Guardian : Queensland Floods Are Not Caused By Global Warming

What changed since yesterday?

However, Vicki Pope explains that the record cold water is indicative of  hot water:

But as a general point, said Prof Vicky Pope, head of climate change advice at the Met Office, a warmer world is a wetter world. “As the average global temperature increases one would expect the moisture content of the atmosphere to rise, due to more evaporation from the sea surface. For every 1C sea surface temperature rise, atmospheric moisture over the oceans increases by 6-8%. Also in general, as more energy and moisture is put into the atmosphere [by warming], the likelihood of storms, hurricanes and tornadoes increases.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Guardian : Queensland Floods Are Not Caused By Global Warming

  1. Lance says:

    I thought it caused more droughts….oh wait, it depends on where you are and if it happens…

  2. Dave N says:

    Actually, it is more indicative that Queensland has severe flooding every few decades or so.. It has been happening for well over 100 years, including times when alarmists say CO2 has not had any influence on the climate whatsoever.

    Then again, if you want to scare someone, say flooding was caused by CO2. That’ll get the wind up ’em.

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    Our resident alarmist whackjob David Karoly said much the same as Pope on the ABC news today. They both need to get their heads out of their a$$es.

    We had a strong El Nino in the early part of the year, this was followed by a plunge into La Nina in an unprecedented rate since records were kept. The result being extreme weather.

    This was predictable and in fact was predicted by Inigo Owen Jones way back in 1954. He was a self tought meteorologist with a hit rate of 80% for very long range forecasts. He predicted an end to a decade long drought in 2010 and that’s exactly what we got. And he didn’t have a single molecule of CO2 in mind.

    Karoly, Pope, Flannery et al need to be feather n tarred publicly.

    • Sandy Rham says:

      Tar and feather, the feathers stick better that way 😉
      Is Tony Abbott making capital out of this yet?

      • Beano says:

        Tony Abbot is keeping his head down re the Queensland disaster blame game argument. There is no political mileage to be had at the moment in fact inappropriate..
        There are still many missing persons and a disaster in progress.

        Julya Dillard has already made some silly appearances.

        The flood is only the start of the disaster. The hangover will go on for a few weeks after.
        Drinking water is going to become a problem – ironic isn’t it.
        Some of the sewage treatment plants have been destroyed and this will create havoc. The main wholesale markets are under water – and will be for days, plus unusable for a couple of weeks. This will have a drastic effect on food supplies.
        It will take two years to replace and repair the community infrastructure let alone the private property damages.

  4. mikegeo says:

    Well, Tim Flannery, one of Aus’s men of the year and an AGW alarmist, strongly advised the Aus govt to build desalinization plants and not waste money on flood control dams. They weren’t going to be needed in a warmer, drier australia prone to continued drought he strongly preached.
    They’re going to start biting each other soon I think.

    • Beano says:

      The Queensland desal plant has been mothballed.
      The new Victorian Conservative government is looking into the cost and effectiveness of it’s Labor Governement committed desal plant. The construction cost is $5.8billion plus another $20+billion to run for the next 20 years.

      It’s not the Mary river cod that’s endangered – it’s the Murray River Cod. Ironically the recent floods are a threat to the cod. Billabongs and backwaters which have been isolated for years by the drought have been suddenly flooded. The water from these have been brought back into the river system. Unfortunately this water is oxygen depleted (Blackwater) and has been causing a large amount of fish death.

  5. Piers Corbyn says:

    The major Queensland floods are a solar-lunar phenomena – not jut a La Nina phenomena (which is solar driven). The biggest ones also require a certain phase of the eclipse cycle of 19 years hence the multiples of 19 years separating the groups of floods which tend to come in consecutive years and then return, SOI permitting, around 19 years later. See WeatherAction2011 News No1 –

    Prof Vicky Pope, by the way, writes deceitfully. Her point about a warmer world having more rainfall in general is true but now of course the world is cooling so the Queensland floods if meant to be evidence of a warmer world (which used to be the cause of droughts they told us would beset Australia rather than floods) are not an indicator of a warmer world. Her remarks are the ramblings of a failed cult idealogue whose raging predictions have failed.

    Piers Corbyn MSc (astrophysics), ARCS, FRAS, FRMetS,
    MD long range weather & climate forecasters

    • Beano says:

      Unfortunately there are a large number of Australian academics who can be classified as activists with a degree. I don’t personally classify these people as scientists.

  6. Byz says:

    The BBC were trying to push the climate change bit yesterday.

    An Australian Climate professor gave them a slap down when he pointed out that it was not climate change, but due to la nina 🙂

    The interview was quickly over 🙂

  7. Philip Finck says:

    And here they go again, the MET that is,`in genear leads to more hurricanes’ ……………… if the science doesn’t support your bias, then just ignore it. They must hire and promote people based on a degree in environmental science = crap.

  8. Tony Brimson says:

    If the Queensland floods were the result of “Global warming”. What caused the 1974 floods?. Global warming rubbish!

  9. kolumne says:

    Hi there!

    This is a good post Guardian : Queensland Floods Are Not Caused By Global Warming | Real Science. It seems online publishing had far surpassed print news. Even proffesional journalists can’t make it up to what the web writers can provide in terms of informativeness, and conciseness. Reading current affairs online has completely replaced newspaper news for me.

    Callais Sturkie

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