
Friday, January 7, 2011

A new rule in New Mexico ensures that soon the state’s polluters will have to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by three percent a year from 2010 levels. And the state approved a separate proposal paving the way for participating in a cap-and-trade plan under which 11 states and Canadian provinces have agreed to establish a regional, market-based emission reduction program.

Probably a good idea to check your facts before writing a stupid global warming article.


New Mexico Drops Greenhouse Measures

Incoming New Mexico Republican Governor Susana Martinez has canceled the planned publication in the state register of two rules: the New Energy Economy rule aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions and a measure which would control pollution from the dairy industry. Without publication, the rules will not take effect.

She also ordered a review of rules already in place, which include the state’s cap-and-trade measure approved in November 2010 – ostensibly to help the state’s economy by removing regulations.

Martinez opposes New Mexico’s participation in a regional cap-and-trade program, which began January 1.

The measures require large greenhouse gas emitters – mostly utilities and gas and oil operations – to make annual reductions from baseline levels in 2010.

While she was at it, she also ousted all members of the Environmental Improvement Board who had supported action on climate change.

With Feds Failing, Climate Change Action Goes Local

Friday, January 7, 2011

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Bzzzztttt

  1. Baa Humbug says:

    I love this woman, she’s got balls.

    (errr that didn’t sound right)

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    the dairy industry

    Why were farmers targeted? It is mindless. I haven’t figured that one out yet.

    • Mike Davis says:

      Methane and machinery needed to provide the Milk products!
      Someone playing virtual earth guessed that Dairy was contributing an unfair amount of GHGs to the atmosphere! They probably suffer from lactaphobia!
      It may have even been a model that can not live down the “Milkstache” she wore to earn money when Gigs were scarce! 😉

    • Nobama says:

      Honestly, It’s the Vegan caucus of the climate cult behind that. I’m not kidding. They oppose everything about beef and dairy…… because when you’re a socialist Eco-Nazi, it isn’t okay to just live your life the way you want. Everyone else must live their lives the way YOU want also. Every piddly fetish of the socialist agenda somehow finds a way to be served by climate hysteria. Just ask Sheryl (sticky fingers) Crow.

      Sheryl’s single sheet how to guide:

      1. Remove one (and only one) sheet from the roll.
      Fold neatly in half

      2. Along the folded edge, in the center of the sheet, tear away a small half moon of tissue. Save this.

      3. Unfold the sheet, and behold, a square with a small hole in the center.

      4. Place square over forefinger of whichever hand you will never need again.

      5. Using said forefinger, do the Sheryl Crow hokey pokey

      6. Grasping below the paper with unsoiled hand, wrap said forefinger, and squeegee upward to the fingertip

      7. Use the tiny disk of paper from step 2 to clean beneath the fingernail

      Return to crowd of adoring fans seeking autographs.

      No need to worry about odor, if you’re doing this, you haven’t bathed in weeks, and no one will be the wiser.

  3. Latitude says:

    Can we clone her?

  4. Philip Finck says:

    I guess that the greenies will talk to the cows and convince them, for the good of the planet and their grandcalfs) to stop farting and sh**ting. So Texas would be full of bloated and constipated cows. That isn’t good….. they look uncomfortable enough when bloated with milk.

    That would make a good Josh cartoon.

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