Reuters “fact checked” me without mentioning my name.
They confirmed what I was saying, and then said it was “cherry-picked” data.
Fact Check: Cherry-picked Antarctic ice data does not disprove climate change | Reuters
Ten years ago when Antarctic sea ice was at a record high, academics tried to blame it on global warming.
“So as counterintuitive as expanding winter Antarctic sea ice may appear on a warming planet, it may actually be a manifestation of recent warming. “Both the Arctic and the Antarctic are responding to climate change, and both have areas that are warming rapidly,” explains NSIDC lead scientist Ted Scambos.”
Antarctic winter sea ice extent sets new record in 2014 | NOAA
Antarctic sea ice extent at the end of January was about the same as it was during January 1976.
If they’d only fact checked a tiny bit more,
they’d have found out that the 1979 data originates from the ice age scare
and they went so far to protect their arctic ice extent scam that they pretend that there was no arctic satellite data prior to 1978,
though data exists since the mid 60ies.
And this is the biggest cherry pick of them all.
(btw single year averages can be cherry picks too,Mrs Holmes).
Sadly only the more equal animals are allowed to pick cherries.
The less equal pick the cherry stones from the ground.
And a real and hoenest Artic Sea Ice fact check would never be about this stuff,
but about the fact that they are fact checking the impossible..
Arctic Sea Ice and the fact that it shouldn’t be there in 2024 according to experts
and never ever even being remotely close to the Sea Ice extent it had 45 years ago.
Artic Sea Ice is a thing of the past – since 2014(Nobel Prize Proof Date).
But just as with DOGE they absolutely ignore the real scandal and Focus on irrelevant stuff.
By coincidence, the ferry boats at New York City harbor still land at the same docks as they did in 1979. also in 1929. Currently six below zero in South Central Minnesota and that’s without the wind. Thank goodness for global warming otherwise it’d be seven and a half degrees below zero. Actually it will be seven and a half degrees below zero in about an hour or two.