Romm : UN Official Wants To Stabilize The Climate

Maybe we can stabilize the climate to be like it was 50 years ago?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Romm : UN Official Wants To Stabilize The Climate

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Baghdad Romm, Barney Fife of the Left, guardian of the sacred manmade global warming myth.

  2. suyts says:

    lol, I’ve seen another occasion where she said similar things. I wonder if these loons really believe we can stabilize the climate? Sometimes I think, “no way they believe this crap!” Like when Rudd and Gore buy beach front property, you know they don’t. But then you have loons like Figueres make these statements. Do they want us to believe we can stabilize the climate? Well probably, but the skeptic community is growing. Ain’t gonna happen. Do they want us to believe they believe. Well yes, they do.

    So, if they ever got people to believe they could control the weather, what next?

  3. Dave N says:

    Interesting to note that while Szechuan, western Yunnan and Kiangsu were experiencing drought, the western most part of Yunnan (how further west can they get?) and North China were battling flood. Such variation of extremes must have been due to AGW, right?

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    Those places have a much more erratic climate for growing grain than in the
    US Corn and Wheat growing areas, Cronic droughts and floods are the norm, not the exception

  5. Justa Joe says:

    The socialists are God like in their ability to “stabilize” the climate.

  6. DennisA says:

    It isn’t widely known that Figueres was trained by Al Gore, says so on her web site, also quite involved with carbon trading:

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