No 100 Degree Temperature Readings In Missouri This Year

Missouri has had no 100ºF readings this year, compared to 833 in 1936, and 675 in 1934.

ScreenHunter_442 Aug. 27 12.53

Missouri August temperatures have been in decline since Mark Twain lived there, and were 6ºC cooler this summer than in 1936.

ScreenHunter_443 Aug. 27 12.55

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to No 100 Degree Temperature Readings In Missouri This Year

  1. Cybor says:

    Hardly suprising. As even a common man living 5000 miles away have heard of the dustbowls in the mid thirties. It is not hard too imagine that change in landuse since then will have caused a local change in temperature. You should llook at the overall pattern. Here in the Netherlands temperatures have risen a bit, but the change in precipation is more clear: plus 20percent in 80 years. Nowadays the rain falls in less but more intense showers.

  2. squid2112 says:

    Someone would have to check (Steve?) but I do believe that Nashville, TN has not had a single 100F day this year either. In fact, I am pretty sure we have not surpassed 95F this year. This is quite unusual according to many of my friends who have lived here for many many years. I’m not complaining mind you. Aside from the continuous rain this year, it has been a wonderful golf year!

    • gofer says:

      No 100F this year. The forecast is for 95-96 later this week, but at 4pm, it’s 88F with a forecast today of 91. There have been very few days in the 90F range. It’s presently 90 in the ‘Boro from Intellicast and 88 in Nashville from WeatherBug which I suspect hasn’t been updated yet.

  3. ima says:

    In my opinion, these charts, showing, by specific locations, that the 1930s clearly had more hot days than any of the years since then, are excellent indicators that the “adjustments” made to official historical temperature data are false.

    Steve, I suggest you take this theme and work it to the point where the facts simply can no longer be disputed.

    Nothing will go farther in changing peoples opinions than to show, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the “scientists” in charge of the temperature data have been falsifying historical data bases in the name of their political agenda.

    In a field of study where there is so little available to demonstratively prove or disprove statements portrayed as “facts”, this is one area that would be difficult to challenge. If all or most local temperature readings in the mid-30s were greater than today, than how can one agree with the adjustments that show that recent temperature levels were higher? JMO.

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