March 2010 – Lots of Sea Ice – And Cold In The US, Europe And Asia

Sea ice was at its highest level in six years last March, and weather patterns were very similar to this winter. Hansen says that the cold weather this winter is caused by missing ice.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to March 2010 – Lots of Sea Ice – And Cold In The US, Europe And Asia

  1. Mike Davis says:

    Except when it is not!

  2. latitude says:

    See what I mean by climate scientists keeping an open mind….

    2006 was the lowest ice for this time, and in 2006 it caused heat,
    now this time, even though ice is not as low, it’s causing record lows
    and record snow falls…..

    2006 Weather in Review
    The year started off extremely warm. In fact, Quincy experienced the warmest January on record, while Columbia and St. Louis observed their second and third warmest, respectively. Daily average temperatures at St. Louis, Columbia, and Quincy remained above normal the entire month of January. St. Louis and Columbia never observed a high temperature below freezing that month, which has only occurred two other times in the more than 100 years of records kept.

    Never accuse climate scientists of having a closed mind…
    ..climate science is always evolving

  3. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    La Nina will slow ice decrease this summer. With weather being unexpectedly cold this winter (but is not taking Piers Corbyn by surprise) it will be interesting if that cool will carry on this summer in the Northern Hemisphere and slow North Pole ice decline even more.

    On the DMi graph 2006 was lowest at this time in January. But in August it was highest. I will like watching if 2011 follows a similar track. I am not going to say it will be higher than 2006 in August. I don’t think it will. But I’m pretty sure 2011 will be higher than 2009.

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