of Climatology GIGO with Solomon.
Like a fancy automobile, the price of the U.K. Met Office’s supercomputer is inversely proportional to the worth of its forecasts.
Half a century after Edward Lorenz, any so-called climate scientist who fails to understand that complex dynamic systems are intrinsically “chaotic,” non-random but indeterminate due to “sensitive dependence on initial conditions” (the fabled Butterfly Effect), should have their bilious Prognosticator Awards rescinded forthwith. That emphatically includes smarmy Met Office verbalizers of Warmist persuasion, Luddite sociopaths concerned more to sabotage global energy economies than to conduct objective or even rational research.
A decade hence, when the Green Gang of Briffa, Hansen, Jones, Mann, Trenberth et al. is not yet eligible for parole, maybe Paul “Population Bomb” Ehrlich, John “Seething Maggots” Holdren, latterly Keith “Sandwich Board” Farnish, will still be holed up in their Texas Towers plugging away at passers-by. No pressure, guys… just keep up the rancid eco-prop ’til you drop dead. Good riddance.