June 27, 2004 : Leading Kenyan Newspaper Said Obama was Born In Kenya

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

It was archived on June 27, 2004, the date of the article and long before Obama announced his plans to run for President.


Why did a Kenyan newspaper say that Obama was born in Kenya?

This is the site archived on wayback machine


and this is their link to The Standard

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About Tony Heller

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105 Responses to June 27, 2004 : Leading Kenyan Newspaper Said Obama was Born In Kenya

  1. Dave N says:

    Old hoax:


    Again, just because other peoples mistakes are repeated, doesn’t magically make them true. Climate alarmists fall into the same trap.

    • No, that doesn’t make any sense. This is a web archive of eastandard.net/headlines/news26060403.htm from June 27, 2004

      eaststandard.net is a kenyan web site.

      How would you propose that this hoax was generated? There isn’t any mechanism short of a breach of the newspaper (in 2004) or web.archive.org

      Neither possibility is plausible.

      • WOT says:

        You didn’t look it up did you:

        From snopes:
        “However, the Associated Press made no such reference; the identification of Barack Obama as “Kenyan-born” was added to the Sunday Standard’s version of the AP story by someone else (who misspelled the politician’s given name as “Barrack” in the process) and is apparently unique to that publication. The full text of the “Jack Ryan Abandons Senate Bid” article as originally issued by the Associated Press is retrievable from the LexisNexis archive of global news sources, and it contains no reference (in the lead-in or elsewhere) to Barack Obama’s being “Kenyan-born”: “

      • WOT says:

        “Complete nonsense. The story was archived on web.archive.org three years before Obama announced his plans to run for president. You will believe any liberal crap you read. ”
        From snopes:
        “Origins: A popular item of “birther” chatter in October 2009 concerned the discovery of an archived copy of a 27 June 2004 article from the web version of the Kenyan-based Sunday Standard newspaper. The article was a
        reproduction of an Associated Press (AP) wire story which dealt with the withdrawal of Republican candidate Jack Ryan from the race for a seat representing Illinois in the U.S. Senate, paving the way for the Democratic contender, Barack Obama, to win the election. Why this article was of particular interest to birthers was its lead-in sentence, which referred to Barack Obama as “Kenyan-born.” Surely, claimed birthers, such an august news agency as the Associated Press would not have identified Barack Obama as “Kenyan-born” if they did not have ample evidence to support its use of that term.

        However, the Associated Press made no such reference; the identification of Barack Obama as “Kenyan-born” was added to the Sunday Standard’s version of the AP story by someone else (who misspelled the politician’s given name as “Barrack” in the process) and is apparently unique to that publication. The full text of the “Jack Ryan Abandons Senate Bid” article as originally issued by the Associated Press is retrievable from the LexisNexis archive of global news sources, and it contains no reference (in the lead-in or elsewhere) to Barack Obama’s being “Kenyan-born”: ”

        In other words the AP article was a hoax based off of the Sunday Standard paper which was obviously wrong. They even misspelled his name.

        The kenyan newspaper made it up. Duh.

        • So you believe that a birther traveled back in time and changed the article?

          I am talking about a Kenyan newspaper article from June 27, 2004. The fact that the original text came from AP is irrelevant. The editor at the Kenyan newspaper believed in 2004 that Obama was born in kenya.

          You are just flipping stupid.

    • Blade says:

      Dave N [August 6, 2012 at 2:19 am] says:

      Old hoax:


      No offense Dave, but the only hoax is that SNOPES is any kind of authority on anything. Certainly you didn’t know this?

      SNOPES is a propaganda operation for leftists by leftists. When it comes to anything political they are nothing short of prostitutes for the DNC.

      • It can’t possibly be a hoax. The article was archived three years before Obama started running for president. The fact that the editor of the newspaper added some locally interesting text to the article before publication hardly makes it a hoax. That is normal day to day activity at a newspaper.

    • Andy DC says:

      You can’t blame Obama for adjusting his place of birth. If our top scientists can change facts, why not the President?

    • sunsettommy says:

      It appears that you did not notice that Snope’s link is empty.


      • bob68 says:

        There were articles all over the internet before the decision around 2007 to convert Obama’s birthplace from Kenya to Hawaii in preparation for his presidential run. Here is a good archive of some of them. I printed out many of the articles directly from their sources before they were changed or completely scrubbed from the net.
        I printed out the Kenyan Parliament born in Kenya statements directly from their internet PDF.
        Check this out:


  2. gofer says:

    Wot’s working on an answer, just hang go….

  3. LOL in Oregon says:

    Remember, Mr. Chicago Politician is a Harvard Grad, first Kenyan editor of the law review, etc.
    Are those folk who claim “plausible deniability” saying that Harvard Grads are stupid or something?
    …that they would ignore minor falsities/errors in their bio if it was to their advantage?
    …well, maybe they are/do, given the present examples….
    LOL in Oregon

  4. EllenHancock1 says:

    A grand total of 21 people came to the USA from Kenya in 1961.

    The notion of Obama’s mother, late in pregnancy, traveling alone (WND has shown that Obama senior was in Hawaii on August 4, 1961) from Hawaii, where there are good hospitals, to Kenya, where there was Yellow Fever and bad hospitals, and doing so without any INS record of her leaving the USA or any record of her arriving in Kenya——is absurd. And the fact that there is a birth certificate showing that she gave birth in Kapiolani Hospital in Honolulu makes it even more absurd.

