Top Scientist 1988 : Half Of Earth’s Oxygen To Be Lost

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Top Scientist 1988 : Half Of Earth’s Oxygen To Be Lost

  1. Baa Humbug says:

    Best we ban ozone depleting gasses then ha?

  2. Alan McIntire says:

    Dr Squires calls a runaway greenhouse the result of a “negative feedback”. One who doesn’t know the difference between positive feedback and negative feedback should not be pontificating on feedbacks.

  3. Jeff K says:

    I wish there was a book, compiling all the failed doomsday predictions of these frauds, that I could easily refer to when debating with friends and family. What I’ve found is that I’ll make a wager that whatever it is won’t happen if the prediction is within my lifetime; they never take it.

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