Monthly Archives: May 2012

The Winter That Wasn’t In Turkey

Climate experts tell us that the warm weather which typified this winter was due to global warming. They also tell us that the bitter cold weather which typified this winter was due to global warming. And it was all due to … Continue reading

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Scientists Call For Mass Suffering And Starvation To Stop Global Warming

These people make Osama bin Laden seem sane and reasonable, by comparison. 2009 Is Global Warming Unstoppable? Nov. 22, 2009 – In a provocative new study, a University of Utah scientist argues that rising carbon dioxide emissions – the major … Continue reading

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Tracking The Permanent Drought In Australia And Texas

If you ever get the feeling that most climate experts are completely incompetent, it is because they are completely incompetent. January 4, 2008 This drought may never break IT MAY be time to stop describing south-eastern Australia as gripped by … Continue reading

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Mann Chops Down Briffa’s Tree

“I can not tell a lie”

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The Climate Science 40 Year Rule

No matter what year they start in, many climate scientists appear incapable of examining written records more than forty years in the past. The Miami News – Jan 13, 1982 The Miami News – Google News Archive Search If these Columbia posers … Continue reading

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The Great Louisiana Sea Level Scam

Louisiana is frequently noted for having the fastest sea level rise in the world, as measured by tide gauges. Data and Station Information for GRAND ISLE Only problem is, sea level isn’t rising in Louisiana. Satellites show no rise over … Continue reading

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Making Fun Of Creationists

Climate alarmists believe that earth’s climate history began in 1970, and also believe that species are unable to survive the natural selection process outlined by Darwin. Creationists believe that earth history began 7,000 years ago – much earlier than the … Continue reading

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Biggest Scam In History Falling Apart

All that is left is vote out the corrupt government leaders who are propping the scam up. Global warming matters little to Australians, survey finds The big issues for Australians are not global warming, the rise of China or the loss … Continue reading

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Onwards And Upwards

Page views at this site since real-science dot com was hijacked.

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Obama : Five Million Green Energy Jobs

First Solar Restructuring Leads To Loss Of $449M NEW YORK (AP) — A shakeout that is rattling the solar panel industry has sent First Solar, once among the industry’s biggest and strongest companies, to a big quarterly loss. First Solar … Continue reading

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