    Also, the officials in Kenya have denied that Obama was born there. Jon Chessoni, first Secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, DC, said, speaking of inquiries the Embassy received about President Obama being born in Kenya: “When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.”

    Oh, and Obama’s Kenyan grandmother NEVER said that he was born in Kenya. She was misquoted by birther sites, who cut off the tape before she was asked: “Whereabouts was he born.” She answered that question by saying repeatedly: “In Hawaii.” And, in another interview, with the Hartford Courant newspaper, she said that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was IN A LETTER FROM HAWAII.

    The facts on Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate have been repeatedly confirmed by the officials of BOTH political parties in Hawaii. The latest confirmation was accepted by the Conservative secretary of state of Arizona, who ruled that Obama’s name should be placed on the ballot of that state. The birth certificate is also confirmed by the Index Data and by the birth notices sent to the newspapers in Hawaii in 1961 by the DOH of Hawaii.

    • It is always remarkable watching people try to change the subject.

      The story was archived on web.archive.org on June 27, 2004. Three years before Obama announced his candidacy. Do you believe that a birther went back in time and generated this article?

      • WOT says:

        “The story was archived on web.archive.org on June 27, 2004. Three years before Obama announced his candidacy. Do you believe that a birther went back in time and generated this article? ”
        Snopes covered this. The article was edited based on the hoax. Please learn to read.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Re the Kenyan newspaper added the “Kenya-born” because it believed it.

        So? Do newspapers ever get things wrong? The fact remains that only 21 people came to the USA from Kenya in 1961 and that if Obama’s mother had actually gone to Kenya, she would have had to have traveled alone (WND has proven that Obama’s father was in Hawaii at the time) and that Obama has a birth certificate from Hawaii, confirmed repeatedly by the officials of both parties in Hawaii, confirmed by the Index Data, confirmed by the birth notices sent to the newspapers in 1961 by the DOH of Hawaii.

    • WOT says:

      Great points but it’ll fall on deaf ears. Goddard doesn’t like thinking about any possibility that he’s wrong, so he’ll go further into denial or flat out insult you.

      But, let’s play devil’s advocate. If Goddard was right, posting on a blog won’t do anything to convince those who know Obama was born in HI. If Donald Trump can’t get anything done (and he’s famous, and he’s a billionaire), then you won’t be able to do anything and this will remain a conspiracy theory that ranks right up there with the grassy knoll.

      All this is doing is showing that Goddard isn’t interested in reality or evidence, and once he sticks to a conclusion he won’t change his mind no matter how backed into a corner he is.

      • You are completely unable to focus.

        This article is about a Kenyan newspaper article which was archived on June 27, 2004. Your mind wanders constantly to everything except the topic at hand.

        Are you ADHD?

      • WOT says:

        “This article is about a Kenyan newspaper article which was archived on June 27, 2004. Your mind wanders constantly to everything except the topic at hand. ”
        That article was already summarily dismissed and refuted in the very first comment. Thus, it’s pointless to go over again.

        • You are now on spam. You are too stupid and a phenomenal waste of time. I am a busy person and can’t waste three hours a day babysitting someone who can’t think rationally.

          This article was published on the front page of a leading Kenyan newspaper on June 27, 2004 exactly as it was archived.

          The fact that someone else printed a different version is completely irrelevant. The Kenyan newspaper added the text because they believed he was born in Kenya.

    • Blade says:

      EllenHancock1 [August 6, 2012 at 3:44 am] says:

      “The notion of Obama’s mother, late in pregnancy, traveling alone (WND has shown that Obama senior was in Hawaii on August 4, 1961) from Hawaii, where there are good hospitals, to Kenya, where there was Yellow Fever and bad hospitals, and doing so without any INS record of her leaving the USA or any record of her arriving in Kenya——is absurd.”

      Ummmm Ellen, please tell us where homeboy’s baby sister Maya was born? Don’t tell me Barry’s mama wasn’t capable of squeezing out kids in 3rd world hellholes, because she did. Your argument has no foundation.

      Anyway, it is not about where president Dinglebarry was born. It is about why there is any question at all. There is question because he is a deceptive seedy character, son of a Communist, raised as a foreigner, made his political connections and bones in our most corrupt city. There is not one good thing about him, yet you leftist retards will defend him to the ends of the Earth.

      He makes Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon look like angels.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        The fact that Obama’s mother gave birth to Maya in Indonesia (with her husband there at the time) does not mean that she traveled ten thousand miles to Kenya ALONE (WND has proven with a FOI Act request that Obama’s father was in Hawaii on August 4, 1961) to give birth in Kenya (which the Kenyan government says did not happen) and brought him back to the USA, making two of the 21 who came to the USA from Kenya in that year. What are the odds of her doing that? What are the odds of her doing that AND that there is a birth certificate for Obama in Hawaii, confirmed repeatedly by the officials of BOTH parties, confirmed again by the Index Data, confirmed again by the birth notices in the Health Bureau Statistics section of the newspapers—-which at the time were only sent to the papers by the DOH of Hawaii and only for births IN Hawaii.

        Obama was not born in Kenya. He was born in Hawaii, a fact that has been accepted as proven by the CONSERVATIVE Secretary of State of Arizona after the latest confirmation by the officials in Hawaii.

      • Blade says:

        “The fact that Obama’s mother gave birth to Maya in Indonesia (with her husband there at the time) does not mean that she traveled ten thousand miles to Kenya ALONE”

        I didn’t say it proved it. I said it destroyed your argument that …

        “The notion of Obama’s mother, late in pregnancy, traveling alone (WND has shown that Obama senior was in Hawaii on August 4, 1961) from Hawaii, where there are good hospitals, to Kenya, where there was Yellow Fever and bad hospitals, and doing so without any INS record of her leaving the USA or any record of her arriving in Kenya——is absurd.”

