There Wasn’t Enough Moisture In The Atmosphere To Cause Floods In Britain In The 19th Century

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to There Wasn’t Enough Moisture In The Atmosphere To Cause Floods In Britain In The 19th Century

  1. Dammit, Steve.
    You know these clowns aren’t going to go for burst-dam floods. Find a monsoon story.

    Then again, it wouldn’t surprise me to see a “Global Warming causes dams to fail” paper come out any day…desperate times and all that.

  2. Mike Davis says:

    That was all rewritten by the Oil Interest groups to give people the false impression that weather was extreme at some periods in the past. The historic records used by the “World Renown” Nobel Peace Prize winning Climatologists shows the climate was “Just Right” in the past and any different claims must be propaganda!!!!!!!!!!

    Climate extremes are the major driver of all human technical advancements! If humans lived in an ideal Paradise there would have been no need for adapting to changes. An example of this would be the South Seas islanders! Along with many groups living in the tropics.

  3. Doug says:

    How about England in 1506 when most of the country was flooded for 3 straight months.

  4. Dani says:

    Extreme storms category.

    I am sure what is being posted in this thread is just scratching the surface of what can be discovered.

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