Monthly Archives: August 2013

Rush Locates A Good Source Of Global Warming Information

The Evidence Proves Global Warming is a Hoax, But That Doesn’t Stop the Left – The Rush Limbaugh Show

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For The Messiah – Rule Of Law, Checks And Balances, Democracy, And Other People’s Opinions Are Irrelevant

Obama wants to bypass Congress and the UN and declare war on Syria, which is no threat to the US. But this is nothing new, his entire agenda is based on bypassing the rule of law. Why is Congress abdicating … Continue reading

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US Maintains The High Moral Ground

The Milwaukee Journal – Google News Archive Search

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Dessler Promises An End To IPCC Global Warming Hype

Twitter / AndrewDessler: Summary of upcoming IPCC report: . h/t to Marc Morano

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Frequency Of Record Setting Temperatures Have Sharply Declined In The US

The number of all-time record daily maximum temperatures set or tied* per year has dropped almost in half since the 1930s, for all stations which have been continuously active during the period. * Disclaimer for alarmists : read the bold … Continue reading

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Missing Heat Sinks Into The Oceans – Making Them Cool Down

The Guardian has solved several mysteries. Trenberth’s missing heat sinking into the oceans is causing the oceans to cool,  and WMO’s accelerated warming is actually a pause in warming. Cooling Pacific has dampened global warming, research shows | Environment | … Continue reading

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Guardian Plans Improvements To The Greenland Country Club

Climate change could turn Greenland green by 2100 | Environment | More utter, total bullshit from experts. This is what Greenland looks like during the summer of 2013. EOSDIS Worldview (Alpha)

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I Have A Dream

I have a dream – that we will be able to blame everything on creepy ass crackas, and that the president will fully back us up. …………………………… One of the teens charged with beating to death a World War II … Continue reading

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Vice-President Says That The President Should Be Impeached For Taking Military Action Without Congressional Approval

“I made it clear to the President,” a furious Biden declared, “that if he takes this nation to war without Congressional approval, I will make it my business to impeach him.  That is a fact.” [youtube=]

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Obama Just Wants A Small War

Obama says he isn’t actually up for fighting WWIII, and that he just wants a small two day war which hopefully won’t provoke Armageddon. He does hope to bomb Russian helicopters before leaving for Russia next week. An American military … Continue reading

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