“Permanent Shift” In Antarctic Sea Ice

Antarctic sea ice is close to the 1981-2010 median edge and growing, and extent is considerably larger than peak extent in 1966. But the press says it is an “extreme low” and “signals a permanent shift.

Sea Ice Index Daily and Monthly Image Viewer | National Snow and Ice Data Center


“in August 1966 the maximum sea ice extent fell to 15.9×10 km ± 0.3×10 km .”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “Permanent Shift” In Antarctic Sea Ice

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    They are a bunch of whining children who lie about everything to get their way.

    • Disillusioned says:

      Well, what you said is true about leftists in general – the audience the below-mentioned players are working up.

      With their goal of usurping more and more liberties in their slow-motion attempted takeover of the world, the Cabal hope that it is the public who become afraid and do most of the whining – and hopefully they’ll also be frothing at their mouths, gluing their hands to streets and works of art, burning down cities, looting, rioting and causing all sorts of chaos, unrest, mayhem.

      It seems the presstitutes who publish those disaster memes are in a business controlled by a cabal, and they merely receive the copy from above and pass on that news copy – sometimes with a change-up in words to make it their own, sometimes not. True, some of the script readers are also in Camp Looney Tunes with their audience, but I believe many are merely script readers – repeaters of the disaster meme of the day, and do it without emotion or any knowledge on the articles they regurgitate.

      I don’t think they have any or much choice in the matter – they receive the story and are told that’s the one we’re running today. The ones who balk at publishing or going on the air with the daily feed of Cabal memes end up out of a job. Some become independent journalists, like Sharyl Attkisson, etc.


      • arn says:

        Mike Pence has several videos on his twitter account about how the Atlantic Council ( ran by half a dozen former CiA Bosses ) is training journalist

        Start with the one from dez. 23 2022 (sadly can’t link)
        In this case against Trump and against Brexit,
        which is quiet interesting for a DC group to give a crap what England does

      • Francis Barnett says:

        Covering Climate Now (CCNow) is an advocacy organization operating out of the Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) at Columbia University in New York, USA. Their purpose is to spread fear and alarm about – or as they say “raise public awareness of” — what they claim is a “Climate Emergency” or “Climate Crisis”. They are overtly political, liberal-progressive and in the U.S.’s two-party political system, not only actively support and promote the Democratic party and its policy platforms, but overtly urge blaming the opposing Republican party for failing to support climate alarmism – to the extreme that they call for “political leaders who deny the well-established science of climate change ‘should be tried for crimes against humanity.’” [ source ]

        CCNow claims to feed stories to 460 media outlets around the world, with a daily penetration of 2 billion readers or listeners. [ source ]

        Their approach is to feed pre-written stories, editorial narratives and shared resources to magnify the voices of alarm to convince the world’s people that there is a Climate Crisis that demands everyone giving up fossil fuels, access to inexpensive electrical power, air travel, natural gas heating and cooking and the myriad other benefits of modern life that are a normal part of our developed societies. In addition, they provide story-sharing opportunities where stories in one media outlet can be feely re-posted/re-pubished to another, or used as the basis for “original” re-writing at another media outlet.

        Source – https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/05/22/following-the-money-covering-climate-now/

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    The press is somewhat schizophrenic. They believe that change happens, yet they believe it is static. E.g., since the ice was a minimum last year; therefore, it must forever be low.

    • dm says:

      More facets of their multiple personality disorder:

      Weather: Antarctic sea ice extent swings from record low in 1964 to record high in 1968–just 4 years.

      Climate: Antarctic sea ice extent sets NEW record highs in 2012, 2013 & 2014 then approaches record low in 2024.

      Catastrophic climate change: The drop from the 2012-2014 RECORD highs to the low 2024 level is stronger evidence of gore-bull warming than the 40+ year time span between the 1968 and 2012-2014 record highs is of a cooling trend in the Antarctic region. A change over 10 years is more representative of climate change than the change over 40+ years even though climate is supposedly what develops over 30 or so years. Weather is what happens over SHORTER times spans.

  3. stewartpid says:

    Not sure if this link will work for you Tony but Salzburg Austria had the earliest? skiing opening ever on Sept 15th … I joked with wife & friends that it is yet another sure sign of GLO-BULL warming.
    Also last week a woman got caught out hiking in the Italian Alps / Dolomites and froze to death … she used to lay awake nights worrying about the boiling hot oceans!!

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