        Baby mama had no problem with 3rd world hellholes. And you should not assume that Kenya (British colony) in 1961 was any worse than Indonesia. There were no doubt very sophisticated areas, tourist friendly with sanitary hospitals while they were still influenced by England. I have no doubt that today, sans British influence, that they have reverted to a 3rd world hellhole.

        The truth is this – NO PERSON KNOWS WHERE THEY WERE IN FACT BORN. It all comes down to word of mouth from the parents and supporting documentation. It is possible that Barry has no clue, it is likely that he was born in Hawaii but spent years trying to change that because he was ashamed of being born in the wealthy USA since he is a thankless Socialist malcontent that hates America. But at least some people are trying to get at the facts. There should never be an undocumented person in the White House. You would care about this if you cared in the least about America.

        You’re acting completely on emotion. And you are sticking to the scripts supplied by the Obama groupies. It would kill you to learn that you have been lied to. I hope you are ready to handle it – if and when the truth emerges.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Re: Ummmm Ellen, please tell us where homeboy’s baby sister Maya was born?

        She was born in Jakarta Indonesia nine years after Obama was born, and both Maya’s father and mother were there. In other words, Obama’s mother did not have to travel ten thousand miles ALONE to get there. Also, Kenyan officials have stated that Obama’s birth did not take place in Kenya:

        Jon Chessoni, first Secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, DC, said, speaking of inquiries the Embassy received about President Obama being born in Kenya: “When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.”

    • EllenHancock1 says:

      Re Obama lying, so you say. There’s no proof of that fact, but you are stuck with that conclusion. IF Obama was lying in his biography that he was born in Kenya, as you say, then Obama WAS NOT BORN IN KENYA.

      That means that all the rest of the crap about his being born in Kenya, the birther sites that said that his grandmother said he was born there, the “Kenyan birth certificates” that have been posted (one by a convicted felon) are all lies. And the birth certificate in Hawaii that shows that he was born in Hawaii is likely to be the truth, as is the confirmation of the officials in Hawaii and the Index Data and the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers.

      YOU of course can vote against him on your assumption that he lied, but then I suspect you would have voted against him anyway. You might think that your assumption that Obama lied about his place of birth might strip off a few more Independent or Democrat votes that otherwise would have gone to Obama. But it isn’t very likely.

      And it certainly does not affect eligibility. Maybe Obama lied—but politicians and applicants for college lie all the time—but it does not affect Obama’s eligibility. There is not a shred of proof that Obama was born in Kenya (and only 21 people came to the USA from Kenya that year), and the evidence of his being born in Hawaii is overwhelming—the birth certificate itself, the Index Data and the birth notices in the Health Bureau Statistics section of the newspapers.

      • Are you calling Miriam Goderich a birther? She listed him as being from Kenya from 1991-2007 during a close business relationship with Obama.

        Faulty logic isn’t going to get you very far around here.

  5. kirkmyers says:

    We do know for a fact that Obama’s birth certificate (the new long version he was finally forced to supply) is a crude forgery. What is Barry Sotero (excuse me, Barack Obama) trying to hide? Perhaps the fact that his real father is Frank Marshall Davis, a former Communist Party USA activist who worked in Chicago and Hawaii?


    • EllenHancock1 says:

      Re: “We do know for a fact that Obama’s birth certificate (the new long version he was finally forced to supply) is a crude forgery.”

      No we don’t. All that we know is that a number of birther “experts” repeat their claims that it is a forgery. They have not proven that they are real experts, and they certainly have not shown that they are fair and impartial. And that is why no one in Congress believes them, or Ann Coulter, or Glenn Beck, or the National Review.

      Re: “Perhaps.” Baloney. The officials in Hawaii in their latest two confirmations have stated that the facts on Obama’s published long-form birth certificate are EXACTLY the same as on the one in the files. That means that the name of the hospital is the same, the location of birth is the same, the time of birth is the same, and the name of the father is the same. ALL the facts are the same.

      You can, of course, insist that the legal father on the birth certificate is not the real father (which is not what you just said), but if you do, we will simply insist that Romney’s real father was not George Romney. BOTH statements are simply speculation. BTW, have you noticed how much Mitt looks like Harpo Marx?

      • Employers are not allowed to accept electronic birth certificates for citizenship verification.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Good point. Mitt Romney has shown only an electronic copy. Obama, however, has shown both Web images of both his short form and long form birth certificates, and the actual physical copies of them—with the seal on the back, where it is supposed to be—to the press.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Re: “It is abundantly clear that Obama was telling some people that he was born in Kenya, most notably his literary agency. ”

        So you say. Do you have any evidence that Obama told them that he was born in Kenya? No you don’t. You are simply speculating.

        Well, as I said above, if Obama lied in a claim that he was born in Kenya, then he wasn’t born in Kenya—and that myth can be put to rest. Obama’s birth certificate from Hawaii still exists, as does the confirmation of the officials of both parties in Hawaii, as does the Index Data, as do the notices in the Hawaii newspapers.

