Democratic Senators Explain : Global Warming Causes A Shortage Of Snow



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Democratic Senators Explain : Global Warming Causes A Shortage Of Snow

  1. Michael says:

    Criminey Steve – I’m willing to share. I’ve got lots.
    (P.S.- Don’t ever let Senators explain anything. )

  2. Lance says:

    Unfortunately, their not just confined to the USA, we have a whole crop of them in Canada.

    • Philip Finck says:

      Amen to that andthey are pervasive within the public (Federal) and civil (Provincial) services.

      Here is an e-mail from a former colleague.

      “Phil – good discussion the other day. Appreciated hearing your point of view.

      Had the conversation continued I would have built upon the idea of precautionary principle to the moral obligation of environmental stewardship. I think you have good points to make about the flaws in Climate Change science and those should be challenged and either disposed of or rectified. On the other hand the legitimate scientific evidence identifying the cumulative effects of GHGs cannot be ignored. The way I see it Climate Change proponents and opponents own only part of the truth, but neither has the answer. Nevertheless there is enough credible evidence to urge us to act out of moral obligation, erring on the side of caution, and caring for the only planet we have.

      Doing nothing, continuing on a path of exponential growth or not acting to avoid economic growth impacts does make sense to me and to a significant portion of opinion-polled populations ( and I suspect – many more than that – hence the common-sense factor I mentioned to you). Current economics does not account for all the costs of production and until we shift from standard GDP to full-cost GDP we will continue to live and consume at the expense of the same natural systems we rely upon. To me this has far greater significance than getting climate change right. Having said that I am also concerned we do not throw vast sums of money at schemes that turn out to be science-for-science sake or proverbial bridges-to-nowhere. So while I agree with you that the flaws must be identified and rectified, it should be done in a way that is progressive and not regressive – especially unimpaired by vested interests such as research tenure, political power and corporate profit”.

      As you can see, that person really didn’t care if climate change was real. The real agenda was an economic one that would have far reaching implications…… but don’t wait for the public to be told this.

  3. Dave N says:

    I guess in 2007 they weren’t listening to those experts who had apparently been saying that AGW causes more snow. Such ignorance.

  4. Al Gored says:

    Great video Steven!

    Among the many inconvenient comments I particularly liked when Boxer said “We have seen the snow melt.” Very convincing evidence. Could scare the children every spring.

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    The boogie man will get you if you don’t watch out!

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