Santa Fe Drought Warning : “Recent heavy rains have saturated the ground”

Yesterday, the LA Times declared that Santa Fe would never recover from the drought.

The National Weather Service is warning today of more flash floods in Santa Fe because the ground is saturated with rainwater.

ScreenHunter_23 Aug. 07 11.21

Warnings for Jemez Mountains, New Mexico | Weather Underground

America has gone full 1984. The mainstream news is now 100% fiction.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Santa Fe Drought Warning : “Recent heavy rains have saturated the ground”

  1. Andy DC says:

    Those are by far the most dangerous conditions, when rain falls on saturated ground during extreme drought. That is when droughtflood danger is the highest!

  2. Jason Calley says:

    “America has gone full 1984. The mainstream news is now 100% fiction.”

    I suspect that some of the fashion news and celebrity gossip might be true — but anything important is almost certainly false.

    The people who control our MSM are power addicts. The most important thing in their lives is their ability to control you. Information (or rather, accurate information) is a source of power. The MSM will lie to you because every lie you believe makes you a little bit more helpless.

    Kill your television.

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