      • Eric Webb says:

        Ellen, you need to Steve’s previous posts where he clearly shows several news outlets, and a video on Obama’s birth in Kenya. Obama was asked on several occasions to release his “real and longform birth certificate” but all we got was a computer generated one which wouldn’t make any sense given that he was born well before the use of computers, which insists that there was forgery involved. You seriously need to stop drinking the liberal mainstream news media kool-aid, because drinking it prevents any rational thought.

  6. A lot of big fish will get caught, little ones too, if we get to the bottom of this scandal and restore constitutional government.


      • It is abundantly clear that Obama was telling some people that he was born in Kenya, most notably his literary agency.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Sorry, that should have been put here:

        Re: “It is abundantly clear that Obama was telling some people that he was born in Kenya, most notably his literary agency. ”

        So you say. Do you have any evidence that Obama told them that he was born in Kenya? No you don’t. You are simply speculating.

        Well, as I said above, if Obama lied in a claim that he was born in Kenya, then he wasn’t born in Kenya—and that myth can be put to rest. Obama’s birth certificate from Hawaii still exists, as does the confirmation of the officials of both parties in Hawaii, as does the Index Data, as do the notices in the Hawaii newspapers.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Re: “It is inconceivable that Obama did not know about the Goderich Dystel literature. ”

        It is entirely possible that he missed it if he was traveling or if the publicist forgot to send him a copy. In any case in both the draft book that Obama never published and in Dreams from My Father Obama states that his place of birth was Honolulu, Hawaii, which of course his birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials and the Index Data and the birth notices in the newspapers all confirm.

        • What utter nonsense. Dystel wrote many different versions of the bio over a 17 year period all saying that he was from Kenya. These bios are always written by the subject.

          You are a classic FUDster

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Re: “Dystel wrote many different versions of the bio over a 17 year period all saying that he was from Kenya. These bios are always written by the subject. ”

        It would be nice to think that bios are always written by the subject, but the fact is that they are not always written by the subject, nor does the publicist in every single case sent a copy to be checked.

        In any case, what the publicist firm wrote does not prove that Obama was born in Kenya. The facts are that the government of Kenya said that he was NOT born in Kenya and the government of Hawaii in a birth certificate issued in 1961 (proven by the birth notices sent to the papers by the DOH of Hawaii in that year) said that he was born in Hawaii. The combination of the two facts, plus the fact that only 21 people came to the USA from Kenya in 1961 makes the chance of Obama actually having been born in Kenya about as low as winning three major lotteries in a single week.

  7. sunsettommy says:

    It is funny that WOT refers to the first comment:

    “That article was already summarily dismissed and refuted in the very first comment. Thus, it’s pointless to go over again.”

    But fails to notice that the link is at the SNOPES website but empty of anything.Just like your arguments are in the comment thread here.

    • The claim is that the Kenyan editor added “born in Kenya” to the AP text when he published it on the same day, and that somehow makes it a hoax.

      Apparently lefty site Snopes believes that Kenyan newspaper editors aren’t intelligent enough to insert three words of local interest.

      • sunsettommy says:

        Yeah edits does happens and often within the first day or two.They normally state that it was EDITED at the top of the already published article too.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        It is certain that the Kenyan editors inserted the phrase and that their first language was not English. They were probably trying to say that Obama was born of a Kenyan parent, which of course he was. In any case, Obama was not born in Kenya.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Re: “You are really digging your hole now. Every Kenyan I know speaks perfect English, and are much more honest than you are.”

        Okay. This statement was issued by a Kenyan official, in perfect English:
        Jon Chessoni, first Secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, DC, said, speaking of inquiries the Embassy received about President Obama being born in Kenya: “When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.”

        We do not know why the Kenyan newspaper said “Kenyan born.” It certainly did not list any evidence that Obama had been born in Kenya. We do know that Obama’s father was Kenyan and that some countries use the term French-born or Italian-born to refer to the parents and not to the place of birth. Whatever the Kenyan newspaper was driving at thee is no proof that Obama was born in Kenya, and there IS proof that Obama was born in Hawaii.

        • And Nixon said he wasn’t a crook.

          It always amazes me when people like you show up assuming that conservatives are as stupid as the people you are used to hanging out with.

  8. sunsettommy says:

    I notice that EllenHancock1 never backed up anything she babbles about until she post a link to the easily edited Wikipedia website.


    You have yet to make a sound case against the Wayback machine archivesnthat has it archived on THAT very day and with no visible evidence of edits being made yet.

    • EllenHancock1 says:

      Newspapers make mistakes. The fact remains that YOU just admitted that Obama was lying in his biography that said that he was born in Kenya. That being the case, a Kenyan newspaper that says that he was born in Kenya, was wrong.

      Here is a reliable newspaper, the Wall Street Journal:

      “Obama has already provided a legal birth certificate demonstrating that he was born in Hawaii. No one has produced any serious evidence to the contrary. Absent such evidence, it is unreasonable to deny that Obama has met the burden of proof. We know that he was born in Honolulu as surely as we know that Bill Clinton was born in Hope, Ark., or George W. Bush in New Haven, Conn.” (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204619004574320190095246658.html)

      • Eric Webb says:

        You don’t have any proof to show us HOW the Kenyan newspaper was wrong, his birth certificate was computer generated, thus it was forged.

      • I have no intention of wasting my time on this discussion.

        I don’t care where Obama was born. I do care that he lied about where he was born, both in this country and in Africa.

      • Eric Webb says:

        It is not a “myth” as you so proclaim, he was indeed born in Kenya, the birth certificate he released shows evidence of forgery and manipulation, which is the same thing we see day to day from the climate clowns, who claim the globe is warming and present to us manipulated and severely altered graphs and charts. All the liberal media does is show one side of the argument, and anyone who disagrees with their twisted philosophy is labeled as “denier” or “racist”.

