Monthly Archives: May 2012

Which Global Warming Activist Wrote This?

Sounds like Pauchuri, but it wasn’t him. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, … Continue reading

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Doug O’Harra Turbocharges The Lunacy

More megastorms coming as warming climate accelerates water cycle Doug O’Harra | May 04, 2012 Has the home planet’s pot begun to boil? Is there turbulence awaiting us in the decades ahead? The energy so far pumped into the Earth’s … Continue reading

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Hayhoe Drought To End

About all that was left of the Dessler permanent Texas drought was a bullseye over Katherine Hayhoe. 10-Day Precipitation Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

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Problems At NCDC?

Looks like someone was messing with their temperature database, and made some major boo-boos. People need to be more careful when tampering with climatic data. Illinois, Temperature, March 1895-2012 It also turns out that March, 1951 averaged almost 100 degrees in California! California, Temperature, … Continue reading

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Asphalt Heat Islands

I ride my bike everywhere, and normally in shorts and a T-shirt – so I notice changes in temperature. One thing that has become abundantly obvious is that temperatures near asphalt are much higher than in open space. I just … Continue reading

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My Football Prognostications

I don’t usually do this, but here goes. Chelsea squeaks past Liverpool 2-1 City beats Newcastle 4-1 Bayern Munich humiliates Chelsea.

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Which Global Warming Activist Said This?

“Discussing climate change is not an intellectual luxury, but a reality,” “All of the industrialised countries, especially the big ones, bear responsibility for the global warming crisis.”

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PBS : Alaska Is The Canary In The Coal Mine

A warming Arctic climate may be contributing to the declining population of guillemots. On average Alaska has warmed by about 4 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 150 years. There are widespread consequences such as melting glaciers and insect-devastated forest in … Continue reading

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Which Two Global Warming Activists Wrote These Lines?

One of these two authors is considered a terrorist. The other is considered a respectable journalist. 1. “programs encouraging human sterilization and infertility must be pushed. All former pro?birth programs must now push in the direction of stopping human birth, not encouraging it.” … Continue reading

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Sea Level Isn’t Rising – Manhattan Is Sinking

Tide gauges show that sea level in Manhattan is rising about 4mm per year and accelerating. Data and Station Information for NEW YORK ( THE BATTERY) But satellite data shows little sea level rise at that same location, and has been flat since 1998. … Continue reading

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