Monthly Archives: May 2012

1978 : UCLA Scientists Predicted Warming Until 2000, Followed By Cooling

Two very smart scientists, with brains unaffected by acute GISS pollution. The Prescott Courier – Dec 24, 1978 The Prescott Courier – Google News Archive Search Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

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Time For A Hockey Team Huddle

A favorite trick of Hansen, Hayhoe, Dessler, et. al is to start their Mann-made warming trends in the 1970s.  This is a wonderful trick, because they also tell us that the 1970s were artificially cooled by man-made cooling. The cooling between 1940 and … Continue reading

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Shock News From The Guardian : Ice Doesn’t Melt At -30C

97% of climate scientists have now graduated from kindergarten. Sea-level rises ‘may not be as high as worst-case scenarios have predicted’ | Environment |

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Update On The Mann-Made Historic Drought

US Drought Monitor Natural droughts tend to be much less severe, like this one from 1934.

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History Of Real Science Dot Com – Part Two

One more item which has to be dealt with. If you received a fraudulent E-mail solicitation for money from real science dot com on or about April 21, please leave a comment here. Also, please state whether you actually suffered financial loss, … Continue reading

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Forty Years Ago

In 1972, my brother and I were playing golf on the Aspen, Colorado golf course (basically a big cow pasture.)  A large, slightly intoxicated gentleman appeared out of the rough and told us that he had lost all his balls and asked … Continue reading

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Secretary Of Defense Worried About The “Polar Cap” Melting

I was pointing out the other day that with the polar cap melting, we now have problems with regard to who claims the area in the polar region. Speech: Alaska had the most sea ice ever recorded this winter, … Continue reading

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Greenland Melt Speeding Up

By SETH BORENSTEIN, Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Greenland’s glaciers are hemorrhaging ice at an increasingly faster rate but not at the breakneck pace that scientists once feared, a new study says. The loss of ice from the glaciers that … Continue reading

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Disturbing Imagery Of The UK Drought

UK weather: Rain, biting winds and even snow for Bank Holiday weekend | Mail Online

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Increasing Water Vapour Should Increase Atmospheric Pressure

If there really are more molecules of H2O in the atmosphere than there used to be, that would mean that the total weight of the atmosphere is greater than it used to be – even if the density is lower. More total … Continue reading

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