      • Eric Webb says:

        Even if he was born in Hawaii, it doesn’t take away from the fact that he’s president Jimmy Carter on steroids, with all of his outrageous spending, government programs, regulations, and flawed belief that the government can perform a job or service better than the individual can, which is why we heard the quote. “you didn’t build that.” That quote was NOT taken out of context, and using simple contexts clues and looking at his record as first term as president, it clearly shows what he was implying. Then the mainstream liberal news media bent over backwards to protect the president, and by doing so, only made themselves look even more idiotic.

      • Me says:

        It’s funny how that works, Reid makes a statement about taxes, and it’s up to Romney to provide proof otherwise. Yet, multiple sources say where Obama was born before he ran for Pres. and by his own at that, and nothing is required by him to prove otherwise. But he had all his records sealed by exec order instead.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Re: “he was indeed born in Kenya, ”

        You are an excellent example of why Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly and the National Review all say that birthers are crazy.

        Jon Chessoni, first Secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, DC, said, speaking of inquiries the Embassy received about President Obama being born in Kenya: “When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.” (The McCain campaign and probably the Hillary campaign made similar checks and found nothing.) That plus the fact that if Obama’s mother had actually gone to Kenya, she would have had to have traveled alone (WND has proved that Obama senior was in Hawaii on August 4, 1961). That plus the birth certificate from Hawaii, the confirmation of it by the officials of both parties, the Index Data and the birth notices sent to the newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961. Oh, and onlhy 21 people came to the USA from Kenya in 1961, and only ONE by air (It has always been the birther story that Obama’s parents traveled by air).

        • You are an excellent example of why lefties are not trusted.

          It is completely implausible that Obama did not know that he was being promoted as a Kenyan for 17 years by a very close business associate.

          You are an insult to everyone’s intelligence, particularly your own.

      • Blade says:

        “When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.”

        First of all by saying “claims” you are shifting the blame to those questioning his place of birth, when in fact it appears that the whole foreign-born story originated from Dumbo’s own lips as a resume enhancer. He hates America, he was raised that way by Communist parents, as a foreigner, the child could only grow up to be a hater. He most likely decided to change his upbringing to foreign-born because of the people he rolled with in College and then as a Senatorial candidate where only citizenship was required. Later as a Presidential candidate he scrubbed this and stashed whatever documentation he had. He further fueled this story by stalling the release of the birth certificate with that digital COLB and then when he supposedly released the certificate, it is a doctored PDF. But still you don’t care.

        The biggest question to me is how could any American citizen vote for Dumbo even though he is undocumented in every respect from passport to grades to birth documents? But still you couldn’t care less.

        I’ll bet you care much more about the bonafides of your babysitter, school bus driver, your kids’ teachers, pediatrician, the creepy neighbor next door, your kids’ dates, etc. But you don’t care a wit to exercise a fraction of that responsibility for your damn country knowing full well the damage that an impostor can do in the oval office to you, and your kids and grandkids, and the entire country for years to come. If you are an American citizen, you are completely irresponsible and fail miserably at your duty.

        Now you may continue defending the indefensible.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Obama’s short form birth certificate was indeed computer generated, because it is supposed to be computer generated. His long form birth certificate is a scan of the physical long form birth certificate that Hawaii sent him, and which it has confirmed sending to him. In addition to the scans of the birth certificate that were posted on the web, Obama has shown the physical copies of his short form and long form birth certificates to the press.

  9. habilus says:

    So why does Obama claim to be born in Kenya all his life until 2007 when he suddenly claims Hawaiian birth? Was he lying before or is he lying now?

    • EllenHancock1 says:

      It does not matter what he says. It matters where he was actually born. Where were you born? Are you sure? Do you remember the hospital and the location of the hospital? If not, you must accept that the source of your belief in where you were born is from what parents have told you, or, if you looked at your birth certificate. The birth certificate is the legal, factual, proof of where you were born. Even if your parents told you that you were born in Paris, if your birth certificate says that you were born in Boise, you were almost certainly born in Boise.

      So where does Obama’s birth certificate say that he was born? IN HONOLULU. Could this be wrong? Only if the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii are lying, and the Index Data is lying, and the birth notices sent to the newspapers by the DOH in 1961 were lying.

      Does the fact that Obama’s bio says that he was born in Kenya change any of the above? No.

      Does the fact that Obama’s Bio says that he was born in Kenya change the fact that the Kenyan government checked on whether or not he was born in Kenya, and found that he wasn’t? No.

      Does it change the fact that only 21 people came to the USA from Kenya in 1961? No. Does it change the fact that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said repeatedly that he was born In Hawaii? No. Does it change the witness who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about hearing about a child being born in Hawaii to a woman named Stanley back in 1961? No.

      You have the right to vote against him if you think that he lied about his place of birth. You have the right to vote against him if you think that he was too lazy or too sloppy to check on the bio and fix it. I suspect that those who do so would have voted against Obama anyway.

      But the bio being wrong, regardless of the cause of it, does not make Obama born in Kenya. He was born in Hawaii, and hence he is eligible.

      • Of course it doesn’t matter if the President has defrauded his way through life. Nothing has changed since he came to Washington.

        Obama was the original birther.

      • Glacierman says:

        “Does the fact that Obama’s bio says that he was born in Kenya change any of the above? No. ”

        But it may be how he got into Occidental – as an exchange student.

