Daily Archives: March 12, 2011

Hansen : Climate Was Safe Below 350 ppm

The 350 target is based not on climate modelling, but on past climate change (“paleoclimate”). Hansen looked at the highly accurate ice core record of the last few hundred thousand years, sediment core data going back 65 million years, and … Continue reading

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Grist : “Today’s tsunami: This is what climate change looks like”


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“Is Japan’s tsunami linked to climate change?”

Could the earthquake that triggered Japan’s devastating tsunami be linked to climate change? While it’s unlikely that scientists will be able to provide a definitive answer anytime soon and Japan has long been a hotbed of seismic activity, past research … Continue reading

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SMH : “the science of global warming has become more clear and more alarming”

“Non-peer-reviewed scientists” threaten the survival of the planet. Professor Ross Garnaut pointed out an interesting inverse relationship this week. Over the past three years the science of global warming has become more clear and more alarming, but in that same … Continue reading

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1946 : Obama’s Dream Realized In Britain

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March 1952 : Earthquake, Tsunami And Snowstorm Hits Japan

Page 25 http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=SrsqWtBqNIQC&dat=19520306&printsec=frontpage

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1934 : Typhoon Hits Japan Followed By A Massive Tsunami

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1923 Japanese Quake Killed A Quarter Of A Million People


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Earthquake Is A Sign From Mother Nature To Stop Global Warming

http://www.eesc.europa.eu/?i=portal.en.staffan-nilsson-speeches.15361 I think he is misinterpreting what Mother Nature is saying. She actually wants us to stop plate tectonics. http://emsnews.wordpress.com/2009/02/03/lots-of-volcanic-action/ h/t to Scarlet Pumpernickel    

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1974 : Odds Of A Nuclear Accident Same As A Meteor Strike

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