ISU “rural sociologist” Gets $60 Million To “find out how various cropping methods affect greenhouse gas emissions”

The bankrupt Obama administration, having created $5,000,000,000,000 in new debt over the last two years, has chosen to confiscate  an additional $60,000,000 of your money for this :

The project’s goal is to find out how various cropping methods affect greenhouse gas emissions or aid farmers in adapting to climate change and to evaluate farmers’ willingness to adopt new cropping systems.

Lois Wright Morton, a rural sociologist associated with Iowa State’s Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, will lead a team of researchers from 10 universities in nine Midwest states and two U.S. Agriculture Department research stations in Ohio. The team will include agronomists, plant and soil scientists, greenhouse gas specialists, economists, ecologists, agricultural engineers and sociologists. Twenty of the researchers will be from Iowa State.

The project is one of three multistate research programs related to climate change that the USDA said Friday it would fund, each with a $20 million grant. The other projects will focus on forestry in the Southeast and wheat production in the Pacific Northwest.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to ISU “rural sociologist” Gets $60 Million To “find out how various cropping methods affect greenhouse gas emissions”

  1. Mike Davis says:

    FUBAR from the original grant request! I think they should stop funding the USDA also! They are now in the revolving SNAFU condition most government empires become!

  2. Justa Joe says:

    $20 million can buy a lot of consensus.

  3. Jimbo says:

    $60 Million! No wonder these people a fighting and lying so hard for a lost cause.

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    I’ll do the project for $50 milllion instead! That should be sufficient funding to count angels on the head of a pint within a margin of error no greater than 10%

  5. John Silver says:

    a rural sociologist

  6. suyts says:

    ISU, that’s the same idiotic college that came out with a study that basically said 5 billion bushels of U.S. corn going to ethanol doesn’t inflate food prices.

  7. Sparks says:

    A sociologist” Gets $60 Million?? Huh?

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