Interpreting Guardian Speak

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker survives bitterly fought recall election | World news |

Wisconsin’s governor Scott Walker survived a bitterly fought recall election on Tuesday after Republican voters mobilised in huge numbers, propelling him to a victory that will boost Mitt Romney’s run for the White House.

Liberals get destroyed in Wisconsin election

With almost two thirds of precincts reporting, Walker led by 57% to 42% against his challenger, Tom Barrett, according to early returns tabulated by AP. Barrett said he had telephoned Walker to concede the race.

35% more Republicans voted than Democrats

A silver lining for President Barack Obama came in the form of exit polls that gave him a 52-43 lead over Romney, suggesting Wisconsin, a swing state which he won in 2008, would remain loyal come November.

We made up some moronic numbers which showed that most Republicans support Obama, because we think you are stupid.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Interpreting Guardian Speak

  1. gofer says:

    Walker got more votes in the re-call than in the original election. Dems are screaming it’s because of the money they spent. Heads are exploding all over MSNBC. Even Dems have to live in the real world whether they like it or not. It’s obvious some of them realized they are better off now with the reforms.

  2. Paul in Sweden says:

    …after Republican voters mobilised in huge numbers, propelling him to a victory…

    On WMAL’s The Chris Plante Show today a Michigan resident by the name of “Mike” called in to discuss how he had infiltrated a Michigan Union’s organized bus convoy, en-route to vote in the Wisconsin recall election for Democrats.

  3. Malcolm says:

    “The investment, she said, is recognition that garbage is a marketable product but needs mandates and state subsidies to flourish.”

    Actually a quote about Scott Walker’s budget and the elimination of the recycling subsidy, but I guess it also applies to solar power, wind power, electric vehicles, climate models ……

  4. DJL says:

    So the same exit polls that were off by 7 points against the actual vote totals, biased in favor of the Democrats, show Obama up by 9. To me that would suggest that Obama’s lead is about 2 and Wisconsin is still a swing state.

  5. Sundance says:

    Is it possible that Republicans were instructed to lie in the exit polls and say they will support Obama to lull the Dems into complacency? Illinois voters who own property in Wisconsin can vote in state elections and I bet many voted for Walker because of his stance on property tax. These Illinois voters may have been screened out of the exit poll because they can only vote in Illinois for the national election. This is the only scenario I can offer to account for the difference between state results and national results based on exit polling.

    • I don’t know that it’s strictly partisan: a decent number of us always lie to the exit poll knobs because they are stupid suckers who are doing stupid work. They deserve to be misled and shamed.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    “The investment, she said, is recognition that garbage is a marketable product but needs mandates and state subsidies to flourish.” – Lynn Martin of Maste Management

    If it needs mandates & subsidies then it’s not really sufficiently marketable by definition.

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