Hansen : 225 MPH Hurricane Winds


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Hansen : 225 MPH Hurricane Winds

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    The world needs to be saved from global warming James Hansen.

  2. Pingback: 30 Seconds To Mars – Hurricane | Natural Disasters

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    The closest thing to a 225 mph hurricane making US landfall was the Labor Day Hurricane that hit the Florida Keys in 1935. That was only 76 years ago.

    • latitude says:

      Our stupid FKEC (Florida Keys Elec Coop) used that as an excuse to build a $24 million new hardened facility, supposed to withstand those bigger and stronger hurricanes –

      Keep in mind, they only have 31,000 customers

  4. Michael says:

    Big news! For all we know there may have been hurricanes with winds exceeding 225 mph already. We’ve only been checking accurately for 20 years, and even then only with hurricanes perceived as some sort of threat.
    Hansen isn’t doing himself, or anyone else, any good by tossing off these “may be” projections every time he opens his mouth. Somebody tell the fellow the story of “The Boy Who Cried ‘Wolf’ .”

  5. Andy Weiss says:


    You must think that everything before 1990 was the Dark Ages. There have been reasonably accurate wind measuring devices around since the 1800’s.

    I don’t know of the highest wind measured in the 1935 hurricane, but during Camille which hit the Mississipi coast in 1969, there were wind gusts measured of at least 180 mph.

    Also at Blue Hill, MA there was a recorded wind gust over 180 mph in the famous 1938 hurricane.

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