Even more impressive is that their data shows an ice-free September by 2015
Your tax dollars at work in an American university.
Even more impressive is that their data shows an ice-free September by 2015
Your tax dollars at work in an American university.
I downloaded PIOMAS data a while ago and got an ice free September Arctic in 2015 as well. Something is drastically wrong with their Arctic Ice volume model. Is there any recognition they are diverging from observation, and diverging rather rapidly?
Good enough for government work.
Lazarus will be here to set you straight any minute! 😉
No, Petter Ellis is the PIOMAS Champion.
Sorry! I got my fools mixed up!
So, when the extent is 15% above the (goofy-assed) 1979-2000 mean in 2020, PIOMAS will be modelling an Arctic with a mean ice thickness of what? 0.003m?