Global Warming Strikes Wyoming

A little brisk?

How will the homeless Pine Beetles survive?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Global Warming Strikes Wyoming

  1. suyts says:

    Well, it isn’t that bad here, but warmcold is kicking my azz.

    15° F Snow/Blowing Snow(predicted for the next 30 hrs) -4° F(wind chill) 85%(chance of precip) 84% (humidity)
    wind From NNW 25 mph ……… day off from work. I was sure I could make it but was instructed to stay home. I’m well supplied on everything except cigs………ahhh.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Just looked at some weather observations. Dallas is 20 (F) and snowing with winds over 5o mph. Both Tulsa and Oklahoma City are getting severe blizzards and whiteout conditions. OKC is 9 degrees and Tulsa is 14. That is the same system headed to Chicago later today.

    I imagine this will be blamed on global warming as well.

  3. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    See how selfish people are? They haven’t even built shelters for Pine Beetles!

  4. Mike Davis says:

    According to NWS I just get half inch of rain and mild temperatures in the 50s! 🙁
    I will just struggle to live with the conditions! With NWS accuracy so far this season I could get a foot of snow and the temperature could not get above freezing for the next two weeks! On the other hand it could turn into an early spring! Both “Normal” conditions this time of the year when you look at historical variations!

  5. suyts says:

    13 F and dropping. I made it out of my driveway, only to be confronted with drifts on the road. Tomorrow’s high, 10F that’s -12C for the rest of the world.

  6. Everyone’s worried about Global Warming. Me, I’m shouting “Global Cooling!!!” From the rooftops whenever I get the chance….

  7. Ralph says:

    74F here in Tampa this afternoon. I really hate global warming, sometimes.. not today though 🙂

  8. Michael says:

    The Pine Beetles have this built into their system. The Humans-well, TS. That actually sounds good. You should be in Western MA. For Montana and Wyoming that’s normal. This cycling in the “Temperate” zone was postulated 40 years ago.

  9. Denis says:

    It is minus 30F in Gillette, Wyo this am. I’ve worked outside much of my life and I never get used to it. To this day it remains a struggle to be in temperatures that cold. As for the beetles, they seem to thrive or die out based on a combination of many factors such as age of forest, density of growth, size of the trees, amount of rainfall, health of trees, burning or logging, who and how plentiful their predators are. Sure climate affects some of these factors.

    • BioBob says:

      shhhh….. don’t spoil the simplicity brought to us by the warmists with complex reality. The simple narrative is just so compelling and makes it all so easy to understand !

  10. Lance says:

    -31.5 C this morning just south of Calgary, HOWEVER, nice chinook is starting to develop!! I’ll take that CAGW (chinook) any day!

  11. Lynn says:

    I need to go outside in the -2 weather to shovel 6 inches of global warming from my driveway. I’ll probably suffer from heat stroke while out there, it’s so dang hot.

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