Warm January an outcome of global warming


“Warm January” meaning below normal.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Warm January an outcome of global warming

  1. suyts says:

    Steve, you’re not really getting this warmcold thing. Obviously, January was warm, we can tell by the colder temperatures. Everyone, by now, should know that colder temperatures are indicative of heat. Brilliant scientists and journalists alike all agree that cold is a clear signature of heat. So, when satellites show cooling, we all know it was the heat wat dunnit.

  2. Michael says:

    While I’m up to my Y-y- in snow and sleet, the temperature here is Massachusetts is much warmer than where my wife is (Arkansas) and they have 4 inches of solid ice.
    I just thought I’d throw that in to clarify things.


  3. Tokamak says:

    A man went to the doctors complaining that he had the measles, the doctor examined him and could find no trace of illness in his body, “Ah” said the patient “but have you looked in my hat?” The doctor looked at him incredulously and told him he had to be joking. ” If it’s not in my body” the fellow insisted, “the only place it can be is in my hat” . The doctor by now was eyeing him warily and thinking how to get him sectioned when the man began explaining to him about Dr. Kevin Trenberth and his missing heat. Convinced by the irrefutable logic of a fellow professional the doctor went on to found a whole new and lucrative branch of medicine

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