Global Warming Could Change Evolution

Apes will rule the planet again.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Global Warming Could Change Evolution

  1. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    wow the 1mm/year sea level rise will stress all the animals that just went thru the 100m sea level rise not long ago

  2. Latitude says:

    climate is the main driver of evolution……… yeah what’s their point

  3. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    But when it warms species boom and plants boom. How many species live in Antarctica, how many at the equator?

  4. The girl in that movie was hot.

  5. Charles Higley says:

    Plants and the rest of the biota have spent most of the last 600 million years with much higher CO2 than now, up to 2000-6000 ppm, not the almost starving 390 ppm we have now.

    These people so desperate, they will claim anything.

  6. Chris Riley says:

    A picture is worth a thousand words. Why does “water -cannon” pop into my head as the solution to the problem depicted in the photo accompanying the article?

  7. John Marshall says:

    They need to get out more and look at the real world.

  8. Tom Servo says:

    get your hands off me, you damned dirty apes!

    It’s a Madhouse, I tell you, a MADHOUSE!!!

  9. Jerry says:

    Another “we don’t know what will happen but it’s worth a scary headline” story. How transparently pathetic. Do they think people can’t read and understand that they have “discovered” nothing new or valuable with this “investigation” of plant responses to more CO2. Oh; and how much more are they inducing in the study? Is is the megadoses like they give to lab rats testing for carcinogenesis? How many ppm? More of the “settled science,” I guess. We’re not supposed to ask.

  10. Dennis Stillings says:

    Apes rule the planet now.

  11. Hal says:

    George Taylor:
    “Oh my God. I’m back. I’m home. All the time, it was… We finally really did it. ”

    George Taylor:
    “You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!”

  12. Petrossa says:

    Besides the fact that primates are primates, so which one rules hardly matters, one wonders if they’d be able to make such a mess of it as us. All things considered it would be best for the environment /sarc

  13. DERise says:

    I travel constantly, and stay in hotels. They leave me 2 bars of soap, and shampoo, body wash, conditioner, lotion, etc. every day. I toss that in a box, and send it to an under developed country along with clothing, education supplies and food on an irregular basis. When I saw that picture at the bottom, I thought time to hand it out there. Someone needs a bath!

  14. Carbonicus says:

    So will the next Ice Age or when a meteor the size of Kansas hits their dear Gaia (…might reroute evolution).

    But, alas, none of the eco-socialists have figured out a way to convince the world’s sheeple that Ice Ages or meteor strikes are due to capitalism, free markets, or the use of fossil fuels (yet…give them time). But no snow/record snow, drought/floods, heat waves/deadly cold, and every other weather event no matter how contradictory to logic or to previous hyperbolic rhetoric they’ve spewed is, clearly, all caused by capitalism, freedom, overpopulation, and the use of fossil fuels.

    It is said that when everything is proof of your hypothesis, nothing is.

    Looks, folks. Neo-environmentalism is gaiarrhea. It is nothing more – and nothing less – that the modern reconstitution of Marxism and socialism central planning under what they think is a bullet proof moral cause: “saving the planet and humanity” for which they believe world’s disaffected sheeple will rally. Do not give it to them.

    The green road to serfdom is a road to serfdom. It leads nowhere else. And it doesn’t matter whether it is painted in worker equality utopianism or save the planet gaiarrhea. What’s at the end of the road is the same.

    Don’t give them the road. Deny them.

  15. Axel says:

    Planet of the Apes?
    Surely that was a film fantasy?

    However factual videos by many famous climate realist
    authors, can be seen at the website linked to my name.
    ! The Fraudulent Climate of Hokum Science !
    ! Where Hokum Climate Science is exposed as Fraudulent !

    Hundreds of full feature length presenatations, culled
    from websites and playlists all around the world. Where
    there are many duplicates, we take the time to select the
    most reliable streams. When a video might be taken down,
    it will be replaced by a duplicate from elsewhere, so you
    don’t have to search for it. PDF Books, News and arcane
    material that is essential if you are to understand the
    bogus and fraudulent agenda of the climate doomsayers.

    Javascript should be enabled to get the widest selection
    of videos and other materials, since many players and
    applets rely upon javascript on the website.

    The website is non commercial. You do not need to sign up.
    Climate warmists are welcome, and please educate yourself.

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