      • leftinbrooklyn says:

        ‘It does not matter what he says.’

        Of course it doesn’t. The right or wrong of the words by themself hold no real meaning when it’s believed the speaker of those words holds the promise of salvation.

        It still doesn’t matter what he says, to his followers. The idea of Obama is, to them, more important than who he is.

  10. EllenHancock1 says:

    Re: “it may be how it got into Occidental.”

    And in addition to the above. Occidental has never said that Obama was an exchange student, which would have been EXTREMELY rare for a person who had attended a US High School (which is what Obama did).

    Moreover, the idea that Obama applied to Occidental as someone who was born in Kenya is a stupid notion. Why? Because when there were only 21 people who came to the USA from Kenya in 1961, it would have been easy for Occidental to check a claim that he was born in Kenya, and if it did, then he would be out—and Occidental might even tell other schools about it.

    So, this is merely speculation, and it is NOT likely. And if it happened, so?

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Presidents lie all the time. If this alleged lie is particularly troubling to you, vote against him. I was discussing ELIGIBILITY, which would be affected if Obama were born in Kenya, and would not be affected if he merely lied and claimed to have been born in Kenya. There is of course good evidence that he was NOT born in Kenya, and there is no evidence that he told the publicist that he was born in Kenya either, so there is no evidence that he lied about it. Yes the mistake was not caught for years. Is that evidence of lying? No. It might be evidence of laziness not to check, but then a lot of people will be voting against Obama for reasons considerably stronger than the notion that he is lazy.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Re: “I am just trying to remember a time when Obama told the truth. Perhaps you can refresh my memory? ”

        The fact that Obama was born in Hawaii is not from a statement by Obama. It is from the official birth certificate of Hawaii, confirmed by the officials of both parties, confirmed by the Index Data, confirmed by the birth notices in the newspapers.

        Oh, and there is this:


    • LOL in Oregon! says:

      Hey EllenHandcock1!
      So, you don’t care if someone Gleicks you?
      (“to Gleick” – willingness to deceive [lie, cheat, steal] for personal advantage
      or for personal religion)

      If so, I got this bridge outside of Portland to sell you! Cheap!
      LOL in Oregon

    • Justa Joe says:

      “It does not matter what he says. It matters where he was actually born.” – obama girl

      Actually it should matter what he said and where he was actually born to someone that actually values honesty. On one hand you say that Obama never lied to his literary publicists or at least acquiesed to the lie about his place of birth, which is absurd, and on the other hand you say well if he lied that he was born in Kenya than he wasn’t born in Kenya. Apparently for you Obama can do no wrong.

      Would you at least concede that Obama’s myth about his place of birth is pretty F’ed up all the way around, and the situation is mostly of his own doing?

      As far as the “only 21” people entered the USA from Kenya in the year of Obama’s birth what the heck is that supposed to prove? Also nobody from the Republican party has “confirmed” anything about Obama’s birth records. They have merely accepted it at face value (3 years into OBama’s term after he was “gracious” enough to actually provide it).

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        You are assuming that he told his publicist that he was born in Kenya. But the publicist says that that did not happen. And, guess what, the BOOK, the one that the publicist was publicizing, said that Obama was born in Kapiolani Hospital in Hawaii. So clearly Obama really wrote that he was born in Hawaii. And the publicist is correct in saying that she made the mistake.

        But the issue on this site continues to be the claim that Obama was really born in Kenya. The fact that only 21 people came to the USA from Kenya in 1961 shows how UNLIKELY this would have been. And the fact that Obama’s father is proven to have been in Hawaii in August 1961, so she would have had to have traveled ten thousand miles to Kenya ALONE makes it even more unlikely. And the fact that the Kenyan government stated that they had investigated and found that he was not born in Kenya makes it still less likely. And the fact that a child born overseas needs a US travel document to get into the country, and no such document exists for Obama makes it still less likely. And the fact that Obama has a birth certificate from HAWAII, confirmed by the officials of both parties, confirmed by the Index Data, confirmed by the birth notices in the newspapers makes it still less likely.

        Obama said in his book that he was born in Hawaii. He wasn’t lying. The publicist admits to making the mistake. IF, however, Obama had ever said that he was born in Hawaii (which we have no record of), then Obama was lying because he had to have been born in HAWAII.

      • Me says:

        Let Obama prove it then, and not you!

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Obama published the Certification of Live Birth, Hawaii’s short form birth certificate that is now the official birth certificate used by thousands of people every year, back in June 2008, before he was president, not three years “into” his term.

        The two officials who original confirmed Obama’s birth certificate were members of a Republican governor’s administration. Their first confirmation was before the election. Subsequently the Republican governor of Hawaii confirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii.

        Here is the photographic image of the physical copy of the long-form birth certificate that was passed around in the White House Press room, and the statement of the reporter who photographed it that she had felt the raised seal:


        Here is the photographic image of the physical copy of Obama’s short form birth certificate, front and back:


        Here is confirmation that it is the official birth certificate that Hawaii issues:


        Here is the first of the confirmations by the officials in Hawaii:


        Notice where it says that there is an original birth certificate filed. Well, in 1961 foreign birth certificates, even those from other states, could not be filed in Hawaii. So the birth certificate in Obama’s files must be a Hawaii birth certificate.

