SMH : All Weather Is Now Due To CO2

Given this catalogue of global disaster, would now be a good time for the climate change flat-earthers to shut up and listen, do you think? Just for a day or two, or even five minutes?

They won’t, of course. The global warming denialists ignore the great body of world scientific opinion. When the Queensland catastrophe leaves the headlines the local lot will be at it again, barfing up their crackpot notions.


The argument, Brown’s included, is simply that as the planet gets warmer, these rains and floods, droughts and blizzards will become more frequent and more destructive of life and the environment.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to SMH : All Weather Is Now Due To CO2

  1. DEEBEE says:

    I think all the global waming of the past 50 years or so has been caused by this gasbag’s mouth. Oh! let metake that back then the temperatures would have really increased, even without adjustments.

  2. 4TimesAYear says:

    Ah, yes – the sun, tilt of the earth on its axis, planet roataion and orbit have nothing to do with it…..

  3. Greg. Cavanagh says:

    Its just a political piece, the guy isn’t commenting on the science, he’s doing a political rant, with only references to appeals to authority to substantiate his bombasts.

  4. Ferenz says:

    CO2 makes about 0.024% of the Earth atmosphere. Of that, only about 8% can be attributed to mankind, even using the most outrageous assumptions. The Greenhouse effect is caused by the trapping of IR radiated energy (“heat” radiation). CO2 can only absorb about 5% of the IR spectrum – that’s just physics – if you don’t believe it, enrol in a Physics or Chemistry course at University and you will be able to conduct the experiments yourself in the first year. If you do the simple maths, you find that about 0.01% of the Greenhouse heat absorption can be attributed to CO2 emissions due to mankind. That is if you assume that CO2 IR absorption is 100% efficient (and it isn’t). So even if we stopped CO2 emissions altogether, and even eliminated all CO2 (that would really be the end of us) we would not even make the slightest dent in the trend of global climate, one way or the other. Of course the Greenhouse effect is due almost entirely to water vapour in the atmosphere and to clouds (tiny water droplets and ice crystals). Perhaps we should tax the use of ice? (we already tax water use).

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