Global Warming Made Mubarek Resign

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Global Warming Made Mubarek Resign

  1. Ben D says:


  2. Andy Weiss says:

    So I guess the American Revolution in 1776 and the French Revolution in 1789 must have somehow resulted from Global Warming as well. All that heat during January in Egypt must have been overwhelming.

  3. mikeintokyo says:

    You wrote, “When these populations are already restless due to poor economic conditions and inadequate human rights, this can trigger violent and non-violent popular uprisings.”

    Absolute and complete hogwash…. It should say, “When these populations are already restless due to poor economic conditions and inadequate human rights, this can trigger violent and non-violent popular uprisings as well as lethargy amongst the masses – whichever is more conducive to AGW theorists.”

    There. That’s better.

  4. omnologos says:

    whenever a bright mind makes such a stupid argument, just remind them that if the IRS had the same mindset people would be investigated for tax evasion after buying their Christmas presents, as any spending activity is “compatible” with having secret Swiss bank accounts and buying presents is “exactly what we should expect to happen” when people have undeclared earnings…

  5. suyts says:

    That was just mind boggling stupid. Even the comments were daft beyond description. Did the guy even watch any of the coverage? “climate change -> crop failures -> rising food prices -> political upheaval?”

    Did anyone see any starving people in the riots? I’ve seen hunger before. When I watched the riots I didn’t see hunger in these people, I saw what more closely resembles angst with hope.

    Does anyone else think its odd that when announced that the military will oversee the transition they started celebratory chanting something akin to “We’re free!!”?

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      I don’t think they should have said “we’re free”. They should just say “we’re different”. One of my favorite movie lines of all time is from Sir Cedric Hardwicke in Les Miserables, “Free? When is a man free? I wish someone would tell me.”

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Total Hog Wash.

    Why things are not going to get better in Egypt but much worse:


    As the EU is sucking up food crops from outside European territory the production of bio fuels is accelerated by mandate. Egypt awaits an ordeal comparable to the times of the 10 plagues. This time the plagues will be triggered by the UN, the EU, the Obama Administration and the Brotherhood of Islam working in close cooperation with Iran.

    Chaos, violence and wide spread famine is what not only Egypt awaits but the entire Arab world. What will make matters worse is the imminent threat of nuclear escalation and a global economic crash.

    Please read: As the lies come crashing down.

  7. Baa Humbug says:

    Whoever wrote that is a bucking idiot.


    There has been no discernable increase in food prices in Egypt other than the usual ups and downs experienced in any country.

    these Richard Craniums will link AGW to anything and everything.

    Bucking idiots.

  8. Chris F says:

    Funny how Israel is in the same region and is also a desert area yet it’s folks are happy and prosperous. I don’t think weather is the deciding factor here.

  9. Jeff K says:

    Egypt will become the world’s poster child, “be careful what you wish for.”

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