Rain Is Associated With Cold Air

One of the remarkable fairy tales to have come from shape shifting climate science in the past year, is that rain is associated with anomalously warm air.

As you can see below, the relationship is exactly the opposite. Climate scientists used to know that (dry) deserts are hot, before they had their IPCC frontal lobotomies.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Rain Is Associated With Cold Air

  1. Colder than expected on the way?

    BigJoeBastardi tweet

    That forecast for the big drop for 2011 was made back in March.. I may have been too slow, not cool enough. This La Nina means business


    • Paul H says:

      Somebody correct me if I am wrong, but the way I see things is that the big ( and more importantly longer lasting) El Nino last year simply meant that a lot of warmth was lost from the sea and ultimately the atmosphere.

      In other an El Nino is really a cooling event. A bit like stirring your tea cools down the tea.

      It will remain cold until the lost heat is replaced.

  2. mitchel44 says:

    rainfall is Jan to Dec 2010, temp is Nov 09 to Oct 10

    should be same period

  3. S.E.Hendriksen says:

    Temperatures are NOT a good proxy for (latent) energi-flow 🙂

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