Obama : Overthrowing The Syrian Government Is Not About Regime Change

Obama is providing money, weapons and bombing for al Qaeda terrorists in Syria who are working to run the Christians out and overthrow the government.

But Obama says it is “not about regime change.”

ScreenHunter_446 Aug. 27 13.26

White House: possible action on Syria ‘not about regime change’ – live | World news | theguardian.com

It should be about regime change in the US.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama : Overthrowing The Syrian Government Is Not About Regime Change

  1. Gamecock says:

    If Assad is the problem, blow him up. Leave his troops alone.

    Ronaldus Magnus put a bomb in Kadhafi’s tent – Kadhafi decided to cool it for a few years.

  2. Chewer says:

    Maybe we should be supporting the faction that doesn’t have a problem with us enjoying our BLT’s and frying our eggs in bacon grease, or the one that treats their females like equal people or the side that appreciates our laws…
    Oh, that’s right – both factions would rather check the effectiveness of their freshly sharpened swords on our necks, so never mind-:)

  3. Larry Fields says:

    On the specific issue of Syria, I agree with Sarah Palin’s remark:
    Let Allah sort it out.

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