Democrats To Cure Mental Illness By Repealing The Constitution

It is called a magazine, not a clip.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Democrats To Cure Mental Illness By Repealing The Constitution

  1. Latitude says:

    Is there anyone who hasn’t noticed that the lefty liberals are using hate speech to complain about fabricated hate speech?

    The lefty liberals are accusing other people of doing exactly what the lefty liberals are doing right now…………..

    Keep calling voters names………that’s a great way to win an election

  2. peterhodges says:

    i am sure if the 30 round magazine were illegal the perp would have made sure to use only legal 10rd magazines on his murder spree.

    at least that’s how the law abiding murderers in california have adapted to only being allowed 10rd magazines.

    if you want to see what gun control gets you look over the border in mexico. 5,000 murders in just one city last year.

    • He wouldn’t want to be charged with using an illegal magazine in the act of multiple first degree murders. That could aggravate his death penalty.

      • Mike Davis says:

        When they find out he was a Democrat his penalty will be for discharging a weapon in a crowd or littering! His defense will be he was listening to Romm!

  3. Does anyone remember a simpler life in America?

    • peterhodges says:

      the 70’s. before fun was illegal….;)

      • MikeTheDenier says:

        Simplier life, as in rotary dial telephones, party lines, 3 broadcast TV stations (and PBS), when you actually had to write a letter and put a stamp on it, when you listened to music via a vinyl record and needle, when you made your own toys. You mean those days just some 50 short years ago?

      • Mike Davis says:

        I grew up with asking the operator to connect me to the person by name in a town of 3000 people only the rich and businesses had phones and my parents had a business but no home phone. If you wanted to contact someone you left a note on their door as even a local letter could take 2 or 3 days to reach its destination.
        Even in the 70s some fun was illegal but we did it anyway. Of course if caught it was the parents that provided the punishment because it was their responsibility to control their children. That goes back to the 50s in my memory.

  4. Byz says:

    Yesterday I saw a report that he tried to get bullets in WalMart, but the store assistant saw he was acting strangely and lied that they were out of stock and so he went somewhere else.

    You sell Bullets in supermarkets!!!!!!!! Oh my ๐Ÿ™

    You can buy bullets with toilet roll ๐Ÿ™

    In 2010 we had 2 major incidents where many people were killed or injured one where a deranged taxi driver, went on a drive by killing spree loads of innocent people killed and also an ex-prisoner who killed a Black belt in Karate (who was going out with his ex) and tried to kill a policeman, both involved guns. If they had just had knives then the death toll would have been way lower plus the black belt could have disarmed him, with a gun no chance at self defence ๐Ÿ™

    Also I keep hearing carry a gun for self defence two of the people who were at the shooting on Saturday had concealed guns, they never got used the man was disarmed by people using there hands, not guns!!!

    So how did having a concealed weapon help? It didn’t so they were useless.

    It seems to me that everyone in the US should walk around with body armour on all the time as at least you’d have a better chance of survival ๐Ÿ™

  5. Olaf Koenders, Wizard of Oz? says:

    So, when a politician is the target of gunfire is the only time politicians take a stand – albeit only to protect their own? Not only that, but some feeble idea such as reducing magazine capacities?

    We used to sell guns and ammunition in KMart back in the ’70’s. Since I was a kid I saw similar knee-jerk legislation slowly dribble out of parliament, such as maximum 10 round magazines, silencers and semi-auto’s becoming illegal. I can tell all those idiots now, that NONE of those measures work, but cost millions to implement.

    Even in a country like Australia where my fellow citizens have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to bear arms. Trust me, it’ll never work as people here are still shot and killed – with just ONE round or even a butt to the head, requiring no magazines whatsoever.

    With an obvious lack of gunfire here (we tend to settle up with our fists rather than tilt a gun sideways at everything like a spooked rapp-ah), the authorities find other ways to reduce our “apparent” requisite for self-mutilation and, fine us heavily for just about any motor vehicle infraction they can think about.

    I prefer to bear arms. It’s between us and the cops – whoever can shoot out the tyres on the opposition wins.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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