Monthly Archives: May 2012

Stabilizing The Climate Below 350 PPM

Nobel Peace Prize winners tell us that the climate was stable below 350 ppm 06 Jul 1936 – FARMERS ON DOLE. One Bad Year After Another. WAS…

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Extreme Global Weirding In 1937

February, 1936 was an unprecedented 24 degrees below normal in Montana. July, 1936 was the hottest month on record in Montana, and June, 1937 brought a huge snowstorm which ended years of drought. 08 Jun 1937 – DROUGHT BROKEN. “MILLION … Continue reading

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Extreme Droughtflood Headed For Hayhoeville, Texas On Tuesday

Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie This will be the 200th thousand year event which has occurred so far this year.

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Full Stupid In Wyoming

Celebration aims to connect residents with global warming Four current University of Wyoming professors and one retired UW professor have signed on to a local effort to promote limiting global warming through community action, and will begin to take action … Continue reading

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Jurassic Fart

Cera, please ask your mother to cut back on the pinto beans. Scientists have a new scheme for controlling the Earth’s climate. Dinosaur flatulence trapped in amber for 200 million years is now believed to be the missing thermostat, and the key to … Continue reading

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NPR Reporter Creates A New Category Of Gas

Thanks to NPR, the periodic table of the elements has a new gas classification NIELSEN: A copy of that early draft was obtained by NPR. It contained no formal calls for limits on emissions of climate change gases, but it did conclude … Continue reading

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EPA : 8 Degrees Warming By 2050

The Palm Beach Post – Google News Archive Search

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Dinosaur Farts Caused Their Own Extinction

Nessie on the Net! and Nessie’s Official Ultimate Loch Ness Live  St. Andrews University is located only 85 miles away from Loch Ness. Did dinosaurs cause climate change? Huge creatures may have contributed to their own demise because they produced … Continue reading

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More real science dot com BS

Note the time stamp of the Peter Ellis comment which was captured yesterday afternoon, and the time stamp of the fake comment which has replaced it today. Yesterday One Response to For Sale Peter Ellis says: May 5, 2012 … Continue reading

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Why Would Anyone Vote For This? Our homes and businesses run off electricity. Unless you want to be unemployed, bankrupt and freezing in the dark, you would have to be insane to vote for this person. And he said it in 2008, before the election.

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