Monthly Archives: August 2013

Obama Has Al Qaeda On The Run – As He Arms Them And Gives Them Bombing Support

Obama is sending huge amounts of arms to Al Qaeda, and last week shut down our embassies because he said Al Qaeda was going to attack them. This week he wants to provide Al Qaeda terrorists with air support in … Continue reading

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Before NASA Started Tampering With Temperature Data

NASA used to correctly show that the 1930s and 1950s were the warmest decades in the US. in the U.S. there has been little temperature change in the past 50 years, the time of rapidly increasing greenhouse gases — in … Continue reading

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Antarctic Meltdown Producing Record Amounts Of Ice

Climate experts say that Antarctica is melting down and will drown us all. Antarctic ice is near an all-time record high, indicating that climate expert is synonymous with flaming imbecile. S_stddev_timeseries.png (1050×840)

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Shock News : Ultra-Liberal Senator Turned President Created A Fake Military Incident As An Excuse To Bomb A Foreign Country

Lodi News-Sentinel – Google News Archive Search

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Huffington Post Drowns LA, Miami, New York And Honolulu

We have truly reached a tipping point of stupidity and insanity, when people write and read this crap. 14 U.S. Cities That Could Disappear Over The Next Century, Thanks To Global Warming

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US/UK Arming Al Qaeda Terrorists In Order To Protect Civilians

Britain said it would propose a resolution at the United Nations on Wednesday authorizing action to protect civilians in Syria from chemical weapons. Prime Minister David Cameron did not specify what that action would be or whether the resolution would explicitly lay out … Continue reading

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Hot Days In Sharp Decline In The US

The number of of 90ºF days in the US is down 20% since the 1930s, with 2013 having the fewest in over a century. 2013 totals are not final, but are unlikely to pass 2009, which was the second mildest … Continue reading

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90% Of All North Dakota 100 Degree Temperatures Occurred With CO2 Below 350 PPM

There were no 100ºF temperatures reported in North Dakota this summer, but they were very common during the 1930s. The five hottest summers in North Dakota were 1936, 1931, 1933, 1934 and 1988. Ninety percent of North Dakota one hundred … Continue reading

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Who Wouldn’t Trust The White House To Tell The Truth About Overseas Attacks?


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Biden Is Sure About Syria

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis He also is sure that President Roosevelt (who wasn’t president) went on television (which hadn’t been invented yet) in 1929 to discuss the stock market crash. [youtube=h]

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