Polar Bear Triplets Are A “Thing Of The Past”

2007 : Dr Stirling says that the phenomenon of a female giving birth to triplets is now part of history with usually only single cubs recorded. Soon, he says, the species may be extinct.


2010sightings from guides this summer included surprisingly “frequent sightings of polar bear mothers with triplets,” “In a recent blog post, Selden predicts “prodigious numbers of bears” this year based on unusually high summer sightings.”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Polar Bear Triplets Are A “Thing Of The Past”

  1. Charles Higley says:

    We should send the “extinction alarmists” out to count the bears while wearing steak vests. Just tell them that the vests are eco-friendly and recyclable (just as they will be) and they will willingly become two-legged lunches for our polar friends. How better can we help them than sending them fresh, but stupid food?

  2. truthsword says:

    These are great. I guess evidence isn’t in the consensus.

  3. omnologos says:

    D*mned bears…can’t they even read?

    or use a condom

  4. Baa Humbug says:

    Being a hobby farmer I always considered myself a bit of an enviromentalist. But these eco-nazis have really turned me.

  5. suyts says:

    Just like they said all along……

    • truthsword says:

      Correct, while we said that triplets for polar bears were “history”, we also noted that while this was one scenario we also confidently predicted that triplets would increase. It is not our fault we feed the media the scenario we think will most benifit us at the moment. We also have another triplet bear scenario that may or may not be made public through the media depending on what the instances of polar bear triplets are in the future. Our other scenario will confirm that the amount of triplets will stay the same, if of course that is the case.

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