        Here is the second of the confirmations by the officials in Hawaii:


        Notice where it says that the document in the files VERIFIES that Obama was born in Hawaii. So, not only is there an official Hawaiian birth certificate in the files, but it says right on it that Obama was born in Hawaii. Hawaii has never allowed the Department of Health to issue a birth document of any kind that says on it that anyone was born in Hawaii unless there was proof that the child was born in Hawaii, and that is what the officials in Hawaii have confirmed twice.

        And here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican, that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital


        Here is the latest confirmation, the one accepted by the conservative secretary of state of Arizona:


        Notice that the official states that the information on the copy of the BC that the White House published MATCHES the information in the files.

        Re “only 21.” That means that in addition to the proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, the chance that he was born in Kenya is dismally low. And it is even lower when you realize that to have gotten to Kenya Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled ten thousand miles to Kenya ALONE. And it is even lower, down to the near impossible level, when you realize that the Kenyan government checked on the claims of Obama’s birth in Kenya, and found that there was nothing to them:

        Jon Chessoni, first Secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, DC, said, speaking of inquiries the Embassy received about President Obama being born in Kenya: “When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.”

        Against this enormous weight of evidence, this site quotes a Kenyan newspaper that did not give any evidence to support the words “Kenyan born” that it inserted into a story, and which probably was trying to say as briefly as possible (and English is not the first language of the Kenyan editors) that Obama was born of a Kenyan—which he was.

        • That is so odd that he told his literary agent for 17 years that he was born in Kenya, and that two African newspapers headlined him as being born in Kenyan.

          Either he was born in America and is a liar, or he was born in Kenya and is a liar.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        Re “only 21.” That means that in addition to the proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, the chance that he was born in Kenya is dismally low. And it is even lower when you realize that to have gotten to Kenya Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled ten thousand miles to Kenya ALONE. And it is even lower, down to the near impossible level, when you realize that the Kenyan government checked on the claims of Obama’s birth in Kenya, and found that there was nothing to them:

        Jon Chessoni, first Secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, DC, said, speaking of inquiries the Embassy received about President Obama being born in Kenya: “When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.”

        Against this enormous weight of evidence, this site quotes a Kenyan newspaper that did not give any evidence to support the words “Kenyan born” that it inserted into a story, and which probably was trying to say as briefly as possible (and English is not the first language of the Kenyan editors) that Obama was born of a Kenyan—which he was.

  11. and English is not the first language of the Kenyan editors

    Your ignorance knows no bounds.

    • EllenHancock1 says:

      Their native languages are African native languages. Most editors know English, of course, but it is not their native language, and they may be vague on fine points such as whether “Kenyan born” refers to being born of Kenyan parents, which is the way that the term is used in some countries, or whether it refers only to the place of birth, which is the case in England and the USA.

      In any case, only 21 people came to the USA from Kenya in 1961, and the idea that Obama’s mother traveled thousands of miles ALONE so that she and Obama could be two of the 21—while there is a birth certificate showing that Obama was born in Hawaii—is simply absurd,

  12. EllenHancock1 says:

    Re: “There is no question that the writer said exactly what he was trying to say.”

    What was he trying to say. Are you SURE that he was trying to say that Obama was born in Kenya? Or, could he have been trying to say that Obama’s father was a Kenyan and that hence Obama was “Kenyan born?”

    In any case, there is no evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, and the Kenyan government has denied it, and it would be extremely unlikely due to the length, expense and risk of the trip, and only 21 people came to the USA from Kenya, and there is a birth certificate in Hawaii showing that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    • I hope you are getting paid well to do this.

    • leftinbrooklyn says:

      Though the explanation that the agent just happened to come up with ‘Kenya’, out of all the countries on Earth(much less all those in Africa) is absurd, let’s give you the benefit of the doubt that them one of them misspoke. And Kenya was the outcome.

      There can no benefit of doubt however, that this man allowed the ‘Kenyan-born’ error to continue, to whatever advantage he hoped to gain by it, willfully denying his American heritage. That you ( I assume from your defense of him) and others like you would still have him lead the nation he denied all those years, deserves the utmost contempt.

    • sunsettommy says:

      His daddy was never American or natural born in America and yet you go on with your silly arguments ignoring those fatal facts.

      • EllenHancock1 says:

        The meaning of Natural Born Citizen refers to the place of birth, not the parents.

        “Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth. Thus, those persons born within the United States are “natural born citizens” and eligible to be President. Much less certain, however, is whether children born abroad of United States citizens are “natural born citizens” eligible to serve as President …”—- Edwin Meese, et al, THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION (2005) [Edwin Meese was Ronald Reagan’s attorney general, and the Heritage Foundation is a well-known Conservative organization.]

        Obama was born in Hawaii as his official birth certificate from there and the confirmation of the officials of both parties, and the Index Data and the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961 all show. That is sufficient to prove Natural Born status. There is no evidence that Obama created a bio that said that he was born in Kenya or that he was sent a copy to check. The writer of the bio said that she made the mistake. HOWEVER, if you feel that Obama made the mistake or lied about his place of birth, you are welcome to vote against him. You can do that for any reason at all. But that does not change the fact that he was born in Hawaii, which is a US state, and that as a result he was born in the USA and is a Natural Born Citizen. Hence he was eligible for president in 2008 and remains eligible now.

  13. EllenHancock1 says:

    Calling names is not discussing the facts.

    The fact show that Obama was born in Hawaii as his birth certificate, short form and long form, and the confirmation of the officials of both parties in Hawaii, and the Index Data and the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961 (sent to the papers’ Health Bureau Statistics sections by the DOH) all show. And the meaning of Natural Born really does come from the common law, as the Wong Kim Ark Supreme Court decision has said. Hence Obama was eligible in 2008 and remains eligible now.

