Monthly Archives: May 2012

Polar Bear Drowning Season Begins

Barrow Sea Ice Webcam

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Not Having A Good Day

Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim’rous beastie, O, what a panic’s in thy breastie! Thou need na start awa sae hasty Wi bickering brattle! City should have had four, but my prediction was close enough for government work.

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Hansen Proves That His CO2 Theory Is Wrong

Hansen has this graph of global temperatures on the Columbia web site. Global Temperature In 1988, he generated these three forecasts for future temperature rise Scenario A assumes continued exponential trace gas growth, scenario B assumes a reduced linear growth … Continue reading

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Real Climate/ GISS Prove That They Are A Bunch Of Frauds

In 2005, Real Climate told us that the period from the 1950s to the 1970s had artificially cool temperatures – due to man made aerosols. 14 January 2005 The cooling trend from the 40?s to the 70?s now looks more like a … Continue reading

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Greenland Still Recovering From Cinco de Mayo

Hendriks webcam i Tasiilaq They were out partying hard last night. Even Hendrik’s dog is sleeping off a nasty hangover today.

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Waiting For Lewis Pugh’s Arrival

After Mark Serreze forecast an ice-free North Pole in 2008, Lewis Pugh hopped in his kayak and headed north. As far as I can tell he hasn’t made it there yet. Twenty-four hours of sunlight is really hotting up the North Pole. … Continue reading

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Obama : Ignore All The Stupid Sh*te I Did The Last Four years

Obama spent the last four years blaming his screw ups on Bush, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, The Tea Party, bitter people who cling to guns and religion, power plants, white people in general – or anybody productive. Now he wants you … Continue reading

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LA Times : Heartland Trying To Make Animals Smoke Cigarettes

What sort of mind-altering substances can lead to a completely incoherent rant like this? By Dan Turner May 4, 2012, 1:23 p.m. It has finally happened: The Heartland Institute, an anti-science front group that used to focus on downplaying the … Continue reading

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HuffPo : 15C Warming Since The 1890s

Shoshana Zuboff: When Global Warming Ate My Life

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A Whole New Atmosphere Strikes Ohio

A few weeks ago, Jeff Masters told us that global warming had finally taken over the Eastern US, once and for all. He described it as a “whole new atmosphere.” Posted: 05/02/2012 By: Mark Johnson, CLEVELAND – It was what grape growers in Northern Ohio feared the most. … Continue reading

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