Obama Administration Admits That They Have No Evidence Of Walrus Decline

Turns out that they never had any evidence to support their claim.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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26 Responses to Obama Administration Admits That They Have No Evidence Of Walrus Decline

  1. Latitude says:

    polar bears eat ringed seals…

    kill the stupid bears……..

    …….save the seals!

  2. R. de Haan says:

    The Obama Government for me doesn’t exist anymore.

    My advice to all Americans is to vote them out at any price and stop any payment of taxes or services until they they are out.

    Not a single dollar to promote his agenda. Period.

  3. Tony Duncan says:

    If there is no specific scientific evidence for walrus decline, they are not in this case basing on ideology.

    R. De Haan. Too bad people did not take your sentiment to heart about Bush. The trillions wasted there and the resultant millions dead or lives ruined would have easily covered the folly of paying for climate change for many decades!

    • When Bush introduced the idea of bringing democracy to the middle east, liberals did everything they could to stop him and keep the Taliban and Saddam in power.

      Look what has happened in less than 10 years!

      • Tony Duncan says:

        Ah yes,
        Now I remember all those calls from the left to support the democratically elected free socialist state Saddam and the demonstrators with signs saying FIGHT FOR MULLAH OMAR!

        • The movement to democracy in the middle east would not have happened without the overthrow of Saddam and the Taliban. You might remember that American freedom also involved war and bloodshed.

          Now be a big boy and admit that you were wrong and Bush was right.

      • Tony Duncan says:


        Don’t even know how to comment to this line of… I don’t know what to call it. The US invaded a country based on complete lies, overthrew the government, wasted hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of US lives fighting insurgents, killing tens fo thousands of innocent people, and imprisoning tens of thousands more, and torturing some unknown number. Then the US turns around and pays the insurgents to fight Al Qaeda, which was non existent in Iraq before the war. Millions are displaced, the country is a shambles for 7 years after the invasion, so 8 years later the populace of other countries in the area decide that this shining example of democracy is their path to freedom.

      • Tony Duncan says:


        Nice of you to pick one piece to make a bizarre comment about. No I do not blame the murder of Iraqi’s and American soldiers by Al Qaeda on US troops. I do think that if we had left Saddam in power, there would never have been an Al Qaeda in Iraq. I also think if Bush et al, had actually had a policy that was executed by people who had a clue about the Middle East, instead of neocon lackeys, even after the invasion, we could have actually salvaged a decent outcome. It would still become more allied to Iran than the US, but there would be much less hatred of the US than there is now.

        • Carter encouraged Saddam to attack Iran, which lead to millions of deaths and left Saddam in power. Clinton and the UN starved a million Iraqi children and left Saddam in power.

          Bush killed far fewer Iraqis than Carter, the UN, or Clinton, and he gave Iraqis freedom. No wonder liberals hate him so much.

      • Tony Duncan says:


        where DO you get your history from. Next you are going to tell me MLK was a republican!
        Carter did not send troops or any military support to Saddam. As far as i know the US was not complicit in Iraqi surprise attacks on Iran in september 1980-. Saddam had plenty of his own reasons to attack. I certainly agree that the US powers that be were not unhappy about this. I find it funny that we did support the regime that had soviet military equipment against the regime that had US military equipment.
        You neglect to mention that reagan was president for all but the very beginning of the war, and, as I have noted previously, was unconcerned about massive Chemical weapons use by Saddam against Iranians and his own people. Please tell me what efforts Reagan made to end the war.
        As for Clinton, he continued Bush Sr.’s policy toward Iraq. Maybe you forget that Bush invaded Iraq to restore Kuwaiti sovereignty, and began sanctions.
        I am no fan of Carter of Clinton’s presidencies, but your selective memory in order to discredit democrats fits perfectly with your penchant for only believing in Manichean dichotomies.

      • Tony Duncan says:


        I am surprised you didn’t use the Madeline Albright quote. Wait you did. I must have seen this a hundred times on left wing websites. All the while republicans and the right wing were howling ion protest against this inhumanity, right? Funny I remember being upset about this at the time it was actually happening, and the left being vilified for their attacks on Clinton on just this issue, by both democrats and republicans. Or am I wrong and the right wing was telling Clinton to lay off Saddam Iraq had endured enough!

    • Latitude says:

      Tony, you can’t be serious. No one is that stupid.

    • Al Gored says:

      Tony Duncan says:
      February 19, 2011 at 5:04 pm

      “Good, If there is no specific scientific evidence for walrus decline, they are not in this case basing on ideology.”

      There is no evidence for polar bear decline except for junk science models predicting future conditions yet they keep propping up that poster child. I suppose they have invested so much in that Big Lie that they just can’t stop now. And the WWF allows to you send them money every month to ‘adopt a polar bear.’ So nice of them.

    • truthsword says:

      I am sick of this Bush stuff, only Congress has war powers. That is a plain fact of the Constitution.

  4. Tom Roe says:

    Science in the service of mamon and politics? Why do we even have to make the case that this is an undilutable pitfall of all human endevours? The current EPA is a political/ideological hothouse as is advertised by the President’s frequent claims to the contrary. Nixon should be ashamed of himself….again. Let’s get rid of the thing.

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