    • He should be impeached

    • Calling names is not discussing the facts.

      On the other hand, being stupid is not discussing facts. On the gripping hand, spreading propaganda in the service of liars is not discussing facts either.
      Barack Hussein Obama himself claimed multiple times over the last few decades to have been born in Kenya. Today he claims to have been born in Hawaii. Are both cases true?

  14. Ellen says:

    Obama wrote in his book Dreams from My Father that he was born IN HAWAII, and he has never said anything different. The fact that there are forged videos that cut out the “not” from “I was not born in Kenyas” does not show that he said it. The fact that a publicist made a mistake, and admitted to making the mistake, does not show that Obama ever said it.

    And, in fact, if Obama had actually said it, it would be wrong. The officials in Kenya have said that Obama was NOT born in Kenya, and the officials in Hawaii of both political parties said that Obama was born in Hawaii. And a grand total of 21 people came to the USA from Kenya in 1961. And WND has proved that Obama’s father was in Hawaii throughout 1961, so if Obama’s mother had actually gone to Kenya, she would have had to have traveled alone.

    The notion of Obama’s mother, late in pregnancy, traveling alone (WND has shown that Obama senior was in Hawaii on August 4, 1961) from Hawaii, where there are good hospitals, to Kenya, where there was Yellow Fever and bad hospitals, and doing so without any INS record of her leaving the USA or any record of her arriving in Kenya——is absurd. And the fact that there is a birth certificate showing that she gave birth in Kapiolani Hospital in Honolulu makes it even more absurd.

    Jon Chessoni, first Secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, DC, said, speaking of inquiries the Embassy received about President Obama being born in Kenya: “When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.”

    Oh, and Obama’s Kenyan grandmother NEVER said that he was born in Kenya. She was misquoted by birther sites, who cut off the tape before she was asked: “Whereabouts was he born.” She answered that question by saying repeatedly: “In Hawaii.” And, in another interview, with the Hartford Courant newspaper, she said that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was IN A LETTER FROM HAWAII.

    The facts on Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate have been repeatedly confirmed by the officials of BOTH political parties in Hawaii. The latest confirmation was accepted by the Conservative secretary of state of Arizona, who ruled that Obama’s name should be placed on the ballot of that state. The birth certificate is also confirmed by the Index Data and by the birth notices sent to the newspapers in Hawaii in 1961 by the DOH of Hawaii.

    Here is the photographic image of the physical copy of the long-form birth certificate that was passed around in the White House Press room, and the statement of the reporter who photographed it that she had felt the raised seal:


    Here is the photographic image of the physical copy of Obama’s short form birth certificate, front and back.


    Here is confirmation that it is the official birth certificate that Hawaii issues


    Here is the second of the confirmations by the officials in Hawaii.


    Notice where it says that the document in the files VERIFIES that Obama was born in Hawaii. So, not only is there an official Hawaiian birth certificate in the files, but it says right on it that Obama was born in Hawaii. Hawaii has never allowed the Department of Health to issue a birth document of any kind that says on it that anyone was born in Hawaii unless there was proof that the child was born in Hawaii, and that is what the officials in Hawaii have confirmed twice.

    And here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican, that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital.


    And here is the statement of a witness who recalls being told of Obama’s birth in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, in 1961:


    Here are the birth notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961.


    I can also show that the newspapers in Hawaii did not accept birth notices for the birth notice listings from any source other than the Hawaii government in 1961, and the Hawaii government did not issue birth certificates to people born outside of Hawaii in 1961, and the Hawaii government only sent out birth notices to the papers for children who had received Hawaii birth certificates, and the government of Hawaii checked claims of birth at home, demanding a witness statement.

    And here is the Index Data:


    And here is the proof that the Conservative Secretary of State of Arizona accepted Hawaii’s confirmation that Obama was born there, and that he ruled that Obama will be on the ballot in Arizona:


    • His literary agent listed him as being born in Kenya from 1991-2007

      • Ellen says:


        Do literary agents never make mistakes?

        Are you saying that the accuracy of a literary agent, who has admitted to making the mistake, is better than the governments of Kenya and Hawaii combined? (Both of them say that Obama was not born in Kenya.)

        Because a literary agent thought that Obama was born in Kenya does that make it any more likely that Obama and his mother were two of the 21 people who came to the USA from Kenya in 1961. Does it make it any more likely that Obama’s mother traveled alone ten thousand miles to Kenya late in her first pregnancy–at huge cost and risk?

        Obviously not. So what does the fact that the literary agent made a mistake have to do with the well-proved fact of Obama being born in Hawaii?

    • Ellen says:

      Re: “It went on for 17 years.”

      It could have gone on for 34 years and that still would not make Obama born in Kenya. The fact that someone says something and it is in print for 17 years or 34 years or 300 years does not make it true.

      The facts are that the Kenyan government checked on whether Obama was born there, and found it was not true. (And, since there were only 21 people who came to the USA from Kenya in 1961 and since the trip from Hawaii was long and dangerous and expensive, and Obama’s mother would have had to have gone to Kenya alone, it would have been damn unlikely).

      The facts are that there is a birth certificate showing that Obama was born in Hawaii, and this is confirmed by the officials of both parties, by the Index Data and by the birth notices in the Hawaii papers in 1961.

  15. gjc says:

    He was born in Hawaii. Period, end of story.

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