Revkin Slams Romm

Romm’s claim :

Revkin’s response :

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Revkin Slams Romm

  1. Latitude says:

    People keep getting fooled by snow, 12 – 24 inches of snow is only 1-2 inches of rain.
    If either one of those bozos would just check the drought maps…….

    Where the unprecedented snowfalls occurred, is also where the droughts are……

    Did this past winter get more rain, no……………….

    So much for global warming creating more moisture in the air.

  2. I’ve just got done compiling 50 years of reported weather (meteorological) events from the 20th century from books, just another 50 years left to compile before I post it, so it maybe a fue days/weeks as it is tedious work. But I can say for Fact! That human induced increase of greenhouse gases have NOT contributed to the observed intensification of heavy precipitation events Nor has it effected any other meteorological event with increased severity.
    I expect as I compile the Next 50 years to find that more meteorological events to be reported more frequently as the media evolves in the later part of the 20th century, I also expect causality’s caused by severe weather to decrease as technology evolves.

  3. Heck, it’s easy to slam Romm. Anyone could do it.

  4. DEEBEE says:

    To mix methaphor — Joe just proves that the lipstick of an MIT degree does not make the pig any smarter.

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