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“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” – Cicero
the Federal Reserve
The Fed is not the problem. Their actions are a symptom. Blaming them is like blaming the IRS for taxes. The real problem is the legislative and regulatory avalanche out of DC that bogs down the economy. The Fed has had to try to outweigh all that stupidity with the few tools it has. Which is why the Fed will never go away. If it was abolished, the ire of the people would fall only on the Congress and President, and politicians sure don’t want that.
That’s not to say the Fed isn’t a problem, but that they are a problem because they have to try to spur the economy and employment while the government is tripping it up. But they have one tool versus the full legislative toolbox the government has. Manufacturing didn’t just start moving overseas because of wages. Environmental laws started increasing the costs of running a manufacturing plant decades ago. Then increased over time toward effective bans in many cases. Can someone open a fabric dyeing facility these days? How about a coal fired electric plant?
All the cheap money in the world can’t keep a coal fired plant open or coal mining jobs if the EPA basically bans the coal plant. And cheap money can’t save jobs that go away because Obamacare raises the cost of full time employees by thousands of dollars a year. But since the Fed only has that tool, they use it hoping that some other jobs pop up elsewhere to replace those jobs.
It’s not only wages, the EPA, and now Obamacare, another reason is taxes. Doesn’t the US have the highest corporate taxes?
The federal reserve is a blood sucker on the nation. Only 3% of US money is in cash all the rest is in the form of loans. Loans made out of thin air without a wisp of actual wealth as ‘consideration’ from the bankers. In essence we trade the title to land or a car or our word for monopoly money printed on the spot by bankers and we then sign a contract to pay back all the money plus interest with our labor.
The upshot is the dollar I saved in the 1960s is now worth about three cents in todays money. The bankers have stolen 97% of my wealth. In the case of the leveraged buyouts and corporate raids during the Reagan Admin the accumulated wealth of entire corporations was transfered to the banks and their buddies in return for ‘Monopoly Money’ If those buyouts had to be made with REAL wealth, the raiders accumulated assets, those raids would never have happened at least in the numbers that they did.
Whether you blame the leveraged buyout feeding frenzies of the 80’s or the World Trade Organization “Free Trade” agreement of the 90’s the result is the same America has been quietly sold off piece by piece. This is a sampling of the industries with over 50% foreign ownership, according to Source Watch (wwwDOT)sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Foreign_ownership_of_U.S._corporations
* Sound recording industries – 97%
* Commodity contracts dealing and brokerage – 79%
* Motion picture and sound recording industries – 75%
* Metal ore mining – 65%
* Wineries and distilleries – 64%
* Database, directory, Book and other publishers – 63%
* Cement, concrete, lime, and gypsum product – 62%
* Engine, turbine and power transmission equipment – 57%
* Rubber product – 53%
* Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing – 53%
* Plastics and rubber products manufacturing – 52%
* Other insurance related activities – 51%
* Boiler, tank, and shipping container – 50%
* Glass and glass product – 48%
* Coal mining – 48%
A real eye opener isn’t it. But it gets worse. The Department of Homeland Security says 80% of our ports are operated by Foreigners and they are buying and running US bridges and toll roads. (From a now dead link: (wwwDOT)alabamaeagle.org/issues.asp?action=form&formID=2105&recordID=131006)
The stuff above I found five years ago. More recently a couple of physicists and an economist formally looked at the situation. Glattfelder and his co-authors Stefania Vitali and Stefano Battiston are complex systems theorists. Complexity theory examines interactions between parts, looking for the simple rules that emerge when viewed en masse.
They produced the following papers.
The Network of Global Corporate Control
Commentary on the study. The capitalist network that runs the world – Contains a listing of the top 50 of the 147 superconnected companies, “mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy.” So the article is worth a glance.
An earlier work by the same physicists.
The Federal Reserve was designed from the get go to extract wealth from the USA and ship it to the European Bankers. That is why Paul Warburg, the author of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act left Germany and relocated to the USA. The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was orchestrated by the Fed and their puppet FDR. In 1933 FDR confiscated the personal gold of all Americans and placed it in Fort Knox where it has never been audited. The reason the bankers resist having Fort Knox audited is because the gold has been sent to Europe.
As Congressman MCFadden so colorfully put it:
And a bit more on just what a nasty piece of work FDR was from CHAPTER THIRTEEN The 1930’s [SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE By Eustace Mullins]
“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” James Madison
What I found interesting in looking at FDR was McFadden’s comments 80 years ago and the comments made in 2011 by Pascal Lamy, two time Director-General of the World Trade Organization.
Pascal Lamy
So FDR sold out the USA to the internationalists in the 1930s. No wonder McFadden was assassinated to shut him up.
That’s a good description of John Key. (For his apartheid in NZ.)
(My Nov 21 2014 2:19 pm comment refers to readanthink90’s Nov 20 2014 10:59 pm quote from Cicero.)
Patriot Act made Obama’s power possible. Of course with the help of the Federal Reserve .
Senator Cruz gives good speeches. This one was clever.
This article on Recision was interesting as a strategy