Cars Are The Problem

I took my dogs out for a bike ride around midnight last night. It had been snowing hard for several hours and temperatures were about 8F (-13C.) Amazingly, not a single car had driven over the snow anywhere in my neighborhood. The snow was perfect for cycling – consistent texture and not slippery.

As soon as cars get on it, the snow will get icy and bumpy.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Cars Are The Problem

  1. suyts says:

    lol, my problem was the opposite last snow storm. While I had dutifully started my truck and moved it around for a bit, no vehicles had traveled the road I live on. After the storm, I was stuck at the house for about 2 days. Hopefully, we won’t get as much snow and drifts like the last time.

  2. Brian G Valentine says:

    Good for you. That is good exercise on a bike. I like to run in the snow.

    Not on the topic, but did you read about the guy who ran 365 consecutive marathons? Best time just under 3 hours, average time 4 hours. He is 49 years of age

    How anybody could do that, I’d like to know

  3. Airframe Eng says:

    The rockies have the most beautiful fluffy snow. Get a nice base, and hit the slopes mid week when you get a big dump.

    Nothing like 30 inches of powder on a 60 degree slope. Ski all day, then do your run thru the canyon. Follow with ice cold beer.

  4. Erik says:

    No car – no roads – end of problem

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