Before You Light Your Toilet Paper In A Dry Forest ….

Remember, no matter how many people you kill, it is the fault of American SUV drivers.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Before You Light Your Toilet Paper In A Dry Forest ….

  1. Latitude says:

    the good intentions of a participant in the Rainbow Festival that was being held at the site. For ecological reasons, she burned toilet paper she had used so as not to leave it in nature, and in normal circumstances, that would have been the thing to do.
    If she was a conservative, she would have been burned at the cross………………..

    …….as it is, they are trying to portray her as some sort of angel

  2. suyts says:

    Ahh, the road to hell. How long must we suffer from these well-intended, yet very foolish killers. Are the dead any less dead because she didn’t intend to kill them?

    From Randy Travis.

    …”And I hear tell the road to hell is paved with good intentions
    And mama my intentions were the best
    There’s lotsa things in my life I just as soon not mention
    Looks like I’ve turned out like all the rest
    But mama my intentions were the best..”

  3. Forest fires are natural. Indians used to start forest fires to manage the land. Imagine that!

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