Flannery Blames Canada

The head of Australia’s Climate Commission, scientist and author Tim Flannery, says he doesn’t want to be seen to be criticizing Canada too much. But in a phone interview from Toronto on a recent visit, he had trouble containing himself when asked about the record of the Stephen Harper government in addressing climate change.

“Canada would have to be one of the worst performers globally in this area,” he stated, adding that this provides excuses for poorer nations not to deal with the problem. “It also corrodes morale and ultimately will lead to censure from the world. It’s a profound moral problem. We all have to do our bit in this, you know. It really is sad, actually, to see Canada now becoming quite isolated and potentially quite damaged, I think, by the path it has set.”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Flannery Blames Canada

  1. P.J. says:

    Here in southern Ontario, April continues to feel more like March. The more I read the stupidity from the AGW crowd, the more I wonder if these people ever set foot outside their front door. It has been 5 to 10 degrees C below normal for well over a week now.

  2. suyts says:

    Aussies hating on Canucks? Lol, and then talks about isolation. lol, Don’t worry, us in the U.S. will always talk to our neighbors up north.

  3. Lance says:

    Yes, thankfully we have Harper (s0me what..), at least he fought against the Liberals signing us to Kyoto..

  4. GregW says:

    For those few who haven’t heard much about this “scientist”:
    ANDREW DENTON: You’re about to bring out an an essay talking about Australia’s sustainable future and what kind of future it may have. In that you talk about Gaia which was created by James Lovelock. What is Gaia?
    TIM FLANNERY: Well Gaia is our earth, this extraordinary living organism of ours that we’re all part of and just breathing now, talking we are plugged into Gaia aren’t we? We are, we taking the atmosphere into our bodies, we’re changing its chemical composition and we’re exhaling it. And it’s life that makes the atmosphere what it is, that’s a very important aspect of Gaia you know. Gaia is life working as a whole to maintain the atmosphere as it is, so that life can go on. So, Gaia I think is is saying to us “it’s time you took control.”

    Flannery was just chosen by the leftist Labour Government in Australia to promote belief in Climate Change — a taxpayer-funded role paying about US$170000 a year. As I understand it, this is a part time job because he is a full time professor at an Australian university (with a background in paleontology, not climate science.)

    I think a scientist who believes in Gaia might be an “educated fool.”

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