Trenberth : “Heat-trapping carbon dioxide is building up in the atmosphere”

Current NCAR temperature is -5.4F. Perhaps Kevin doesn’t get outside much?

“Political philosophy has a legitimate role in policy debates, but not in the underlying climate science,” the scientists said in the letter. “There are no Democratic or Republican carbon dioxide molecules; they are all invisible and they all trap heat.”

Climate Change Deniers
Climate change deniers cloak themselves in scientific language, selectively critiquing aspects of mainstream climate science. Sometimes they present alternative hypotheses as an explanation of a particular point, as if the body of evidence were a house of cards standing or falling on one detail; but the edifice of climate science instead rests on a concrete foundation. As an open letter from 255 NAS members noted in the May 2010 Science magazine, no research results have produced any evidence that challenges the overall scientific understanding of what is happening to our planet’s climate and why.

The assertions of climate deniers therefore should not be given scientific weight equal to the comprehensive, peer-reviewed research presented by the vast majority of climate scientists.

John Abraham, University of St. Thomas
Barry Bickmore, Brigham Young University
Gretchen Daily,* Stanford University
G. Brent Dalrymple,* Oregon State University
Andrew Dessler, Texas A&M University
Peter Gleick,* Pacific Institute
John Kutzbach,* University of Wisconsin-Madison
Syukuro Manabe,* Princeton University
Michael Mann, Penn State University     Pamela Matson,* Stanford University
Harold Mooney,* Stanford University
Michael Oppenheimer, Princeton University
Ben Santer, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Richard Somerville, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Kevin Trenberth, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Warren Washington, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Gary Yohe, Wesleyan University
George Woodwell,* The Woods Hole Research Center

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Trenberth : “Heat-trapping carbon dioxide is building up in the atmosphere”

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    At noon their time, Oklahoma City was 6 degrees (F), heavy snow and wind gusts to 48 mph. Dodge City, KS was O (F) and snowing. Wichita was 4 with heavy snow. Those temps are approximately 45 degrees below normal. Kansas City was a balmy 15 with heavy snow.

    The louder they scream, the colder it gets and the more it snows!

  2. BioBob says:

    “The assertions of climate deniers therefore should not be given scientific weight equal to the comprehensive, peer-reviewed research presented by the vast majority of climate scientists.”

    Ah ! I see. So comprehensive, peer-reviewed research presented by the vast ‘minority’ of climate denier scientists should not be given scientific equal weight !!

    Orwell spoke so truly when he said “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.

  3. mkelly says:

    “…they are all invisible and they all trap heat.”

    I won’t claim to be as smart as Mr. Trenberth, but I am absolutely positive that you cannot trap heat. If CO2 was trapping heat then once trapped it would not heat anything else. CO2 has a low heat capacity, low conductivity and will immediately emit any IR that it absorbs.

  4. T G Watkins says:

    A nice list to consult when the day of reckoning comes,soon hopefully.

  5. Lazlo says:

    ‘no research results have produced any evidence that challenges the overall scientific understanding of what is happening to our planet’s climate and why’

    What liars – they know this is not true.

    A pathetic small bunch of politically perverted, so-called scientists.

  6. BT Harley says:

    This list would make a good start for a Congressional inquiry or better still, a Grand Jury or whatever Americans call it. In Australia it would be a Royal Commission…

  7. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    It’s Trenberth’s love of truth that is missing.

  8. PhilJourdan says:

    Next comes rounding up all those that do not think like trenberth and sending them to re-education camps.

    History does not change, just the players.

  9. Dana says:

    I really want to see an actual scientist explain how a CO2 molecule can both “trap” AND “radiate” at the same time. It seems they are offering dual properties to this magical molecule.

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