Monthly Archives: August 2013

They Told Us To Wait Until The Summer Minimum

Earlier this year, our alarmist friends were whining that breathtakingly ignorant lay people are only allowed to look at Arctic ice at the summer minimum. Well the minimum is about here, and now they don’t want to talk about it. … Continue reading

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90% Of New York State 100 Degree Readings Occurred With CO2 Below 350 PPM

Prior to 1955, 100ºF readings were common in New York State. They rarely happen any more. There are 30 HCN stations in New York which have been continuously active since 1930, and 90% of their 100ºF readings occurred with CO2 below … Continue reading

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86% Of Virginia 100 Degree Readings Occurred With CO2 Below 350 PPM

Virginia has 12 HCN stations which have been active since at least 1930. None of them reached 100ºF this year, but in 1930 Virginia had a total of eighty-two 100ºF readings. Eighty-six percent of all 100ºF readings occurred with CO2 below 350 … Continue reading

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New York Thug Makes Good On His Colorado Influence Peddling Bribes

Bloomberg promised cash to Colorado Dems to betray their constituency, and he has proven again that he is willing to deliver. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has thrown $350,000 behind an effort to fight the recall of two Colorado … Continue reading

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Congress Meekly Weighs In That They Might Want To Enforce The US Constitution

Obama administration’s push for ‘shot across bow’ on Syria in response to last week’s alleged chemical weapons attack hits snag as Congress seeks chance to have input and key US allies hold up decision citing incomplete UN probe. Congress, Allies … Continue reading

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Shock News : Obama Lied About Syria

AP SOURCES: INTELLIGENCE ON WEAPONS NO ‘SLAM DUNK’ WASHINGTON (AP) — The intelligence linking Syrian President Bashar Assad or his inner circle to an alleged chemical weapons attack that killed at least 100 people is no “slam dunk,” with questions … Continue reading

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Northwest Passage Still Blocked With Ice

The rowers were fortunate on July 23, when the hand of god guided them 30 km into a stiff wind with the GPS turned off, to get around point Tuk. It has been blocked with ice most of the time … Continue reading

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Obama Invokes The “tailored, limited” War Clause

Obama said a “tailored, limited” strike, not a protracted engagement like Iraq Obama lays out case for ‘tailored’ strike against Syria: PBS | Reuters Obama believes that he can bypass the Constitutional requirement for a Congressional declaration of war, if … Continue reading

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Two Decades Of Unprecedented Global Warming Has Left Arctic Ice Almost The Same As It Was 20 Years Ago

Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps One might be inclined to believe that Arctic experts have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

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Harvard Study : Gun Control Doesn’t Work

Because the findings so clearly demonstrate that more gun laws may in fact increase death rates, the study says that “the mantra that more guns mean more deaths and that fewer guns, therefore, mean fewer deaths” is wrong. For example, when … Continue reading

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