Monthly Archives: May 2012

Will Obama Get Swiftboated?

Swiftboating is a term invented by Democratic strategists. It means that you were caught lying about your military experience – and are hoping to blame your lies on the people who called you out. Obama has been lying about his role … Continue reading

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February 9, 1934 : Another Black Friday


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The McKibben/Monbiot/Romm Climate Game

Assume that bad weather never happened in the past, and then blame all bad weather on climate change. It works with teenagers who have no historical memory, have been brainwashed by Al Gore, and never paid attention until a few weeks ago.

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Guardian : Bangladesh Global Warming Lies

Bangladesh is the canary in the coal mine when it comes to journalists lying about climate change. ‘We have seen the enemy’: Bangladesh’s war against climate change Devastating cyclones, floods and ruined crops have made Bangladesh ‘the world’s most aware society on … Continue reading

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Is There Any Lie Obama Won’t Say To Get Elected?

In 2008, when Obama was pretending to be a Christian, he implied that God was against same-sex marriage. August 18, 2008 When asked to specifically define his views on marriage, Obama stated that he believes “that marriage is the union … Continue reading

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1934 : Worldwide Drought – Glaciers Melting

1934 was the hottest and driest year in US history, until Hansen corrupted the data set about a decade ago. 22 Jun 1934 – EARTH GROWING WARMER What Swiss Glaciers Reveal …

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1854 Northwest Passage


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No Climate Change Deniers In 1950

The Courier-Mail Brisbane, Qld. Monday 22 May 1950 22 May 1950 – CLIMATE CHANGE World is warming

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Death Threats? Just More Lies From The Hockey Team

Why would the hockey team be any more honest about their death threat claims than they are about science? They called these messages “death threats.” “Are you morally and ethically aware (awake) of your actions? ALSO please stop telling lies … Continue reading

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Hansen Cheating In Iceland

Phil shows no trend in Reykjavik temperatures over the the last 90 years, yet Hansen has corrupted the GISS data set recently to show a strong warming trend. Why didn’t Jim shoot Phil an E-mail before he did this?

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