Big Oil Gets Outspent Almost 4 to 1 By Big Government In California

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Big Oil Gets Outspent Almost 4 to 1 By Big Government In California

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Opponents of Prop 23??? Californians are completely unaware of such things. Big oil, Bush, Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Palin, opps–now Bachmann, they are the nemesis of everything.

    But if it was someone gay, with a pony tail, riding a bike in the car lane (as opposed to in the bike lane next to the car lane), and drinking a Starbucks while counting their money, texting, and listening to an iPod…… they’d put it in a gold frame.

  2. Ed Campo says:

    Thanks to the repeal not working I can expect the fuel prices to double here in California. Green jobs are a joke. With countries like China using more and more do not be surprised to see fuel prices rise all around the USA.

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